Page 15 - PWM2024_September Ebook
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      UK Atomic Energy Authority                                                               HP revenue
                                                                                               climbs in Q3

      powers up print with Ricoh                                                                 HP has reported that its

                                                                                               sales for Q3 were up year-on-
                                                                                               year, although revenue in its
        The UK Atomic Energy                                             made it possible to produce
      Authority (UKAEA) has                                              full-bleed leaflets, flyers and   Printing division was down.
      powered up its print and fin-                                      business cards for the agency,   In results released earlier this
                                                                                               week, the manufacturer
      ishing capabilities by install-                                    all in-house, helping to con-  recorded total sales of
      ing a Ricoh Pro C7500 with                                         trol print costs and increase   $13.5bn (£10.24bn) for the
      online Plockmatic booklet-                                         the agency’s range of creative   three-month period to 31 July
      maker in spring 2024.                                                                    2024, up 2.4% on the
        The UK’s national organi-                                        possibilities.        $13.2bn reported at the same
      sation responsible for                                              Ian Taylor, production   stage a year ago.
      research into and delivery of                                      print specialist at Ricoh UK,   Net revenue in the firm’s
      sustainable fusion energy – a                                      said: “We are thrilled to   Printing division was down
      long-held dream of many                                            extend our partnership with   3% year-on-year, to $4.14bn,
      atomic scientists – has seen   UKAEA C7500 fitted with Plockmatic and Duplo finishing kit  UK Atomic Energy   with a 17.3% operating mar-
      its print services wing   It  has replaced a Pro   processes, and has helped us   Authority. “Integrating the   gin.
      streamline time consuming   C7200 toner printer at the   improve print turnaround,   Plockmatic and Duplo finish-  HP said it  realigned  its
      hand-performed processes   agency.           and has freed up valuable   ing devices with the Ricoh   business unit financial
      with the installation.  Stuart Morris, UKAEA   creative time.”     Pro C7500 will not only   reporting more closely with
        Fitted with integrated                                           enhance  print  quality  but   its customer market segmen-
      Plockmatic 500 booklet-  print manager, said adding   The inline bookletmaker,           tation, as of its first quarter of
      maker and rotate/cut/trim   workflow automation had   with three-knife trimming,   also drive automation and   fiscal 2024. The realignment
      unit, the Pro C7500 toner   been particularly helpful.  has allowed the agency to   deliver a wide range of bene-  resulted in the transfer of the
      printer has helped the   He told Printweek: “[The   produce square-fold, fully   fits for the customer, enhanc-  net revenues of LaserJet
      agency slash turnaround  installation] helped stream-  trimmed booklets. A Duplo   ing operational efficiencies   printers from the Consumer
      times and free up time for  line what were previously   DC618 cutter-creaser, also   and ensuring higher quality   Printing category to
      design work.          time  consuming manual   fitted inline, has likewise   output for the customer.”  Commercial Printing.
      Konica Minolta launches                                            RMC Digital boosts

      AccurioPrint C751i series                                          market position

        Konica  Minolta  has
      l a u nc he d  t he  ne w                                           Wide-format trade firm
      AccurioPrint C751i series                                          RMC Digital has acquired
      printers. The business said                                        the Modular Sign System
      the AccurioPrint C751i and                                         (MSS) division of
      AccurioPrint C751i Flux can                                        Warwickshire signage and
      meet the wide range of col-                                        display specialist
      our print requirements of                                          Workshop2. Completed at   Deal strengthens RMC Digital
      both reprographics depart-                                         the end of July, the deal saw
      ments and commercial                                               RMC take on the MSS divi-  facturing and supply of
      printers.                                                          sion’s stock, kit, customer   modular signage, with the
        Reaching print speeds of   The AccurioPrint C751i series replaces the AccurioPrint C750i series  book, and the rights to use   divestment allowing it to
      70ppm, or 75ppm mono, on   software, which automates  series replaces t he   and market the modular sig-  shift attention to its core
      paper weighing from    recurring tasks to improve  AccurioPrint C750i series   nage product under its   business.
      5 2 - 3 0 0 g s m ,  t he  print  productivity.  With  and adds new and enhanced   brand name, ‘HB Modular   RMC was already closely
      AccurioPrint C751i is said to   Konica Minolta’s print con-  features that make it quicker   Sign System’.  involved with Workshop2,
      ensure accuracy in colour   troller, the machine is said  and easier to set up.  While RMC was already a   often performing spraying,
      reproduction together with                                         major producer of modular   screening or vinyling work
      the Fiery Controller and   to deliver “powerful work-  The need to manage   signage in the UK, the
      offers multiple colour man-  flow benefits” as well as full  paper settings has been   acquisition has strength-  for the modular signage for
      agement functions. The   compatibility with print  replaced with a media sen-  ened its position in the mar-  the firm. “It really strength-
      AccurioPrint C751i Flux,   engine on-board job control  sor that automatically   ket considerably.  ens what we can offer,” said
      meanwhile,  adds  the   and editing.         detects paper weight and   Workshop2 has stopped   Nicole Spencer, RMC man-
      AccurioPro Flux Essential   The AccurioPrint C751i  type.          all marketing, sales, manu-  aging director.                                                                  September 2024 PrintWeek MENA 13
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