Page 20 - PWM2024_September Ebook
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      Ultimate Tech partners                                             IN BRIEF

                                                                          The American Cradle to
                                                                          Cradle Products Innovation
      with GMG Color                                                      Institute has honored the
                                                                          global printing ink specialist
                                                                          hubergroup for the fourth
                                                                          neering standards in terms
        Ultimate Tech has part-                                           time in a row for its pio-
                                                                          of environmental protec-
      nered with GMG Color to                                             tion, sustainability and
      offer label makers a central-                                       social commitment. The Cradle to Cradle (C2C) certification
      ized, and flexible workflow                                         is a comprehensive certification system that aims to make
      that empowers them to focus                                         products and materials more sustainable throughout
                                                                          their entire life cycle. The most important criterion for an
      on growth while delivering                                          award is a holistic commitment in the areas of material
      exceptional color-accurate                                          health, product circularity, renewable energy, water
      results. Ultimate Tech sets its                                     stewardship and social responsibility. The certification
      focus on enhancing label   This deal will label makers a centralized, and flexible workflow   recognizes hubergroup's commitment to using materials
                                                                          that are safe for both humans and the environment. That
      printing and batching capa-                                         its products are produced in such a way that as part of the
      bilities. By integrating GMG   ing challenges. This collabo-  dynamic batching and gang-  printed product they can be returned to biological or
      Color’s color management   ration is all about   ing features.’     technical cycles and easily recycled after use. That huber-
      products, printers can ensure   empowering converters to   Andrew Bailes-Collins,   group promotes the use of renewable energy sources and
                                                                          the responsible use of water, for example at its plants in
      that labels, production and   manage color effectively   head of product at Ultimate   Italy and India. And that social and ethical aspects are
      color work in harmony.  while maximizing digital pro-  Te ch,   com mente d:   incorporated into the production process and corporate
        Darrian Young, global   duction efficiency.’  ‘Converters are grappling   practices. hubergroup is not only recognized for individ-
      partnership manager at   Julie Watson, CEO of   with the complexities of   ual products, but as a company as a whole.
      GMG Color Americas, said:   Ultimate Tech, added:   increased SKUs and faster   Xsys has signed an agreement
      ‘Combining our premier   ‘Ultimate Impostrip offers a   turnarounds, all while main-  with Element Solutions to
      color management solutions   comprehensive package to   taining quality and meeting   acquire certain shares and
      with Ultimate Impostrip's   centralize and automate   the demands of brand own-  assets held by subsidiaries of
                                                                          the latter, comprising the
      dynamic batching features   workflows, making it easier   ers. Our partnership with   M acD e r mid Gr ap hics
      enables label converters to   for businesses to harness the  GMG introduces ground-  Solutions business for
      achieve predictable color   full potential of digital label   breaking automated solu-  approximately 325 million
      success while tackling grow-  production with innovative   tions to meet these needs.’  USD. The transaction has been
                                                                          approved by the board of directors of both companies and
                                                                          is subject to regulatory approvals and customary closing
      Cerm debuts AI assistant at                                         conditions. Xsys has also announced a change in leadership
                                                                          at Xsys. Departing group CEO Oliver Dohn has driven profit-
      Labelexpo Americas 2024                                             able growth and set a new strategic growth and innovation
                                                                          agenda for Xsys. Dohn has now decided to pursue other
                                                                          endeavors.  Dr. Alexander Unterschütz has taken the posi-
                                                                          tion of the new group CEO in order to spearhead Xsys’s next
        Cerm will debut Lumi, a                                           growth chapter. Prior to joining Xsys, Dr. Unterschütz led the
      new AI-powered support                                              components business at Linde Engineering, where he
      assistant, at Labelexpo                                             worked for 14 years.
      Americas 2024. Lumi is                                              From Sept 10-12, Esko will
      designed to offer a new level                                       showcase new innovations
      of immediate, 24/7 available,                                       that help label converter
      intelligent assistance tailored                                     and brands produce more at
      to Cerm MIS customers’                                              a faster pace while main-
                                                                          taining optimal quality.
      needs.    Cerm  will unveil                                         These advancements include
      Lumi at Labelexpo Americas                                          cloud technology, estimating
      2024 booth 437, Hall A. In   Lumi offers 24/7 support for Cerm MIS users  software and inline inspec-
      sessions, led by Peter Heyse,   team members, Lumi is here   confidence.’   tion hardware.  ‘Representing a significant advancement
                                                                          in software architecture, the new Esko S2 platform is a
      director of product develop-                                        multi-tenant cloud-native platform that delivers on a
      ment at Cerm, the company   to transform how our clients   Lumi’s capabilities prom-  new technological reality based on cloud computing, data
      will showcase how Lumi is a   experience support,’ said  ise to reduce downtime and   sharing and artificial intelligence,’ said Jan De Roeck,
      dedicated guide specifically   Sebastiaan Hermans, Cerm  improve operational effi-  Esko director of marketing, industry relations & strategy.
      designed for Cerm MIS   marketing manager. ‘This AI  ciency by delivering precise,   ‘All strategic Esko applications — from ArtPro+, ArtiosCAD
      users, whether it’s trouble-  assistant is set to redefine   on-demand assistance that   and the award-winning Phoenix through to Cape Pack
      shooting or navigating com-  customer service by making   helps users maximize the   and Automation Engine — connect to the new platform,
      plex workflows.                                                     giving all stakeholders in the value chain 24/7 real-time
        ‘Born from our own need   help accessible at any time,   potential of Cerm MIS and   access to live data and identical resources, wherever in
                                                                          the world they reside. Moreover, Esko S2 is an open plat-
      to boost efficiency during the   ensuring our clients can use   make it easier and more effi-  form supporting connectivity with partners.’
      onboarding process of new   Cerm MIS Software with   cient to navigate Cerm MIS.
      18 PrintWeek MENA September 2024                                                  
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