Page 22 - PWM2024_September Ebook
P. 22


      Label Link continues digital                                                             TRA partners
                                                                                               with L&L
      journey with Screen press                                                                has formed a strategic part-
                                                                                                TheRiot Agency (TRA)

                                                                                               nership  with Labels &
                                                                                               Labeling (L&L) to enhance
        South African converter                                          tal makes a lot more finan-  the marketing and branding
      Label Link has taken                                               cial sense.’          support in the print and
      another step on its digital                                         The increasing focus on   packaging industry aimed at
      transformation and invested                                        short-run label production   converters interested in
      in a second Screen                                                 prompted Label Link to shift   building and strengthening
      Truepress Label 350UV                                              its workflow further towards   their marketing strategies.
      SAI-S press through its part-                                      digital in 2023 with a second   The partnership will
      nership with Rotocon, the                                          Screen inkjet press.   introduce new marketing
      regional Screen distributor.                                        ‘We  realized  that  our   and branding packages,
        Established in 2003, Label                                       capacity could only meet our   starting with the TRA
      Link has been one of the key                                       increasing demand by   Growth OS, Marketing
      players in Cape Town’s                                             investing in the latest and   Foundation Builder aimed
      wholesale  label printing   Label Link invests in a Screen Truepress Label 350UV SAI-S   best  technology,’ added   at converters to build and
      market, serving resellers pri-                                     Stemmet. ‘Compared  to   strengthen their marketing
      marily in the fast-moving   inkjet press and a Rotocon   ‘We focus primarily on   analog printing, digital   and technology strategies.
      consumer goods sector.   Ecoline RDF 340 finishing  short-run label production,’   inkjet’s on-demand printing   The Creative Flex Package,
        In 2018, Label Link took a   machine. This investment   said Wiaan Stemmet, owner   functionality eliminates   designed to provide a full
      significant step towards   marked the company’s ini-  of Label Link. ‘While flexo   minimum order quantity   lineup of creative services,
      modernizing its operations   tial foray into digital produc-  still remains a big part of our   (MOQ) while reducing ink   including video, print, and
      by partnering with Rotocon  tion, laying the foundation   business, we’ve found that   and substrate set-up waste,   press packages, will be
      to acquire a Screen   for Label Link’s digital   for limited, efficient and   perfect for precise short-run   available for current L&L
      Truepress JET L350UV+   future.              accurate label printing, digi-  label orders.’  digital advertising clients.
      Mark Andy            Recyclable shrink                            Anderson & Vreeland

      names VP             sleeve at Labelexpo                          Canada’s partnership

        Mark Andy has
      appointed Steve Luedke as   Siegwerk, Multi-Plastics               Anderson & Vreeland
      vice president of advanced   and Tripack, have collabo-           Canada (AVC) has partnered
      customer support. Luedke   rated to unveil a new APR-             with Sandon Global, an anilox
      joins Mark Andy with a   approved, fully recyclable               manufacturer  to  highlight
      deep well of experience in   shrink sleeve water bottle           AVC’s dedication to elevate
      the label and packaging   project for the  English                industry standards for flexog-
      industry, bringing more   Mountain Spring Water                   raphic printing. Sean Sawa,
                           Company at the upcoming
      than 26 years of expertise   Labelexpo Americas 2024.             sales director for Anderson &
      from his tenure at WS   Multi-Plastics, a key contrib-            Vreeland Canada, said: ‘In our
      Packaging, now part of   utor to the project, provided            relentless pursuit of quality-  Partners with Sandon Global
      Multi-Color Corporation.  its Envirocycle 30 percent   Recyclable shrink sleeve  focused, professional partners   engraving, specifically
        In his new role, Luedke   post-consumer recyclate   cation technology enabled   and  products,  Anderson   designed to facilitate the effi-
      will lead Mark Andy’s   PET shrink sleeve film   the  integration  of  PET   Vreeland Canada is thrilled to   cient and consistent applica-
      newly launched end-to-  essential for the structural   shrink sleeves onto PET bot-  have established a country-  tion of heavy coat weights of
                                                                        wide partnership to promote
      end support program, MA   integrity of the recyclable   tles, establishing sustainable   and support the expansion of   tactiles, adhesives, metallics,
      360 Support, providing   English Mountain Spring   packaging that prioritizes   Sandon anilox rolls across   varnishes, special applications
      customer support from   Water Company water bot-  efficiency and eco-con-  Canada. Sandon’s superior
                                                  sciousness. The use of Multi-
      pre-press to finishing   tle.               Plastics Envirocycle PET   quality rolls, innovation, and   and large ink deposits.
      operations. His focus will   Siegwerk’s Cirkit de-ink-  shrink sleeve film in this   comprehensive support will   Jake Roberts, sales director
      be on helping customers   ing primer, combined with   project highlights its role in   be warmly received by our cli-  for Sandon Global, added: ‘I
      increase the utilization   Sicura Orbis ink technology,   enhancing  the  quality of   ents from coast to coast.’  am eagerly anticipating our
                           to wash off in combination
      and ROI of Mark Andy’s   with deinking primer, was   recycling  processes, pre-  Sandon Global manufac-  partnership and am confident
      flexo and digital hybrid   instrumental in ensuring the   venting clumping, and sig-  tures anilox rolls in-house.   that we can make a significant
      presses, and finishing   bottle’s recyclability.   nificantly reducing the   One of its key innovations is   impact on the Canadian mar-
      machines.            Tripack’s expertise in appli-  environmental footprint.  the  patented  GMX  Anilox   ket.’
      20 PrintWeek MENA September 2024                                                  
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