Page 28 - PWM2023_November EBook
P. 28
There is no Plan B
P process, is a consumptive industry. Whether cle. Chemicals require care, landfill carries cost, and the
harmful effects of waste plastic are now widely under-
rint, by virtue of being a manufacturing
While some decry the it’s raw materials in the form of paper and ink, For Walker, reducing waste “is one of the quickest and
concept of climate utilities such as power and water, or fuel used most effective ways to increase profit”. Even so, he thinks
that the biggest savings come from engaging all employ-
change, the reality – to transport goods, print needs to consider its ees in improvement for “waste is not mostly caused by
no matter what is position and take a stand. wilful carelessness, but by ignorance and inadequate
happening – is that Reducing waste administrative and production procedures”. He says one
there is but one Earth answer is to make that sure everyone knows the impact of
waste and the financial strength of the business.
And it’s a point that Steve Walker, commercial prod-
and we have a duty to ucts manager at the BPIF, is keenly aware of. “A few years And Laura Timlin, director at the Carbon Trust, agrees.
protect it as best as ago,” he says, “I watched a high-speed press pouring good She knows that every business is affected by climate
we can. There is, very copies of a well-known commercial catalogue directly change through revised regulation, energy cost changes,
simply, no Plan B. into a waste skip because the operator was busy on supply chain effects and new customer preferences. She
another task.” says: “Businesses should benefit as a result of decarbonis-
ing... making simple changes could reduce a business’s
Words by The firm eventually folded but as Walker saw it, the energy costs by 5%-10%.”
Adam Bernstein “uncontrolled waste was symptomatic of deeper prob- She emphasises that changes should not be “one-off,
lems in that company.” He believes that reducing waste, but rather, part of a comprehensive plan”. She adds that
including energy, material and other resources, can keep “it is vital that companies communicate their environ-
businesses profitable. mental management plan to employees at every stage, as
Of course, from raw material through to disposal, effective environmental management relies on everyone
materials have an environmental impact over their lifecy- playing their part”.
26 PrintWeek MENA November 2023