Page 24 - PWM2024_September Ebook
P. 24

NEWS          GLOBAL

       IN BRIEF                                    ACTEGA at Labelexpo

       Mirage Group, the official
       representative and certi-
       fied service company for
       global manufacturers of                     Americas
       machines, consumables
       and media for wide format
       digital printing and finish-                 ACTEGA, manufacturer of                    that are revolutionising pack-
       ing machines, has been                      specialty coatings, inks, adhe-             aging decoration and metal-
       confirmed as a new part-                    sives, sealants and com-
       ner for Vanguard Europe. The far-reaching agreement                                     lic embellishments.
       between Vanguard Europe and Mirage Group, which has its   pounds for the print and       Officially launching at the
       headquarters in the commercially strategic Bulgarian town   packaging industry, will be
       of Ruse, involves sales, distribution, service and consuma-  showcasing its latest sustain-  show, ACTKote UV Wash
       bles. In addition to covering Bulgaria where the group has   able solutions for the labels   Off Primer has been formally
       warehouse and office premises in Ruse, Sofia, Plovdiv,   and packaging industries at    r e c o g n i s e d  b y  t h e
       Varna and Burgas, subsidiary company Mirage MT Ltd will   Labelexpo Americas (Hall A,   Sustainability at the forefront
       represent Malta from Handaq, while Mirage Group MK –   Booth 711). Among the array      Association of Plastic
       based in Skopje - has responsibility for North Macedonia. It      onstrate the quality and func-  Recyclers (APR) for meeting
       also has a branch company in Serbia. Mirage Group has   of innovations designed to      the highest criteria for recy-
       been selling digital printing machines since its inception   drive a more sustainable   tionality of ACTEGA’s
       and has closed more than 400 deals.         future for the industry,   SafeShield low migration   clability according to the
                                                   ACTEGA will be launching   inks and coatings range,   APR Design® Guide for
       Rose Calendars has sup-                     its new ACTKote UV wash-  overprint varnishes for   Plastics Recyclability. This
       ported its commitment to                    off  primer,  developed  to   energy efficient LED-UV
       environmental care with                     increase the recyclability of   printing, and the end prod-  high-quality primer not only
       an extension to its solar                   shrink sleeves. The compa-  ucts achievable with   provides the quality ink adhe-
       panel array.                                                                            sion needed for shrink sleeve
       Supporting the Colchester-                  ny’s booth will also feature   Signite™  and  ECOLEAF  -
       based company’s mission                     inspiring samples that dem-  two ACTEGA technologies   applications.
       to increase its use of green
       energy, Rose Calendars has                  PressOn revamps stadium
       harnessed solar power through the installation of four solar
       panel arrays, now amounting to 251 panels on the roof of its
       factory. The company had first started implementing solar   Chatham wide-format   new look befitting the club’s   part of the Wrexham AFC
       power generation at its factory around 10 years ago.With an   firm PressOn helped Welsh   newfound fame under under   adventure,” Andy Wilson,
       aim to cut annual power consumption by 25% and reduce
       carbon footprint, the output of Rose Calendars’ solar panels   football team Wrexham   celebrity ownership.   managing director of
       can now total 70kW per hour on a sunny day, forecasting a   rejuvenate its STōK Cae Ras   Printing with HP Latex 3600   PressOn told Printweek.
       major reduction in CO2 emissions by 40,000 tonnes per   (Racecourse) stadium with   and R2000 machines,   Printed on Metamark’s
       annum. The positioning of the solar panels was critical for                             recyclable Metastream sub-
       this as analysis of production hours at the factory demon-  graphics printed on the  PressOn’s team revamped
       strated using roof space in a more westerly direction would   firm’s fleet of HP Latex  the club’s home ground with   strates, which get collected at
       create the best return.                     machines. Designing, print-  bright colours, giving the bar   end-of-life, the graphics were
                                                   ing and wrapping a variety of   and player’s tunnel a dra-  cut on PressOn’s Kongsberg
       OT Group, owner of Office                   spaces within the stadium,   matic, dragon-inspired   digital cutting table. Along
       Depot and the Spicers
       wholesale brand, has                        including the corridors lead-  design reflecting Wrexham’s   with  the  international
       declared it will withdraw                   ing to the players’ changing   heritage as the oldest club in  renown has come interna-
       from the UK and Ireland                     rooms, PressOn worked   Wales.              tional sponsorship, including
       market. Blaming a “sus-                     with Wrexham sponsor HP   “We were thrilled to be   from HP, which connected
       tained period of difficult
       trading conditions”, the                    to help give the stadium a   asked to do the job, and to be  the club with PressOn.
       company sold its Office
       Depot business, along with Officeteam brand, to sister
       company Paragon in late August. A contemporaneous deal   Durst Workflow Software milestone
       saw OT Group sell its 5 Star brand of office supplies to VOW
       Wholesale. Carrying out a comprehensive review of its UK   Durst Group announces        has  a  team  of  design  and
       and Irish business, OT Group found that the post-Covid   that Forge Graphic Works       print experts specializing in
       slump in demand for office products was not likely to end,   has become the 1,000th cus-  large format printing and
       with low office occupancy rates and new working practices                               graphic manufacturing,
       to blame. “The company does not expect office occupancy   tomer  to  install  Durst     installation, and fulfilment
       rates to increase significantly in the foreseeable future, and   Workflow software. This   services for retail, events,
       it has also concluded that the current over-supply of ware-  milestone, celebrated in May   interiors, and experiential
       housing and distribution facilities in the UK office supplies   2024, marks a significant   1,000th customer for it
       market is not sustainable,” a letter to OT Group’s suppliers   achievement for Durst   and high-quality graphic   marketing programs. The
       read. OT Group’s sale of Office Depot has already seen all bar   Group, highlighting its rapid   solutions, joins a distin-  company operates as a hybrid
       eight of OT Group’s UK and Ireland employees transfer to          guished list of customers   of design agency, printer,
       Paragon, its sister company under investment company   growth and dedication to   benefiting from Durst   and fabrication shop, focus-
       Grenadier Holdings, which was itself called Paragon Group   providing cutting-edge solu-  Workflow’s advanced capa-  ing on quality and long-term
       until it rebranded. The number of employees involved was   tions to the printing indus-  bilities.  relationships by designing
       not disclosed. OT Group expected payments to be phased   try. Forge Graphics,   Based in Portland, Oregon,   with efficiency in mind from
       over a period of no more than nine months.
                                                   renowned for its innovative   USA, Forge Graphic Works  the start.
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