Page 31 - PWM2024_September Ebook
P. 31


      Star product
      HP PageWide Advantage 2200

      A high-quality, high-throughput inkjet web press flexible enough to change with the user’s needs, says Simon Eccles

                                                                                     vibrant colours (and also uses less ink).
                                                                                     Performance uses larger drops only for
                                                                                     higher speeds, while Performance HDK
                                                                                     uses higher weights for colour and dual
                                                                                     weights for black, improving shadow
                                                                                     detail without slowing the press.
                                                                                     What’s the USP?
                                                                                       Albee says the modular design, includ-
                                                                                     ing up to three drying units, lets the
                                                                                     A2200 “print high-coverage, high-value
                                                                                     jobs on thick substrates, giving PSPs one
                                                                                     flexible press to produce high-volume
                                                                                     commercial work with integrated finish-
                                                                                     How easy is it to use?
                                                                                       Albee says: “HP digital web presses
                                                                                     have a high degree of automation, set-
                                                                                     tings that can be recalled, and consist-
      What does it do?                 Specifications  ond  side uppermost.  The A2200 can   ency  –  especially  colour
        This is the latest in HPs’ PageWide           “print on ramp,” ie while the web is   consistency – natively. Combine this
      family of inkjet web presses. It is a rela-  Process:  Web-fed   accelerating up to speed, and it can also   with online training, in-person classes
      tively compact single-engine duplex   thermal inkjet  vary the speed in response to signals from   and augmented reality help through xR
      CMYK press for 521mm print widths on            inline finishers.  There are six print bars
      webs up to 558mm. Speed is up to 152m/  Ink: HP Brilliant   and printhead sockets, wide enough to   services, and I’d say digital press opera-
      minute in colour or up to 244m/minute   water-based  cover both side-by-side webs at once,   tions are a ton easier. Current HP T250
      in black-only. The inks are suited to           instead of 12 narrow bars used on the   HD customers who have purchased the
      coated (gloss, silk, matte and dull) paper,   Colours:  Extended   more conventionally threaded T250 HD   HP PageWide Advantage 2200 were able
      plus uncoated, treated and HP-specified   gamut CMYK  model. Albee says the arrangement   to learn basic press operation in less than
      ColorPRO paper.                                 makes for a more compact overall foot-
                                       Web width range:   print. Fewer components should also   a day.”
      When was it announced and what   203-558mm      mean higher uptime, he says. The heads
      markets is it aimed at?                         are HP’s own High Definition   What training and service support is
                                       Max print width:                              on offer?
        The PageWide Advantage 2200 was   521mm       Architecture type, with 2,400 nozzles per
      announced at the US Printing United             inch for both high resolution and consid-  “HP flexible service plans range from
      show in October 2022. Kris Albee, global   Paper weights:   erable redundancy on the run. They have   operator-trained self-service models
      business and strategic marketing master   40-300gsm  dual drop weights, boosting tonal range.   through to 24/7 support options. We find
      for HP PageWide Industrial Presses, says        These are thermal heads so need replac-  many commercial customers and really
      it is intended for “higher productivity,   Max speeds 244m/min   ing more often than piezo types, but HP
      versatility, and offset-class print quality.”   (Mono Performance),   says they can be swapped out by the oper-  large customers prefer to be trained and
      Also that it is “designed to grow/scale   152m/mon   ator in about five minutes.  essentially pay themselves to service the
      with customers as their applications and   (Performance mode   The water-based extended gamut HP   equipment,” says Albee.
      business needs change”.          or Performance Mode   Brilliant Inks are the same as the T400
                                       HDK), 101m/min   and T250 models. HP Optimizer pre-  What does it cost?
      How does it work?                (Quality mode)  coating binder is used with some stocks   HP won’t reveal pricing, but Albee says
        This is what HP calls a ‘single-arch’         to help accept the aqueous ink. It’s only   it’s “economically attractive.” It’s pay-as-
      configuration inkjet web press, with a   30mm210x297mm/600x400mm  printed where needed under the colour   you-go: “No clicks, the pricing is con-
      paper path that loops back on itself after      dots.  There are three speed settings:
      the first side is printed and dried, going   Feed capacity 30mm  Quality, Performance and Performance   sumables-based. You purchase inks,
      through turner bars to travel back and up       HDK. Quality uses dual drop mode for   printheads and web wipe cassettes as
      again next to the first side, with the sec-     smoother skin and shadow tones and   they’re consumed.”
                                     ““No clicks, the pricing is consumables-based.”                                                                  September 2024 PrintWeek MENA 29
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