Page 13 - PWM2024_May EBook
P. 13


      Xerox to end iGen and Nuvera                                                             MBO to acquire
                                                                                               Roland DG

      production                                                                                 The MBO team hoping to

                                                                                               acquire  Roland  DG  has
                                                                                               lodged an increased offer for
        It’s the end of an era for                                       understood to employ
      Xerox, which will stop mak-                                        around 1,500 in total, was   the business that is higher
      ing its iGen5 and Nuvera                                           not disclosed. Speaking to   than the rival bid from
                                                                                               Brother Industries. Brother
      digital presses over the sum-                                      analysts at the Q1 investor   made its hostile bid in
      mer, while a new era beck-                                         briefing, president and COO   March, offering a price of
      ons with a fresh third-party                                       John Bruno said: “This quar-  ¥5,200 (£26.60) per share,
      partnership for high-speed                                                               3.3% higher than the MBO
      continuous feed inkjet. In its                                     ter, we decided to explore   team’s initial proposal of
      Q1 results just announced,                                         strategic options for our pro-  ¥5,035.
      Xerox noted a $36m                                                 duction print equipment   XYZ KK, the management
      (£28.8m) inventory impact                                          manufacturing operations,   team’s takeover vehicle, has
      related to “the exit of certain                                    including exiting manufac-  now upped its offer to ¥5,370
      Production Print manufac-  The iGen brand has been on the market for 22 years  turing of certain product   per share. The tender offer
      turing operations”.   products to align with the   Nuvera as “two legacy plat-  families.  period has been extended to
        The presses are manufac-  needs of our clients.  forms that helped create the   Xerox originally brought   15 May as a result. Shares in
      tured at Xerox’s Webster   “Order fulfillment for   Production Print industry”.   its ‘FutureColor’ technology   Roland DG Corporation
      facility in New York state.   iGen and Nuvera is expected   Print engine manufacturing   to market in 2002 with the   were trading at ¥5,490 at the
        A Xerox spokesperson  to continue through 2024 or                launch of the iGen3.   end of last week (52-week
      told Printweek: “The deci-  while inventory lasts. Xerox   will cease on 30 June. The    high: ¥5,580, low: ¥3,210).
      sion to cease print engine  will provide industry-lead-  Webster plant will continue   The current iGen5 was   At the  time  of  writing
      manufacturing operations in  ing support for these plat-  to make Xerox toner and   launched  in  2015. The   Brother Industries had not
      Webster aligns with our  forms throughout the life of   photoreceptors, and will  B3-plus device prints at up to   responded to XYZ’s
      [January] Reinvention  their contracts.”     also act as a spare parts facil-  150ppm in CMYK with an   increased offer. Roland DG’s
      announcement and our pri-  The spokesperson   ity. The number of jobs   optional fifth colour and   turnover was ¥54bn in its
      ority to simplify our core  described the iGen and   impacted at the plant,   extra-long sheet capability.  most recent financial year.
      Fujifilm Graphic Comms to                                          Fiery releases new

      become part of BI                                                  SignLab software

                                                                          Digital front-end pro-
        Fujifilm has confirmed                                           vider Fiery has released the
      that it will integrate its                                         next  generation  of  its
      Graphic Communications                                             SignLab signmaking and
      wing into the Fujifilm                                             graphic production soft-
      Business Innovation opera-                                         ware. SignLab 11 is said to
      tion, as it outlined a fresh                                       combine powerful vector
      medium-term management                                             and bitmap design and edit-
      plan.                                                              ing tools to simplify the pro-  SignLab is purpose-built
        The news comes hot on                                            duction of banners, signs,
      the heels of the revelation                                        decals, décor, and more. It   viewer that eliminates
      that Fujifilm and Konica   Fujifilm said it will integrate its Graphic Communications wing  enables users to design and   guesswork, using a new live
      Minolta are planning to                                            produce vibrant and unique   preview of vectorisation
      establish a joint venture for   rent  financial  year  just  which were agreed in con-  digitally printed, vinyl cut,   controls before applying
      procurement, toner develop-  ended.          nection with cancellation of   and print/cut signs and   them to an object.
      ment, and production effi-  Sales for the year to 31  manufacturing substances   graphics.  Fit to shape, meanwhile,
      ciencies encompassing print   March will be slightly  for Covid-19 vaccinations at   SignLab is purpose-built   enables users to design cus-
      devices for high-end produc-  higher than expected, up  Fujifilm’s Healthcare divi-  for the production environ-  tom text shapes and layouts
      tion and office markets.  0.3% at ¥2 ,9 6 0 bn  sion.
                                                                         ment, offering greater con-  easily by automatically
        Today (17 April) Fujifilm   (£15.4bn). Operating profit   Fujifilm said it had   trol of design elements and   adjusting text to fit any vec-
      announced its new ‘Vision   will be 4.5% lower at  achieved its previous Vision   support for popular print,   tor shape. Finally the new
      2030’ medium-term man-  ¥277bn, mainly due to a  2023 targets for revenue and   cut, and hybrid devices.   theme selector enables
      agement plan along  with   decrease in the amount of  operating profit a year ahead   New features and updates   printers to create a custom-
      revised forecasts for the cur-  cancellation fees received,  of the expected schedule.  include a vectorisation pre-  ised user experience.                                                                      May 2024 PrintWeek MENA 11
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