Page 12 - PWM2024_September Ebook
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      Inaugural Saudi Paper &                                                                  HP Inc. reports
                                                                                               rise in revenue

      Packaging Expo 2025                                                                        HP’s printing net revenue

                                                                                               was $4.1 billion, down 3%
                                                                                               year-on-year with a 17.3%
        Attracting over 14,000                                           sectors in Saudi Arabia.   operating margin. Though
      industry professionals across                                      Manufacturers, suppliers,   the consumer printing net
      three days, the inaugural edi-                                     and innovators will come   revenue showed an uptick of
      tion of Saudi Paper &                                              together to showcase their   2% year-on-year to $293 mil-
      Packaging Expo, co-located                                         latest products, technologies,   lion, the net revenue of the
      with Saudi Signage &                                               and solutions, highlighting   firm’s commercial printing
      Labelling Expo, will be held                                                             division was down 5% at
      at the Riyadh International                                        the developments that shape   $1.15 billion. Supplies net
      Convention & Exhibition                                            the future of the paper and   revenue was down 2%.
      Center (RICEC) from 20-22                                          packaging industry,” com-
      May 2025.                                                          ments Muhammed Kazi,    While total hardware units
        Organized by the UAE-                                            senior vice president, dmg   were down 2%, commercial
      based global exhibitions and   It will be held at Riyadh International Convention & Exhibition Center   events.  printing units fell 4%, with
      publishing company dmg  demand for sustainable and   forecast period.   “The significant success of   flat revenue growth for con-
      events, the dual events will  eco-friendly packaging solu-  The upswing is attributed   the inaugural Saudi Signage   sumer printing units. HP’s
      provide important platforms  tions, the paper manufactur-  to the growth of the e-com-  & Labelling Expo, launched   Personal Systems net reve-
      to expand business pros-  ing and packaging sectors in   merce sector and increased   in 2023, demonstrated the   nue was $9.4 billion, up 5%
      pects, showcase innovative  Saudi Arabia are experienc-  consumer awareness regard-  demand for such platforms.   year-on-year, with a 6.4%
      products that will reshape  ing significant growth. The   ing sustainable packaging, in   We are confident that the   operating margin. Consumer
      the industry, and engage in a  Saudi paper and cardboard   addition to the initiative of   PS net revenue was down 1%
      vibrant networking environ-  packaging market, currently   Saudi Vision 2030.  addition of the paper and   and Commercial PS net reve-
      ment, bringing together key  estimated around $2.22 bil-  “We confirm the launch of   packaging manufacturing   nue was up 8%. Total units
      decision makers and industry  lion  is expected  to reach   Saudi  Paper  &  Packaging   sectors will enhance the   were up 1% with Consumer
      players.              $2.84 billion, at a CAGR of   Expo to support the growth   value we offer to both exhibi-  PS units down 6% and
        Fuelled by the rising  4.24% during the 2024-2029   and development of these   tors and visitors,” adds Kazi.  Commercial PS units up 6%.
      BOBST confirms participation                                       Canon unveils A2

      at Propak West Africa                                              desktop printer

                                                                          Canon  Europe  has
        Leading printing and                                             announced the release of the
      packaging  solutions  pro-                                         highly anticipated image-
      vider BOBST has confirmed                                          PROGRAF PRO-1100, a flag-
      participation at the upcom-                                        ship A2 model from the
      ing Propak West Africa to be                                       desktop inkjet professional
      held in Lagos, Nigeria, from                                       printer range. Designed spe-
      10-12 September, 2024.                                             cifically for professional pho-
      Automation, connectivity,                                          tographers and serious   imagePROGRAF PRO-1100
      digitalisation, and sustaina-                                      enthusiasts, the imagePRO-  breathtaking depth and
      bility will be the buzz words                                      GRAF PRO-1100 is engi-
      at the BOBST stand during    BOBST confirmed participation at the upcoming Propak West Africa  neered to deliver exceptional   detail, capturing the subtlest
      the 11th edition of West   industry is driven by con-  experts from across its fold-  photo quality and durability.  nuances in photography.
      Africa’s largest packaging,   nectivity, digitalisation,  ing carton, corrugated, flex-  The printer sets new stand-  The printer’s advanced ink
      plastics, print, food process-  automation, and sustaina-  ible packaging, and label   ards in photo printing, fea-  technology ensures remarka-
      ing, and labelling exhibition   bility,” says Mohamed   business units will discuss   turing LUCIA PRO II, a   ble light fastness and scratch
      to be held at the spectacular   H a s s a i r i, R e g i o n a l   the future of packaging pro-  newly developed pigment ink   resistance, allowing high-
      beachfront Landmark    M a r k e t i n g  &  duction with interested visi-  for the series. Offering   quality printed works to be
                                                   tors. “We are fulfilling our
      Centre.                Communications Manager   industry vision to ‘shape the            appreciated and preserved
        BOBST will showcase the   BOBST Africa & Middle   future of packaging world’   unparalleled image quality
      latest innovations and stra-  East and Turkey/Caucasus.  with solutions that empower   with a wider spectrum of col-  for decades to come, with
      tegic partnerships. “Our   As one of the major exhibi-  printers and converters,”   our compared to the existing   light resistance up to 200
      commitment to shaping the   tors among a list of around  BOBST Group CEO Jean-  imagePROGRAF PRO-1000   years – perfect for archival
      future of the packaging   250 companies, BOBST  Pascal Bobst.      model, it delivers prints with   and documentary purposes.
      10  PrintWeek MENA September 2024                                                  
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