Page 16 - PWM2024_September Ebook
P. 16


                                                                                               Valmet opens a
      Norske Skog provides updates new centre

      on strategic projects                                                                    service center in Beihai to
                                                                                                Valmet has opened a new
                                                                                               serve and be close to its cus-
                                                                                               tomers in the fast-growing
        Norske Skog has provided                                          Containerboard produc-  pulp and paper industry in
      updates on two projects —                                          tion at Golbey will become   the Guangxi Zhuang
      Norske Skog Golbey  in                                             part of the Packaging Paper
      France and Norske Skog                                                                   Autonomous Region, West
      Saugbrugs in Norway.                                               accounting segment from   China. The center is a vital
        According to the com-                                            the first quarter of 2025.  service point for Valmet’s
      pany, containerboard pro-                                           At N o rs k e S k o g   customers across China. An
      duction at Norske Skog                                             Saugbrugs, the company has   inauguration ceremony was
      Golbey is expected to start                                        started a study that will   held on September 3, 2024,
      during the first quarter of                                                              and was attended by custom-
      2025. Norske Skog previ-  The Golbey project will convert PM1 at Norske Skog Golbey  form the basis of building a   ers, industry associations,
      ously estimated production                                         bleached chemi-thermome-
      to begin in the second half   zation within 2-3 years after   work relating to piping and   chanical pulp (BCTMP)   trade press, local authorities,
      of 2024.              startup.               electrical cabling has taken   production line at the mill   and Valmet’s management.
        The Golbey  project   Commissioning of the roll   longer than planned.  in Halden, Nor way.   The Beihai Service Center
      involves the conversion of   warehouse, containerboard   The net investment   Currently, the study is being   serves pulp, board, and paper
      paper machine 1 (PM1) from   winder, and the effluent sta-  amount  has increased  to   conducted with support   customers close by, focusing
      the production of newsprint   tion is ongoing.  EUR 320 million from previ-              on fiber workshop services,
      to recycled containerboard.   In addition, pre-commis-  ous EUR 300 million as a   from engineering consult-  roll maintenance, and field
      The machine will have the   sioning (I/O check) has   result of the revised timeline   ants and vendor dialogues.   services, including shutdown
      capacity to produce 550,000   started for the OCC drum   and the additional work   The final investment deci-  planning management.
      tonnes per year and is   pulper and will start in early   required, Norske Skog   sion is still expected during   Valmet has three other ser-
      expected to reach 95% utili-  October for PM1. However,   noted.   the first half of 2025.  vice centers in China.
      Ahlstrom launches study for                                        Veritiv to buy Orora

      adding saturation                                                  Packaging Solutions

        Ahlstrom has initiated a                                          Veritiv announced it has
      feasibility study for investing                                    entered into a binding
      in tape base paper saturation                                      agreement with Orora
      and release coating capabil-                                       (ASX: ORA) to acquire the
      ity. The feasibility study eval-                                   North American packaging
      uates the most suitable                                            and distribution business
      approach to deliver these                                          Orora Packaging Solutions
      capabilities, and the final                                        (OPS)1.
      decision is expected to be                                          This strategic acquisition   OPS is a leading manufacturer
      made shortly after the study                                       will further position Veritiv   deliver to our customers,”
      is completed.                                                      as a leading provider of
        The potential investment                                         value-added products and   said Sal Abbate, Chief
      would help meet the                                                solutions in specialty pack-  Executive Officer of Veritiv.
      increased customer demand,   The investment would enhance Ahlstrom’s existing offerings  aging distribution in North   “By uniting two successful
      mainly in the Americas, by   tive, aerospace, building &   increased use of renewable   America.  players with a shared com-
      f u r t h er  en h a nc i n g   construction, and packaging   materials. “We are launching   Australia’s Orora in a   mitment to innovation, sus-
      Ahlstrom’s existing tape   tapes.  According  to   this study as a step to investi-  press release said it is selling   tainability, and exceptional
      product offering to include   Ahlstrom, the potential   gate the best way to access   OPS to Veritiv for an enter-  customer experiences, we
      specialty base papers, espe-  investment would expand its   the capability that supports   prise value of A$1.78 billion   are poised to offer a wide
      cially creped base papers,   offering of sustainable solu-  the needs of our customers   ($1.19 billion).  range of products and value-
      that are saturated and   tions by introducing prod-  now and in the future,” said   “The combination of   added solutions that meet
      coated. Saturated and coated   ucts  with improved   Sohrab Kazemahvazi, Vice  Veritiv and Orora Packaging   even the most complex
      tape papers can be used in   sustainability properties like   President of Ahlstrom’s Tape  Solutions will significantly   packaging and supply chain
      end applications like automo-  better recyclability and   business.  enhance the value we   needs.”

      14 PrintWeek MENA September 2024                                                  
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