Page 24 - PWM2024_May EBook
P. 24

NEWS          GLOBAL

       IN BRIEF                                    Koenig & Bauer Durst

       Celloglas has filed a Notice
       of Intention to Appoint
       Administrators (NOI) with a                 hires Benjamin Bösch
       buyer said to be in the
       wings for its business and
       assets. The NOI was filed
       yesterday (29 April) by                      Benjamin Bösch has been                     Having originally trained
       solicitors Blake Morgan,                    appointed to a newly created                at Stuttgart Media
       with three insolvency                       role of Sales Director for                  University, Benjamin began
       practitioners from RSM UK Restructuring in Manchester set   Koenig & Bauer Durst, a
       to be appointed by Celloglas’ directors. Celloglas sales   global market leader of single   his working life in project
       director Steve Middleton told Printweek the NOI was a pro-  pass digital sheet-fed press   management before moving
       cedure related to the upcoming sale: “We have a preferred                               over to sales roles 14 years
       offer from a third party and this is the prelude to the deal   systems and software systems
       being completed in the near future,” he said. Celloglas   for the folding carton and   Textile transfer printing solution   ago. With more than 25
       operates from three sites in Reading, Leeds and Leicester   corrugated industry, in a stra-  years’ experience in the
       and employs 77 staff. Its business and assets were put up for   tegic move to capitalize on   Koenig & Bauer organiza-  printing and packaging
       sale earlier this month, in a fast-track process that appeared   growing folding carton and   tions. His wide remit will   industry, Benjamin joins
       likely to involve some form of administration.  It said   corrugated markets that are   involve working closely with
       Celloglas had sales of £9.8m in calendar year 2023 and   ripe for digital transforma-  existing customers and sales   Koenig & Bauer Durst from
       made a net loss of around £100,000.                                                     Landa where he had been
                                                   tion.                 teams and developing new
       Macfarlane Group has                         Benjamin will be manag-  sales strategies to add more   regional manager for DACH.
       marked 75 years of busi-                    ing territories and working   value for Koenig & Bauer   The K&B Durst portfolio
       ness with celebrations                      closely with sales depart-  Durst in corrugated and fold-  includes the CorruJET and
       amongst its staff across the                                      ing carton markets.
       UK and Europe. The pack-                    ments within the Durst &                    Delta SPC 130 systems.
       aging company was
       founded on 26 April 1949                    Flint Group leadership
       by the late Lord Macfarlane. From a small office in Glasgow,
       Macfarlane Group has grown significantly over the decades
       and today supplies more than 600,000 product lines to   Following the successful   as Chief Executive Officer   new Board appointed and at
       20,000 industrial and retail customers. It has 1,700 suppli-  completion of Flint Group’s   executing Flint’s successful   a time of strong operational
       ers and employs over 1,000 people across its 40 sites, prin-  debt restructuring last   strategy closely supported by   performance, I believe it’s
       cipally in the UK, as well as in Ireland, Germany, and the                              the right moment to hand
       Netherlands and is listed on the main London Stock   September and the estab-  the Board of Directors and
       Exchange. Macfarlane Group CEO Peter Atkinson said: “We   lishment of a new Board of  the Executive Committee.  over to the person who will
       are excited to reach this significant anniversary in the com-  Directors, Steve Dryden has   “Leading this company   lead the business through its
       pany’s history and we wanted to celebrate this date with                                next chapter,” said Steve
       our valued colleagues. “We would also like to thank our   informed the Board of his   through the challenges of a   Dryden.
       thousands of customers and suppliers for the trust they   intention to leave Flint   restructuring and change in   Jason Clarke, Chairman of
       place in us and for their continued support.”  Group effective later this   ownership has been a privi-  Flint Group, said, “On
                                                   year. The Board will make a  lege. I’m extremely proud of   behalf of the Board, I would
       Authorities in the US have                  further announcement   what we have accomplished
       responded to Kodak’s call                                                               like to thank Steve for his
       for tariffs to be levied on                 regarding a successor to   together, despite the head-  leadership and dedication to
       certain imported printing                   Steve in due course. In the  winds that we faced in these   Flint Group and its stake-
       plates, with a preliminary                  meantime Steve will con-  past years. With the restruc-  holders during a period of
       decision to impose hefty                    tinue to perform his duties   turing process complete, a
       duties on plates from                                                                   change.”
       Japan and China. In the
       autumn of 2023 Kodak called for the tariffs citing “unfairly   BOBST Application Management
       low prices” that significantly undercut pricing in Kodak’s
       domestic market. Kodak is the last remaining manufac-
       turer of aluminium plates in the States. Preliminary find-
       ings from the US Department of Commerce state that com-  BOBST Application              ization, automation, connec-
       bined countervailing duties and anti-dumping duties   Management is a hands-on          tivity and sustainability.
       should be applied to plates manufactured in China for   innovative consulting service    “With over 130 years of
       Fujifilm of 102.07%; and for all other manufacturers of   from BOBST, which can be
       171.12%. Plates made by Fujifilm in Japan have been hand-                               leadership in the packaging
       ed a preliminary dumping duty of 87.81%. In a letter to   scaled to the specific needs of   industry, BOBST is much
       customers, Kodak chairman and CEO Jim Continenza said   converters and brand own-       more than a manufacturer of
       the Department of Commerce had determined that Chinese   ers.     A new hands-on service
       and Japanese manufacturers had been “dumping” plates   T h r ou g h  B O BS T   value chain.  machines, we are industry
       into the United States “at a price that is below that pro-  Application Management,   Application Management   experts and thought leaders
       ducer’s sales price in the country of origin (for plates from                           and can offer significant
       Japan) or at a price that is lower than the cost of production   customers can receive guid-  is the latest major initiative to
       (for plates from China).” Import statistics cited by the US   ance on technologies, raw   help BOBST fulfil its vision to   insight and counsel to our
       trade authorities state that the value of printing plates   materials, sustainability, pro-  shape the future of the pack-  customers,” said Xavier
       imported into the US from Japan nearly doubled in 2022, to   cesses, and business cases   aging world for its customers,  Bonamour, BOBST
       just under $88m (£70m).                     along the entire packaging   based on the pillars of digital-  Application Manager.

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