Page 12 - PWM2024_May EBook
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      New industry SaaS company                                                                Bobst’s new
      CoCoCo launches                                                                          ishing equipment manufac-
                                                                                                Label and packaging fin-

                                                                                               turer Bobst has launched a
        A new print SaaS com-                                            month.                new consulting service,
      pany established by former                                          Ciz told Printweek: “The   Bobst Application
      colleagues from Zaikio has                                         [CoCoCo] technical team   Management, to help advise
      launched with the aim to                                           bring four years of learning   packaging converters look-
      “enable compatibility, con-                                        from Zaikio, and have   ing to enter new markets.
      nectivity, and collaboration                                                              Application Management
      across the print industry                                          worked tirelessly to create a
      worldwide”. CoCoCo,                                                whole new and exciting   will be a “hands-on, innova-
      which launched on (2 May),                                         architecture based on those   tive consulting service,”
      was founded by Andreas                                             core Zaikio learnings. We   according to Bobst, which
      Aplien, John Maxwell, and   The new platform runs with a subscription model  believe that we’re free now   can be scaled to adapt to cus-
      Karl Ciz. The trio said the   nect their existing setup”. Its  software and machine on-  to concentrate on what   tomers’ needs and give guid-
      new company will follow an   product plan is based on   site or in the cloud, while   really matters, and going   ance on new technologies,
      open business approach to   three components; a plat-  CoCollab will enable rule-  back to the core concepts of   raw materials, sustainabil-
      reach its goals, offering con-  form called CoCore, and two   based job routing. The plat-  connectivity, compatibility,   ity, and processes along the
      nectivity for existing assets   products called CoConnect   form is ready to use, and    packaging value chain.
      in print shops.       and CoCollab.          printers are able to sign up   and collaboration – hence
        Its products will be ven-  CoCore is an AI-enabled   for a waiting list now.   the name CoCoCo. The   Available now to advise on
      dor and manufacturer-neu-  open platform and data stor-  Heidelberg-owned business   CoCoCo team said it hopes   flexible packaging, the ser-
      tral, meaning users “will not  age that forms the base of   Zaikio, known for its cloud-  to attend Drupa and that   vice will be extended to fur-
      need to make a new invest-  C o C o C o ’ s  o f f e r i n g .   based data and app platform,   there will be “exciting news”   ther markets in the future,
      ment, but can simply con-  CoConnect will connect any  went into liquidation last   about that coming up.  Bobst said.
      ECO3 takes wraps off new                                           Duplo launches first

      process-free plate                                                 flatbed die-cutter

        ECO3 will showcase a new                                          Duplo has launched into
      “ultra-convenient” process-                                        the digital packaging market
      free plate at Drupa. The                                           with its first B2 die-cutter,
      Eclipse Pro plate is targeted                                      the DSM-1000. The manu-
      at commercial printers and is                                      facturer’s first flatbed die-
      manufactured at ECO3’s                                             cutter, the DSM-1000 can
      facility in Germany. ECO3                                          cut shapes, matrix crease,
      described it as a “drop in”                                        perforate and kiss cut auto-
      product with an exception-                                         matically while separating
      ally wide latitude, which can   New plate is already in use at some European customers  and removing waste.  The DSM-1000 flatbed die cutter
      easily replace conventional                                         Configurable with feeder,
      plates. It is suitable for use   meticulously developed with   right plate for the exact needs   stacker, and separator units,   managing director, told
      with conventional as well as   the needs of commercial   of our customers, and we do   the machine is operated   Printweek: “We launched
      H-UV and LED-UV inks.  sheetfed printers at the fore-  that by offering best-in-class   through a panel and PC con-  the product yesterday [11
        Iris Bogunovic, product   front, guaranteeing a seam-  solutions for all types of offset  troller software, reaching up   April] to our sales teams and
      manager for plate and CTP   less integration between   printing workflows. We  to 3,100sph on sheets up to   the reception was extremely
      systems, commented: “The   convenience, time efficiency   always cooperate closely with  530x750mm. While Duplo   positive. This new B2 die-
      new ultra-convenient Eclipse   and cost-effectiveness.”     our customers to find the   will show off the machine at   cutter is a completely new
      Pro plate is another piece in   Head of marketing and   optimal plate, whether it is   Drupa, where it will be dis-  direction for Duplo, but also
      our Total Solutions   applications Guy Desmet   low-chem, chem-free, or pro-  played alongside the manu-  in-line with our current
      approach, which leverages a   said a number of major print-        facturer’s full portfolio, it   offerings, such as the DDC-
      broad, integrated portfolio of   ing groups in Europe were   cess-free technology,” he   has been made immediately   8000 B2 DuSense, spot
      plates, equipment, software   already running the plate, to   said.   available to buy, with stock   UV.”  The values are slightly
      and expertise to bring more   be officially launched to the   The firm will be exhibiting   held and waiting for custom-  lower, with fine and chip-
      value for printing companies.  market at Drupa. “At ECO3,   in Hall 5, booth C31 at  ers, the firm said.  board papers required to
        “Eclipse Pro has been   our objective is to provide the   Drupa.  Martyn Train, Duplo UK   pass through only.
      10  PrintWeek MENA May 2024                                                        
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