Page 28 - PWM2024_September Ebook
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      Avoid tax traps

                                B                                           to wait until you sell the premises to get tax relief for the
                                         ut beyond that all premises, from time to time,
                                         need ongoing repairs and maintenance which
                                                                            costs of any additions or improvements.
                                                                             To this Tim Beresford, director of capital allowance
                                         clearly comes at a cost.
       Premises are essential             Tax should never be the driver behind any   specialists, The CA4 Partnership, explains that if an item
       to a printer’s success.           commercial decision. However, that does   is treated as a repair, and is expensed through the compa-
                                         not mean businesses cannot use the tax sys-
                                                                            ny’s P&L account, then “it must be claimed as an expense
       Not only do they         tem to lower the impact of costs that were going to be   in the year of expenditure rather than a future year”.
       have to be in the right   spent anyway.                               And to illustrate just how complex tax law can be, and
       location, but they        This makes it particularly important to understand the   that when it comes to property the lines can get blurred,
       need to have that        tax implications of spending because the law makes very   he gives an example: replacing a boiler which is part of a
                                clear distinctions between ‘improvements,’ ‘alterations’
                                                                            larger heating system. “The boiler,” he says, “is just one
       ‘Goldilocks’ element     and ‘renovations’ in terms of how claims for relief are   part of the larger heating system and so would be consid-
       to them – not to be so   treated by HMRC.                            ered a repair of that larger asset.”
       large so as to cost       For David Wright, a technical officer at the Association   He says that a distinction is drawn based on whether
       more than necessary,     of Taxation Technicians, the pivotal question for tax is   something is repaired, or whether there is an improve-
                                                                            ment or alteration to the asset or larger asset, the whole
                                whether money spent on the premises is revenue or capi-
       but large enough to      tal expenditure. As he outlines: “The costs of ongoing   heating system in this example. So although the whole
       cope with expansion      repairs and maintenance will normally be revenue, mean-  boiler is being replaced, the work would be considered a
       if needs be.             ing they’re fully deductible in the period incurred, and the   repair since the boiler forms part of a larger system.
                                business benefits from tax relief relatively quickly.
                                 “In contrast, if you build, extend, or make improve-  Revenue or capital?
       Words by                 ments to your premises, the money spent is classed as   In principle, Wright says that the distinction between
       Adam Bernstein           capital expenditure.” This means, as he explains, that   revenue and capital expenditure should be simple: work
                                unless you can claim capital allowances, no tax relief is   done to return premises to the condition they were in at
                                available upfront for capital expenditure; you’ll also have   acquisition is revenue while expenditure on enhancing

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