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      Star product
      Fiery Digital Factory v11.1

      A wide-format-specific RIP for high-fidelity colour printing with high-end job management tools, says Simon Eccles

                                                                                     How does it work?
                                                                                       This is Windows 10/11 software. It’s a
                                                                                     queue-based system with a RIP, and driv-
                                                                                     ers available for many output devices.
                                                                                     There are “professional grade” tools for
                                                                                     ICC profiling, colour calibration and con-
                                                                                     trol. The tailored Digital Factory pack-
                                                                                     ages offer specific features, such as
                                                                                     advanced white ink settings for DTF or
                                                                                     3D viewers for layered UV printing.
                                                                                     Version 11.1 introduces a new interface
                                                                                     with clearer navigation and “user-
                                                                                     friendly” controls, said to be easier to
                                                                                     learn and to streamline job setup with
                                                                                     fewer errors – you can still use the old UI
                                                                                     if you prefer.
                                                                                       The Tool Bar is reorganised to present
                                                                                     common functions first, while the Job
                                                                                     List title bar shows status better. Queue
                                                                                     groups can be created by one click with
      What does it do?                 Specifications  Launch date and target market?  drag and drop population, and can be
        This is RIP software specialised for           Digital Factory was first released by   quickly reordered, with different queues
      wide format print and cut, transfer, film   Platform Windows   CADlink in 2008 and updated regularly.   for different media.
      and direct-to-garment printing, available   10 or 11  Version 11.1, under Fiery management,   There is true shape nesting of multiple
      in a choice of configurations tailored for   Main functions File   was released in October last year. Target   complex shapes (such as lettering),
      either particular printing ink processes   management and   markets are direct-to-film/garment, dye-  which reduces material use. New icons,
      or particular printer brands. It includes   job queues, colour   sublimation, toner transfers, UV print   settings menu, and image scaling make it
                                                                                     easier for operators to see production
      job preparation, “high fidelity” colour   profiling and man-  and print and cut vinyl.
      controls and management tools to handle   agement, nesting,   There are three main packages: Print   feedback. For DTF applications, there’s a
                                                                                     new single- pass highlight white under-
      production from start to finish. Although   RIP output to   and Cut Production (full workflows with   base control. “This boosts areas of white
      the software has been available for about       multiple printers); Print and Cut (for a   ink in a single pass, eliminating the disad-
      16 years in earlier versions, v.11 is the   Pricing £995 (Print);   single device); and Print (for a single   vantage vs. DTG,” says Hughes.
      first major update since EFI acquired its   £1,395 (Print & Cut)   print-only device). They are also available
      Canadian developer CADlink in 2022.   and £1,995 (Print &   in dedicated versions for particular pro-
                                                      cesses or printer brands (see full list at  What’s the USP?
      When Fiery was spun off last year   Cut Production); see
      CADlink was renamed Fiery Specialty   website for full list  “Custom colour profiling, the widest
      Products.Fiery’s own range of RIPs   Supported devices   tory).                range of supported output devices, industry
                                                       Hughes says: “For customers without a
      include Fiery XF for wide-format, but it   See www.cadlink.  manufacturer-specific package, Digital   leading DTF tools, powerful automation,
      stresses that the original CADlink team is   com/supportedout-  Factory Print, Print and Cut, or Print and   and versatility with a variety of markets,”
      handling development.            puts           Cut  Production  would support  their   says Hughes.
        Vincent Hughes, product marketing             device. One of the key features of Digital
      manager for Fiery Specialty Products   Contact Fiery   Factory is to offer specific tools that many  How easy is it to learn and use?
                                       Specialty Products
      said: “Currently, no technology has been   01462 420222 www.  ‘out-of-the-box’  solutions  omit.   “Very simple” says Hughes. “There are
                                                      Customers can select the right package
      shared between other Fiery products.  based on their needs and price point. For   dozens of tutorial videos on our YouTube
      Our team has benefited from the addi-           example, some of the settings for DTF   channel, user groups on Facebook, as well
      tion of Fiery team members that pro-            may not apply to UV. When you learn   as services like Fiery Communities and a
      vided  feedback  and  insights to  our          Digital Factory once, you can apply those  soon to be launched Fiery eLearning pro-
      continuous development process.”                to new markets quickly and easily.”  gram.”
                “It’s a queue-based system with a RIP, and drivers available for many output devices.”                                                                      May 2024 PrintWeek MENA 29
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