Page 23 - PWM2024_May EBook
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      UPM Raflatac unveils Carbon                                                              Compostable
      Action portfolio                                                                         developed a compostable
                                                                                                Parkside  Flexibles  has

                                                                                               crisps packet for British
                                                                                               brewery Beavertown, for its
        UPM  Raflatac  has                                               quantifiable emissions   unique campaign designed
      launched its Carbon Action                                         reductions to empower cus-  to start conversations
      Plastic Labels portfolio to                                        tomers and brands to   around mental health.
      demonstrate  its  commit-                                          reduce the carbon footprint   Beavertown is known
      ment to the Climate Action                                         of their packaging materials   across the UK for its craft
      initiative and help its cus-                                       without compromising on   beers including Neck Oil,
      tomers reduce the carbon                                           label quality or perfor-  Gamma Ray, Lupuloid and
      footprint of their packaging                                       mance.  It marks an impor-  Bones. Alongside its beers,
      materials and drive action                                         tant milestone in the   the brewery has this month
      towards a low carbon circu-                                        company’s journey beyond   partnered with the
                                                                         fossil-based materials.
      lar economy.                                                       According to the UN, today   Campaign Against Living
        The first products offered   New products to drive action for a low carbon circular economy  only 15 percent of the   Miserably (CALM) to
      under the Carbon Action                                            Sustainable Development   launch a limited-edition
      portfolio will be available to   Renewable materials that  underpinned by the DEKRA   Goal targets are on track. In   packet of crisps with a dif-
      customers in EMEIA and   enable Recycling or Reuse.   validated LCA calculation   September 2023, UPM   ference: cheddar and jala-
      the Americas. Further prod-  Designed to address the   process through UPM   joined  the  UN  Global   peño flavored crisps aimed
      ucts are planned to be   entire value chain’s impact,  Raflatac’s Label Life ser-  Compact Forward Faster ini-  at starting conversations
      launched as part of the port-  the Carbon Action portfolio   vice.  tiative to accelerate this pace.     around mental health.
      folio, all of which will focus  offers  a path  towards   The launch of this new   UPM commits to setting sci-  The new Open Up crisps
      on supporting the multiple   achieving Scope 3 emission  portfolio leverages the   ence-based net-zero emis-  will be available at more
      circular economy Rs –   reductions for printers and   power of circular economy   sion reduction targets in line   than 260 pubs across the
      Reduced, Recycled, or   brand owners. This is   principles  and  provides   with a 1.5°C pathway  UK.
      DYM Machinery names Flexo                                          Plastic-free RFID

      Image Graphics distributor                                         inlays and tags

        Flexo Image Graphics                                              Avery Dennison has
      (FIG), a distributor of flexo                                      expanded its AD Pure range,
      presses and associated equip-                                      a portfolio of inlays and tags
      ment in the Indian subconti-                                       which are entirely PET plas-
      nent, has partnered with                                           tic-free.  AD Pure inlays and
      DYM Machinery (DYM) to                                             tags are sustainably produced
      distribute its non-stop roll                                       with antenna manufacturing
      changing  machines that                                            technology. The antenna and   Avery Dennison’s portfolio
      address waste control as well                                      chips are applied directly on
      as improve print quality and                                       paper, making the range 100   uct or part authentication,
      productivity.                                                      percent plastic-free. The   supply chain, and asset man-
        Gourav Roy,  managing   Gourav Roy, managing director, Flexo Image Graphics  inlays and tags offer substan-  agement, compared to foam-
      director, Flexo Image   solutions with a focus on   Patented DYM automatic   tial carbon footprint savings   based inlays and hard tags.
      Graphics, remarked: ‘With   sizeable waste control while   waste matrix collector is suit-  of 70-90 percent compared   The tags can also be used on
      our collaboration with DYM,   meeting other  evolving   ably designed for difficult   to traditional inlay manufac-  plastic and cardboard sur-
      we now can provide    needs.’                light art paper and/or special-  turing processes, as verified
      advanced solutions for pack-  Jesin Wang, global sales   shaped waste. It is a high-pre-  by independent Life Cycle   faces as a standard tag. AD
      aging and printing businesses   director, DYM Machinery   cision tension control system   Analysis (LCA) studies.   Dogbone U9 Pure is designed
      that need significant control   (DYM), mentioned: ‘In our   for safe waste automation,   There are five products in   for industry and supply-chain
      of wastes and continuous roll   extensive search for a distri-  which reduces waste disposal   the expanded range.  AD   applications offering quality
      changing without compro-  bution partner for the Indian   workload. DYM non-stop         performance on difficult-to-
      mising workflow and produc-  subcontinent and its neigh-  machines help in reducing   Midas Flagtag U9 Pure is   tag materials such as card-
      tivity. This new partnership   boring markets, we found   material wastes and energy,   designed for item-level tag-
      indicates our fresh commit-  FIG as one of the most relia-  which in turn improves   ging on diverse surfaces. It is   board and plastic, glass and
      ment to offering our custom-  ble names. After all, FIG has   printing efficiency, accord-  a cost-efficient UHF RFID   in other demanding, close-
      ers diverse and innovative  a substantial market share.’   ing to FIG.  on-metal solution for prod-  coupling environments.                                                                      May 2024 PrintWeek MENA 21
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