Page 21 - PWM2023_November EBook
P. 21
Martin Automatic's IN BRIEF
Reflex Group (Reflex) has
installed 53 finishing
solar panel project machines from Bradford,
UK-based Bar Graphic
Machinery (BGM) with the
latest installation of a BGM
Elite Dieflex at its Leicester
Martin Automatic has site. Manufacturing for a
invested in renewable energy wide range of markets
at its headquarters in Illinois, including beers, wines and spirits, health and beauty,
with the successful imple- pharmaceuticals and food, Reflex is a key strategic cus-
tomer of BGM. Ian Bates, business unit director at Reflex,
mentation of a solar panel has been working with BGM to ensure the right technolo-
project that is powering its gies are designed and installed to meet the exacting
manufacturing center. The needs of the high-growth business. ‘What has so
solar initiative, which had impressed me with the BGM team is the personal touch
they bring to doing business. They are open and trans-
been under evaluation for Martin Automatic implements a solar panel project parent, their service is second to none, and the support is
several years, led to roof company reporting a reduc- energy aspect is significant. first-class. It is literally like dealing with a family and we
modifications on Martin's tion in electricity costs of We looked at this project as really appreciate that. We’re a big business but they’ve
170,000 square feet facility. more than 75 percent from we do other capital outlays to never given us any reason to go anywhere else because of
the machine build quality and reliability, as well as the
A white silicone reflective the same period last year. be sure it would give us a way they support us.’ Annemarie Rhodes, MD at BGM,
coating was applied, and Purchasing director Chris return on our investment commented: ‘We’ve been working with Reflex Group
2800 solar panels were Beard, who helped oversee that would make us more since 2007 and have a very special relationship – it’s a
installed in three different the project, described it as efficient and positioned for fantastic team to work with. We work hard to understand
their key needs and supply both our standard and bespoke
fixed planes to harness the “the meter running back- greater success?' Bauch cited finishing solutions’
sun’s light most efficiently. wards.” Excess electricity similar examples of other
The 1.2-megawatt system generated from the panels is investments, such as energy- Scodix, an Israel-based pro-
returned to the local power
represented one of the larg- company as part of a net efficient LED lighting instal- vider of digital print solutions
est building solar installa- metering program to offset lations for the factory and for the graphic arts industry,
has entered into a partner-
tions in northern Illinois. costs during cloudier peri- offices as well as high-end ship with Ricoh USA, a digital
The initial results indicate ods. automated machining cent- information services provider
savings greater than were Jonathan Bauch, Martin’s ers and streamlined IT sys- and one of the print industry
originally projected, with the CFO, said, 'The renewable tems. players. Under the terms of
the partnership, Ricoh will be
a Scodix distributor in the
Amberley Labels receives Label of United States. This strategic partnership will strengthen and
support Scodix in its goal of expanding market presence
the Year award and providing economic and sustainable embellishment
solutions to a larger network of print providers. ‘This part-
nership is a deliberate step forward in providing maximum
value to our customers, empowering them to increase the
Celebrating excellence in worth of their printed products,’ said Gavin Jordan-Smith,
packaging design, produc- senior vice president and general manager, head of global
tion, and innovation, the UK sales strategy division and Ricoh graphic communications
Packaging Awards presented North America sales.
the Label of the Year award to
Amberley Labels. Amberley Ten UPM Raflatac adhesives
was chosen for its work for for logistics and e-commerce
Hawkridge Gin. Amberley paper labels have been cer-
tified as recyclable in the
was competing with four paper and board-based
other finalists, which packaging stream by the
included another Amberley applied research and servic-
Labels entry, a wine label for es institute Papiertechnische
Gusbourne English Rosé Award recognizes Amberley Labels’ efforts for Hawkridge Gin Stiftung (PTS) in 2023. These
2022, and a linerless label enhanced in a technically ing. Amberley’s crafting of adhesives are intended for large volumes, providing cus-
produced by Coveris for tomers with the added benefit of recycling-compatible,
Gressingham Foods. challenging embellishment Hawkridge Gin’s labels is verified labeling solutions without requiring any product
Hawkridge Gin by project with Amberley successful in advancing the changes. To evaluate the recyclability, PTS has tested ten
UPM Raflatac's paper labels containing the referred adhe-
Hawkridge Distillers has got Labels. designs’ impact. sives. The labels were tested as part of the packaging
its brand identity from its Combining metallic Amberley Labels also material at a mass share of 10 percent, following the PTS-
Victorian-inspired recipes embellishment and tactile received high commendation RH 021:2012 Category II methodology for evaluating the
through to its packaging. recyclability of paper and board-based packaging. Due to
Hawkridge Gin’s labels for its embossing, the Hawkridge in the Label of the Year cate- the obtained results of fiber yield, sheet adhesion, and
Victorian Botanical Tea Gin labels feature visual and gory for its Gusbourne optical impurities, ten of the UPM Raflatac adhesives
Blend and Victorian Floral tactile effects for consumer English Rosé 2022 wine label applied on the paper labels received verification.
Botanical Blend were appeal and product position- entry. November 2023 PrintWeek MENA 19