Page 17 - PWM2024_September Ebook
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      Destination for premium sign                                                             EFI expands
      and display innovation                                                                   next-generation printers to
                                                                                                EFI has added two more

                                                                                               its wide-format Pro Series
        Sign China is set to open                                        ity and quality, some of the   Designed to help sign and
      its doors, with organisers                                         highlights at this year’s expo   display graphics producers be
      saying this year’s show will                                       will include developments   more competitive and grow
      be the perfect place to dis-                                       in 6m-wide printing and   their business, the Pro 16h+
      cover the latest trends in                                         next generation printers and   hybrid LED printer and Pro
      graphics, printing, signage,                                       cutters  equipped with  AI   30f+ flatbed LED printer
      LEDs, and smart displays.                                          scanners for enhanced pre-  deliver “high-quality imaging
      Sign China 2024, the lead-                                         cision in intricate sign prod-  at production speeds and
      ing event for global sign pro-                                     ucts. These innovations not   even more printing capabili-
      fessionals, will be held from                                      only boost work efficiency   ties – all with a low total cost
      September  19-21  at  the                                          but also elevate industry   of ownership (TCO)”,
      Shanghai International   Sign China is set to open its doors on September 19 in Shanghai  standards to new heights.  according to the manufac-
      Convention & Exhibition                                             A diverse range covers   turer.
      Centre.                 Discover the largest sign   Boasting leading global and   every aspect of the signmak-  The 65-inch Pro 16h+
        Now in its 24th edition,   production hub in China  regional exhibitors, Sign   ing industry, offering inte-  hybrid flatbed/roll-fed LED
      the show will present the lat-  with 2,000 brands  China offers global visitors   grated solutions and fresh   printer offers resolutions up
      est innovations and trends   Sign China is held in   more than 2,000 quality   ideas  for  various  applica-  to 1,200dpi and true variable
      in the Chinese sign market,   Shanghai,  within  the   brands presenting their lat-  tions, from billboards and   drop greyscale printing with
      helping global sign profes-  Yangtze River Delta region,   est products and technolo-  wall advertising to guide sig-  a 5pL drop size, and produc-
      sionals gain valuable   known as the biggest pro-  gies.           nage, vehicle advertising,   tion-level printing up to 50%
      insights and navigate the   duction hub for the mid- to   As well as serious develop-  exhibitions, store decoration   faster than  the Pro 16h
      market with ease.     high-end sign industry.  ments in terms of productiv-  and more.   printer.
      Wrapfest reveals agenda                                            Origin Sign Co gains

      highlights for Silverstone event                                   with HP Latex install

        Fespa’s vehicle-wrapping                                          Skelmersdale-based wide-
      expo, WrapFest, has                                                format firm Origin Sign Co
      revealed highlights for its                                        has found itself saving time,
      October event,  held  at                                           money and stress after
      Silverstone racing circuit.                                        installing an HP Latex 630.
      High up on the agenda are                                          The new machine, which
      the expo’s WrapTalks pro-                                          prints up to 14sqm/hr, has
      gramme, featuring Paige                                            been a “breath of fresh air,”
      Walton, CEO and founder                                            according to production
      of The Vehicle Wrapping                                            manager James Watterson.
      Academy, exploring the   Wrapfest features live demonstrations of new materials & products  “It’s outstanding,” he told   Installed an HP Latex 630
      experience of women in the   and implement eye-catch-  their business.New to this   Printweek. “It’s perfect for
      sector in a panel discussion;   ing fleet liveries.   year will be the Surface   short runs – it’s essentially   after it was installed.
      also on the programme will   Architectural wrapping will   Decoration Showcase, dis-  made to put a 50-metre roll   Obviously we’re coming
      be Sean Bull, F1 graphic   also feature, with Chris   playing an array of products   on, and just let it do its thing,   from a print background, but
                            Edwards, director of CVI
                                                   for interior spaces, includ-
      designer at racing car firm   Group, offering insights  ing furniture wraps, win-  it’s so reliable.”  I’d almost say that anyone
      Alpine, who will discuss the   into wrapping’s many uses   dow films, wall coverings,   The Latex joined a flatbed   could jump on the printer
      interplay of design, technol-  for  interior and exterior   a n d wi n d o w ti n t s.   Mimaki JFX200-2513EX, but   and get it running, it’s so
      ogy and aesthetics in   spaces.              Independent trainers will  has helped the company   user-frendly,” Watterson
      Formula 1.              Celebrity car wrapper   be leading product demon-  expand its product offering,   said. He added that it had
        A discussion on designing   Yiannimize will return after   strations for attendees.  while cutting production   been a particular blessing for
      effective fleet liveries will  a successful session at   The event will also  host   time with better speeds.
      likewis be led by Keiran   WrapFest 2023, this year   to the regional UK and             wallpaper jobs, which had
      McCabe, owner of RGVA   offering a bookable ‘busi-  Ireland World Wrap   “It’s very flexible, and so   previously required careful
      Vehicle Graphics, teaching   ness surgery’ for visitors   Masters heat in which 24   user-friendly. We were able   thought about how to slot
      attendees how to design   looking to grow or develop   wrappers will compete.  to start production the day   into production.                                                                  September 2024 PrintWeek MENA 15
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