Page 13 - PWM2024_September Ebook
P. 13


      Paper ME, Print 2 Pack to                                                                Tesla enters
                                                                                               candy market

      Debut in Saudi Arabia                                                                      The name Tesla immedi-

                                                                                               ately evokes images of zoom-
                                                                                               ing electric vehicles and solar
        Saudi Arabia is all set to                                       neurs, service providers,
      welcome Paper ME and Print                                         quality buyers, and trade visi-  panels sitting pretty on roof-
      2 Pack – two high profile                                          tors from Saudi Arabia and   tops oozing clean energy for a
                                                                                               sustainable future. Recently,
      exhibitions showcasing the                                         the entire region.Providing   however, the Texas-based EV
      most innovative paper, print-                                      exhibitors with confirmed   and clean energy giant made
      ing, packaging, and plastics                                       360-degree opportunity to   a surprising move with its
      technologies – to cater to the                                     break into one of the world’s   foray into the confectionery
      massive industrial needs of                                        most attractive profit zones;   market. Known for its cut-
      Saudi Arabia and the entire                                        the events are expected to   ting-edge technology and
      GCC region. Cutting-edge                                           generate big business deals   visionary leadership under
      advancements in pulp, paper,                                       all under one roof; thus   Elon Musk, Tesla has
                                                                         allowing exhibitors to
      corrugated board, and tissue;                                      achieve the best return on   recently filed four new trade-
      printing; packaging; and sus-  The events will be held from 18-20 November, 2024 in Saudi Arabia  their investment.   mark applications for unique
      tainable solutions such as   International exhibitors from   Events Center from 18-20   Highlighting all the funda-  candy products that are sure
      water treatment and energy  China, Egypt, Germany,   November, 2024. Thanks to   mental solutions applicable   to capture the public’s imagi-
      conservation equipment will  India, Italy, Japan, Turkey,   their exclusive conceptions,   in the world of paper, print-  nation.
      be the highlights on display.  the UAE, and the US, have   the two events will outline   ing, and packaging indus-  The announcement,
        The events provide non-  confirmed their participa-  the major tendencies and   tries, the event will be   which surfaced on social
      stop insights and compre-  tion, trying to open new mar-  advancements presented by   indisputably the most influ-  media, reveals plans to
                                                                         ential specialized trade fair
      hensive solutions, making a  kets in the Kingdom and   the world’s key technology   within the MENA region   launch four different pieces
      significant milestone for  other GCC countries.  makers within the paper,   with an incomparable know-  of candy. The official names
      entrepreneurs, service pro-  Paper  ME Saudi  Arabia   printing, packaging, and   how to attract a broad range   in the trademark filings are
      viders, discerning buyers,  and the co-located Print 2   plastics sectors, offering   of industry players and   ‘Supercharged Gummies,’
      and trade visitors from Saudi  Pack Saudi Arabia will be   seamless inputs and all-inclu-  record-breaking figures of   ‘Cyberberry,’ ‘Mango Bolt,’
      Arabia and the entire region.  held at the Jeddah Forums &   sive solutions to entrepre-  trade visitors.  and ‘Dog Mode Chill.’
      Egypt’s cartobox to display                                        AlSaffar installs

      Ferrero’s sweetness                                                Canon press

                                                                          AlSaffar, a leading book-
        Design and cardboard dis-                                        store and stationery hub with
      play stand manufacturer                                            printing services, has made a
      cartobox has collaborated                                          strategic investment in a
      with Italian confectionery                                         Canon imagePRESS V1000.
      giant Ferrero Group to                                             The high-performance digital
      export their point-of-pur-                                         printing press is part of the
      chase (POP) materials to                                           Qatif-based company’s need
      Morocco. The partnership                                           to enhance their short-run   Canon imagePRESS V1000
      marks an important mile-                                           production.
      stone  in the  Cairo-based                                          The imagePRESS V1000 is   jobs by sustaining the same
      company’s international   cartobox collaborates with Italian confectionery giant Ferrero Group   built on a reliable technology   speed on all media weights.
      growth strategy, establish-  Nabil Noshi.    Design Central which pro-  platform, harnessing innova-  The imagePRESS V1000’s
      ing their presence in a new   “A big thank you to the  vided  services to local and   tion and automation to pro-  extensive media-handling
      market and expanding their   Ferrero team for your part-  multinational companies.   duce a wide range  of   can produce a wide range of
      coverage across the entire   nership and trust in our   After gaining expertise in   applications.   applications – from booklets
      region. “The collaboration   capabilities. We are excited           The  machine’s auto-  to envelopes – expanding
      with Ferrero Group is aimed   to continue building our   packaging design and carton   duplex  printing  with  top   revenue streams by printing
      at bringing joy to people in   presence in this dynamic   box production, the com-  speeds of 100 ppm as well as   on both synthetic and tex-
      the region with much-loved   market and exploring addi-  pany, renamed as cartobox,   the embedded cooling unit to   tured media with a weight
      treats and snacks, including   tional opportunities to grow   established a factory in the   reduce the frequency of tem-  support of up to 400gsm. Its
      Nutella, Ferrero Rocher,   our footprint in the region,”   10th of Ramadan City in   perature adjustment for each   space saving, compact design
      Kinder, and Tic Tac,” says   adds Noshi.     2003 for manufacturing   sheet, delivers high produc-  is another feature of the digi-
      cartobox managing director   cartobox started off as  cardboard display stands.  tivity for a variety of print   tal press.                                                                  September 2024 PrintWeek MENA 11
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