Page 7 - PWM2024_September Ebook
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        BRIEFS                                     FESPA expo returns to

       Sand on Glo b al
       Engraving Technology
       Limited has announced
       a new sales agency                          Dubai in January 2025
       agreement, agreed at
       drupa – no. 1 for printing
       technologies 2024 with                       FESPA Middle East, which
       Jordanian Lines Printing                    connects senior decision-
       & Packaging (JLPP). JLPP
       has been appointed as                       makers and trade profession-
       their exclusive representative in Jordan, Lebanon, Syria, and   als with leading OEM
       Iraq. Jake Roberts, Sales Director at Sandon Global, said,   suppliers  and distributors
       “We are excited to welcome Jordanian Lines Printing and   from the print and signage
       Packaging as our new agent and anticipate a successful
       partnership that will further expand the Sandon Global   industry, will return to the
       brand in the Middle East.” Sandon Global manufactures   Dubai Exhibition Centre on
       laser engraved anilox rolls and sleeves supplying to   20-22 January 2025 after a
       flexographic printers worldwide. Exporting to 67 countries   hugely successful inaugural
       and ISO 9001 accredited, they pride on innovation and   event earlier this year.
       setting the standard in engineering.  R&D is at the heart of      FESPA’s inaugural event attracted more than 4,000 visits in 3 days
       their business, and, through new product development,    According to international
       innovative anilox cell designs offer our customers precision,   market research company   industry sector was valued at  negative economic impact of
       quality and consistency. They develop the latest generation   Mordor Intelligence, the   $357 billion in 2023 and is   the pandemic. Data received
       in anilox engravings and supply a range of ancillary   GCC digital printing market  expected to top $443 billion  from 1,788 respondents in
       products including sleeve covers, cleaning chemicals and
       print sleeve and anilox storage.            alone is estimated to reach   by 2028.      120 different countries, cov-
                                                   $1.16 billion by 2029, with a   The FESPA Print Census, a   ering sign and display busi-
       In a groundbreaking                         CAGR of 8.93% over the next   global  industry research   nesses, screen printers,
       move to tackle the                          five years. In addition, a
       scourge of plastic                          report published by Dublin-  study updated in 2023,   commercial printers, textile
       pollution, Lifemart, a                                            revealed that print service  and garment printing spe-
       healthy food store in                       based market insights and
       Dubai’s Business Bay                        analysis company Research   providers reported an aver-  cialists, as well as packaging
       district, has launched an                   and Markets states that the   age increase of 7% in reve-  printers, highlighted a posi-
       innovative campaign                         broader global printing   nues since 2018, despite the  tive business outlook.
       offering the world’s first
       negative price eco-bags.
       total purchase price by 1 dirham. The offer is valid for  Paperworld Middle East to be
       Each eco-bag added to a customer’s cart will reduce their
       in-store purchases at its Bay Square 11 store. Lifemart will
       encourage sustainable shopping and raise environmental  held from 12 - 14 November
       absorb all costs associated with this promotion, to
       awareness. Known for redefining the concept of grocery
       shopping, Lifemart has introduced this initiative to combat   Connect with the paper,
       the environmental impact of disposable plastic bags. The   stationery and office sup-
       new eco-bags, available for free with a bonus of reducing   plies under one roof in 3
       the total bill by 1 dirham, are set to attract eco-conscious
       consumers in Dubai.                         days at Paperworld Middle
                                                   East 2024 from 12th to 14th
       Leading atmospheric                         of November at Dubai
       w at e r g e ne rat io n                    World Trade Centre.
       company A1RWATER has                         At Paperworld Middle
       announced the launch                        East, creativity meets pro-
       of a new state-of-the-                      ductivity across a wide range
       art bottling facility in                    of stationery, office supplies,   Paperworld Middle East 2024 will highlight hobby, craft and art supplies
       Dubai Industrial City                       arts & crafts, paints, work-  latest products in the indus-  attributed to the substantial
       (DIC), poised to produce                                          try and learn how the indus-
       over 1,00,000 litres of                     books, school bags and                      increase in the number of
       pure water daily, directly from the air.The new DIC facility, set   much more. Serving as a   try is moving forward. The   events celebrating art and
       to be fully operational in Q4 2024, will house over 50 A1R3000   global sourcing platform,   spotlight this year will be on   culture in the region, such as
       units, each producing 3,000 litres of water per day. This   you can find products that  the hobby, craft, and art sup-  the Dubai government’s
       translates to roughly 1,20,000 litres of pure drinking water   are fit-for-purpose for any   plies market.   Sikka Art & Design Festival,
       produced per day, which will be supplied in reusable glass   office or educational institu-  According to global mar-
       bottles to hotels, schools, corporates offices, and more across   tions, negotiate great deals   ket research firm   a flagship event of Dubai Art
       the region, eliminating millions of plastic water bottles and   and be inspired by game-  Season.
       helping companies to accelerate their ESG goals. The   changing solutions.  6Wresearch, the sector is   This festival includes out-
       landmark development expands the proven model piloted   Connect with manufac-  expected to grow to over   door installations, art exhi-
       with Fairmont Bab Al Bahr, Abu Dhabi’s 5-star beach resort,       $934 million by 2030 at an   bitions, and workshops
       and aligns with the UAE Water Security Strategy 2036, the UAE   turers, wholesalers, distribu-  impressive CAGR of 4.4%.
       Circular Economy Policy, and the UAE’s Net Zero 2050 Strategy.  tors and retailers from over   where the supplies are uti-
                                                   100 countries, discover the   The significant growth is   lised.                                                                  September 2024 PrintWeek MENA 05
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