Page 24 - PWM2023_November EBook
P. 24

NEWS          GLOBAL

       IN BRIEF                                    ACTEGA consolidates its

       Tetra Pak and Lund
       U n iv e r s it y  h a v e
       announced the launch of
       Biotech Heights, a new                      Brazilian sites
       research hub that will
       explore food and materials
       production using bio-                        ACTEGA has announced                       years, Ronaldo brings exten-
       processing to create useful                 that the consolidation of its               sive strategic, managerial,
       products from living cells
       or cell components.                         three Brazilian sites into a                and board experience to
       Biotech Heights will establish an open innovation environ-  new 22,500 square meter     ACTEGA do Brasil.
       ment, in which all participating organisations will have   facility in Araçariguama, São   In 2019, ACTEGA merged
       access to world leading laboratories and equipment for   Paulo, is now officially com-  the administration, produc-
       both commercial and academic purposes. Participants will
       have the opportunity to work alongside several faculties at   plete. This state-of-the-art   tion, and R&D activities of its
       the University to address both the technical and non-tech-  production and R&D site is   two Brazilian sites in
       nical challenges facing producers, brands, and manufac-  the result of a major invest-  ACTEGA opens a new site  Guarulhos and Barueri into
       turers operating in this space. This, combined with Tetra
       Pak’s experience supporting food and beverage brands   ment of $7 million and will   ACTEGA do Brasil, effective  the new site in
       with product development, will make Biotech Heights a   cement ACTEGA’s position   October 2023. Ronaldo   Araçariguama. The new loca-
       space to nurture ideas, and collaborate to share knowledge   as an industry leader, offering   Begnossi, an experienced   tion had explicitly invested in
       on best practices and consumer trends.                            industrial leader with a
                                                   innovative solutions  that   Chemical Production   new high-performance dis-
       Where The Trade Buys                        meet the highest safety stand-  Engineering degree and an   persion units for the printing
       (WTTB) has secured the                      ards and deliver unprece-  Executive MBA in Industrial   ink production and corre-
       European rights to Cami,                    dented results. Furthermore,   Management, has been   sponding equipment for the
       an American web host ser-                   ACTEGA has appointed a   appointed to the position.   production of water-based
       vice for QR-code based
       video messages.Available                    new Managing Director of   With a career spanning 25   coatings.
       as downloadable QR codes
       that can then be incorpo-                   Mutoh launches MUTOH Direct
       rated into printed materials, Cami codes host up to 29 sec-
       onds of video. Designed for a range of applications, includ-
       ing business cards, greetings, promotional materials or   Mutoh Europe nv   software and tools.  service. In addition, by
       information hubs, the codes display video on an entirely   launched MUTOH Direct   The new MUTOH Direct   remotely monitoring the
       browser-based system, making it simple and widely acces-  into the Europe business   is an enhanced service of the  printer status, it is possible
       sible, according to Gary Peeling, CEO of WTTB parent   area.  Mutoh Direct is a new
       Precision Proco Group. He told Printweek: “Cami is the sim-  cloud service for MUTOH   MUTOH Club for MUTOH   to advise end-users on opti-
       plest approach in this space that we have come across.            dealers, which will allow   mal printer operation,
       There’s no need for an App for either the creator or viewer   dealers allowing remote   them to remotely access and   extending the printer’s life
       of the video, and it is all web based: the video content can   monitoring of end-users’   monitor end-users’ printer
       be uploaded and updated easily, and viewing is seamless.   printer status and usage for   information, enabling them   time. MUTOH Direct has
       It has great capability for low cost.       more effective service and   to proactively predict and   been designed to comply
                                                   support. With the already   address potential causes of   with the  Personal Data
       As  the culinary world                      known cloud service   printer failures and take   Protection Act (GDPR).
       anticipates Gulfood                         MUTOH Club, users can
       Manufacturing 2023, PRO                     access their printer opera-  prompt action. As a result,   MUTOH delivers optimal
       TECHnology along with its                   tional status, statistical data   dealers can reduce the num-  printing solutions through
       partners (Stand # S1-104),                  and product authorization   ber of on-site visits to end-  enhancement of software
       IMA GO and L SINC                                                 users and printer down   services such as MUTOH
       Corporation will be ready                   management, obtain prod-
       to take  center stage,                      uct information, various   time, enhancing the overall   Club/MUTOH Direct.
       promising innovation,
       quality, and sustainability in their unique offering. These
       industry leaders promise to leave their mark in their digital   EkoCure® Dual Cure at Etimark
       printing services offered to the industry at this prestigious
       event. Gulfood Manufacturing at Dubai World Trade Center,   Etimark from Switzerland,   now reaping the benefits of
       scheduled during the 7th to the 9th of November, provides
       the ideal platform for PRO TECHnology, IMAGO & LSINC to   has made the switch from      this innovative technology.
       unveil their cutting-edge solutions in the culinary and con-  mercury to UV LED curing   Marco Schulz, CFO/CIO
       fectionery industries with unique personalisation services   for its presses after adopting   and partner at Etimark, said:
       using the latest techniques in Digital printing.  IMAGO   Flint Group’s EkoCure® Dual   “The switch from UV to LED
       recently marked their presence at the International Bakery
       and Confectionery Trade Fair in Germany, IBA 2023. Their   Cure ink range. Etimark      offers the following advan-
       creative and sustainable packaging solutions, including   made a milestone decision to   EkoCure® Dual Cure ink range   tages: increased print speed,
       confectionery plotters that offer the highest quality direct   start using LED curing ink   process security, less mainte-
       printing on almost any confectionery substrate, captured          2020, the international spe-
       the attention of confectionery enthusiasts. At Gulfood   after realising how it could   cialist in customised packag-  nance, and sustainability.
       Manufacturing 2023, IMAGO of Poland, is set to launch the   increase print speed, process   Sustainability in the sense of
       latest models of confectionery Food Printers, offering preci-  security, and sustainability   ing printing transitioned all   lower energy costs, elimina-
       sion and speed in decorating various confectionery prod-  while reducing maintenance   its  production  to  the   tion of environmentally
       ucts, with the capability to achieve decoration heights of up   requirements. Since install-  EkoCure® Dual Cure ink sys-  harmful mercury lamps, and
       to 15 cm.
                                                   ing its first LED press in   tem in just one year and is  ozone.”
      22 PrintWeek MENA November 2023                                                   
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