Page 18 - PWM2024_September Ebook
P. 18

NEWS         TECH

      The printbots are coming

        Some people were pre-                                            Drupa were  delta type   placing precisely is rela-
      dicting this was going to be                                       robots, which resemble  tively easy, but it’s harder to
      an AI Drupa, or an automa-                                         four-armed spiders hanging   pick from pallets that may
      tion Drupa. But most visibly,                                      from a gantry. They are   not be in the right position,
      it was certainly a robot                                           extremely fast for pick and   or the stacks are uneven.
      Drupa.                                                             placement on belts, but they  Recmi uses a camera and
        All over the halls were
      robot arms reaching to grab                                        don’t have the reach and ver-  then a laser edge finder to
      and place things, some giant                                       satility of articulated arms.  identify positions for
      ones safely imprisoned in                                           Robot arms and deltas can  pickup.
      cages, others trusted outside                                      be used to pick up objects,   Cobots (collaborative
      cages as cobots (cooperative                                       which may be a stack/pile or  robots) are designed to
      robots) with arms reaching   The MoviGo Sharko 10 AMR on the HP stand transporting a reel  individual  sheets,  labels,  work alongside human
      around production                                                  cards or box lids, and place   operators, without risk of
      machines to help the opera-  got in the way.  applications, with some   them precisely somewhere  harming them. They tend to
      tors. Some, called AMRs   Robots have been building   Drupa examples.  else – typically on a feeder or  be small and slow moving,
      (autonomous mobile robots)   cars and other heavy metal   Robot arms were the most   delivery tray, conveyor belt,   with elaborate safety sys-
      were on wheels, scurrying   since the 1970s and AGV   common. They tend to be on   cutting table or flatbed print  tems to slow or stop them if
      around carrying pallets or   (automated guided vehicle)   a fixed base from which they   bed.   a human is at risk of getting
      reels. Most impressively,   roll and pallet trucks have   rotate, reach, pick up and   At Drupa, the French   in the way.
      Konica Minolta was confi-  been in large printers since   place things, though some
      dent enough to allow one   the late 1980s. But now they  were on movable bases.   robot developer Recmi   At Drupa, Heidelberg was
      called FORXai to roam the   are getting smarter, easier to   Many have interchangeable   Industrie was showing an   showing a StackStar C cobot
      aisles of its stand without   integrate and, crucially, eas-  end tools, such as suction   arm for de-palletising and   with a small barrier, but this
      obvious supervision, weav-  ier to afford. Here’s a run   frames for sheets, or finger   palletising functions includ-  was just to keep the visitors
      ing around strolling visitors   through some of the main   grippers for stacks.  ing case packing. CEO Gilles  out of the way – in a factory
      and politely stopping if any   types of robot for printing   Less common this time at   Bodereau explained that   it’s not needed.

      DTG vs DTF: The direct approach to apparel

        Printing to garments and                                             minutes to fully cure the ink.   growing over the next cou-
      other accessories is an excel-                                     In the last couple of years a   ple of years.”
      lent way to get into the                                           new approach, printing   The main advantage of
      growing apparel market,                                            direct to film, has arrived,   DTF is that it will work with
      covering everything from                                           driven largely by low-cost   a wide range of different
      promotional clothing
      through to fashion and                                             machines from China that   materials, including polyes-
      sportswear. Traditionally                                          have caught most of the   ter,  cotton and nylon.  In
      this has been mainly done by                                       established players on the   addition, it’s a relatively
      screen printing but in recent                                      hop.                  cheap process, with reason-
      years we have seen a number                                         Alex Mighall, product   able productivity since
      of direct-to-garment (DTG)                                         marketing manager for RA   there’s no need to apply a
      printers developed. And,   Devices from Azon, Brother, Kornit, Polyprint and Ricoh  Smart, notes: “Nobody was   primer.
      more recently, a new tech-                                         expecting it to boom as   The technique is split
      nique, direct-to-film (DTF)   need to apply some kind of   garment is stretched on a   quickly as it has done. But I   across two stages, starting
      has appeared.         pre-treatment to hold the   platen and the image printed   am sure that we will see   with a roll-fed inkjet
        With DTG, the ink is jet-  ink. With many of the   directly onto it. Most ven-
      ted directly onto the gar-  smaller desktop machines   dors offer a range of platens   more and more OEMs that   printer, typically around
      ment. It works best with   this has to be sprayed on   for holding t-shirts, hats or   we know coming out with   600mm wide. The design is
      natural fibres, such as cot-  manually, while some   other items. Afterwards, you   their own machines because   printed onto a transfer film
      ton, linen, bamboo or blends   machines will do this imme-  just need to place the gar-  for sure it’s here to stay and   using a water-based inkset
      thereof. You will usually   diately prior to printing. The   ment in a heat press for a few   we are only going to see it   formulated for this purpose.

      16  PrintWeek MENA September 2024
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