Page 11 - PWM2024_September Ebook
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      “FESPA 2025 will be better & bigger”

        FESPA Middle East,                                               Because a trade show in iso-  equipment coming out, and I
      which connects senior deci-                                        lation is interesting, but it’s   think we are starting to see
      sion-makers and trade pro-                                         so much more powerful   development increasing
      fessionals with leading OEM                                        when we have printers   again. So, if you look at three
      suppliers and distributors                                         speaking to one another   to four years ago about
      from the print and signage                                         about what they see in the   COVID, you know it was a
      industry, will return to the                                       market, what they see the   little bit slower. Now, you
      Dubai Exhibition Centre on                                         trends are, and they see   are starting to see the large
      20-22 January 2025 after a                                         FESPA as a place anywhere   manufacturers coming back
      hugely successful inaugural                                        in the world, any festival in   with lots of changes, moving
      event earlier this year. In an                                     the world you go to, people   and moving, just trying to
      exclusive conversation with                                        are much more open to shar-  increase the quality, speed,
      PrintWeek MENA, FESPA   “Highlight of the 2025 edition will be a greater array of exhibitors”  ing their ideas, because it   and automation of their
      CEO Neil Felton said:                                              has such an international,
        “The highlights of the   much  about  content  and  industry as well. That went   powerful flavour, but with a   machinery. So I think we
      2025 edition will be an even   education. So we are going  incredibly well last year. We   lot of local support behind it.   will see many launches as we
      greater array of exhibitors,   to be even more educational  are going to build on that   So, I would say those four   get closer.”
      with a particular focus from   content. We are going to be   again. So I’d say that would   factors are the main reasons   “What amazed me in 2024
      international brands coming   looking at a variety of things,   be the third thing. And the   why FESPA will be even bet-  was that we had an interna-
      in. I think this is what the   from AI, sustainability, digi-  fourth thing would be, actu-  ter and bigger next year.”  tional feeling about it, so we
      region really needs: to see   tal signage, and  a whole  ally, the attendance from   “We believe software is   had many people from out-
      the latest equipment from   range of things with regard   around the region, not just   going to play a key role mov-  side. We will push even more
      the most exciting brands in   to education, to show the   Dubai, but trying  to get   ing forward, for efficiencies,   for international brands but
      the world. That’s what   audience where the next  printers to work with one   quality, colour management,   also bring a lot from the UAE
      FESPA is going to bring. So   opportunities are. And then   another and to meet at   and those sorts of things. So,   and  even  more  to  under-
      that’s number one. Number   we have also got some focus   FESPA and talk about the   actually, we think this year  stand to bring the whole
      two, I would say it’s very   with regard to the wrap   trends that are happening.   there will be a lot of new   market in,”  he adds.

      OnPrintShop to participate in PRINTING United Expo 2024

        The cloud-based w2p solu-                                            ment, B2B/B2C storefronts,   uninterrupted  browsing
      tion provider, OnPrintShop                                         print estimators, 3d visualiz-  experiences.
      will be attending PRINTING                                         ing tool, online designer stu-  Visitors to the show can
      United Expo 2024 for show-                                         dio with access to pre-loaded   pre-book their slots with
      casing its newly revamped                                          templates, 300+ integra-  OnPrintShop and meet
      web-to-print solutions at
      booth C719. The Expo is                                            tions and more.       their team at booth C719 to
      scheduled to be held at the                                         The web to print enabler’s   engage in one-on-one dis-
      Las Vegas Convention                                               senior architects and found-  cussions and experiencing
      Center on 10-12, 2024, with                                        ing members attending the   live demonstrations of its
      around 30,000 attendees                                            Expo will showcase the   modern web2print solu-
      anticipated to attend the                                          brand-new version of its   tions.
      event.                 OnPrintShop to showcase cutting-edge Web-to-Print innovations   web2print solution and ways   Attendees of the booth
        The globally acclaimed                                           to leverage it for driving real   can learn actionable ways to
      web-to-print innovator for   ments through multiple   caters to print businesses of   revenue growth. The team   utilize emerging technology
      2000+ print businesses will   sales channels like print   all sizes and helps them stay   will also unveil other in-  for simplifying print pro-
      reveal its most recent ver-  store branches, email/phone   relevant despite the chang-
      sion v.11.2 at the Expo and   requests, external market-  ing market demands. Their   demand features like volume   cesses, catering to diverse
      its powerful w2p capabili-  places and others.    full range of w2p solutions   pricing, quick order lists, tai-  print segments, maximizing
      ties. The showcase will   OnPrintShop, a veteran in                lored content strategies,   client retention, and uncov-
      include how PSP’s can cen-  the printing industry, with   include complete print auto-  high speed & performance of   ering new streams of reve-
      trally manage client require-  over 15+ years in business   mation from order to fulfil-  storefronts for providing   nue.

                                                                  September 2024 PrintWeek MENA 09
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