Page 8 - PWM2024_September Ebook
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      Wellcare Adversting at SGI Dubai

        SGI Dubai is set to return                                       spite of the digital age.   will highlight the Middle
      with its 27th edition, prom-                                       Sustainable printing solu-  East and Africa’s growing
      ising to be the most influen-                                      tions like Fabric, PVC free   influence in the global mar-
      tial event in the world of                                         Vinyl, Recyclable Banner etc   ket, showcasing emerging
      printing, signage, and imag-                                       are an add on to the printing   trends that are propelling the
      ing. Scheduled to take place                                       industry. The strategy of   industry into the future.
      from 24th to 26th                                                  Wellcare is to cater the adver-  Visitors can expect to
      September  at  the  Dubai                                          tising and signage industry   engage with interactive dis-
      World Trade Centre, SGI                                            with the most advanced   plays, witness live demon-
      Dubai 2024 will bring                                              machines and materials.”  strations of ground-breaking
      together over 200 exhibitors                                        Recognized as the premier   technologies, and connect
      from across the globe, show-                                       trade exhibition in the   with industry leaders who
      casing the latest innova-  “This year we will be launching the flagship Keundo UV printer”  Middle East, SGI Dubai con-  are driving innovation in
      tions, cutting-edge                                                tinues to elevate its status as
      products, and breakthrough   Pakistan, etc. We are looking  different market regions.   the ultimate convergence   large format printing, digital
                                                   This year we will be launch-
      technologies that are shap-  forward for a successful show   ing the flagship Keundo UV   point for industry profession-  signage, 3D printing, metal
      ing the future of the indus-  this year. Wellcare has come   printer with Fluorescent   als. This year’s edition is   cutting & engraving, textile
      try.                  up with the largest space for   Inks, 3D embossing and   poised to attract a high-  printing, and more. As the
        On  this occasion, Godwin   the second consecutive year.   Foiling.   caliber audience, including   Middle East’s premier plat-
      Joseph, Executive Director of   We will be exhibiting all our   “We will also exhibit   Owners, CEOs, and Tier 1   form for the printing and
      Wellcare Adversting   latest and most advanced   machines with the most   influencers from a diverse   imaging sectors, SGI Dubai
      Solutions LLC, said: “SGI is   machines.     advance technologies that   array of sectors, such as sign-  2024 is set to inspire, inno-
                              “Wellcare had a successful
      the biggest show for the   participation in 2023. We   can help our customers to   making, print production,   vate, and lead the industry
      Advertising and Signage   were able to close many deals   make maximum benefits.   digital signage, gift and pro-  into a new era of possibili-
      industry for the Middle East   and also were able to build   With the advanced printing  motional companies, media   ties. Don’t miss your chance
      region. Also, there are visi-  association with many new   technologies, printing indus-  agencies, and real estate   to be part of this transforma-
      tors from Africa, India,   customers especially from   try has its on market share in  developers. The 2024 edition   tive event.

      SGI Dubai 2024: Global Hub for Printing &  Imaging Innovation

        SGI Dubai is set to return                                           try. This year, we are poised   innovation, growth, and
      with its 27th edition, prom-                                       to deliver an unparalleled   shaping the next chapter in
      ising to be the most influen-                                      experience not only show-  this ever-evolving industry,”
      tial event in the world of                                         cases cutting-edge technolo-  said Abdulrahman Falaknaz,
      printing, signage, and imag-                                       gies but also fosters the   President of International
      ing. Scheduled to take place                                       critical connections that
      from 24th to 26th                                                  drive the industry forward.   Expo-Consults. As the
      September at the Dubai                                             With participation from over   Middle East’s premier plat-
      World Trade Centre, SGI                                                                  form for the printing and
      Dubai 2024 will bring                                              200 exhibitors representing   imaging sectors, SGI Dubai
      together over 200 exhibitors                                       the forefront of the sector,   2024 is set to inspire, inno-
      from across the globe, show-                                       SGI Dubai continues to set   vate, and lead the industry
      casing the latest innova-  27th edition with 200 plus exhibitors to converge Dubai WT Centre  the benchmark for excel-  into a new era of possibili-
      tions, cutting-edge products,                                      lence, offering a platform   ties.
      and breakthrough technolo-  point for industry profes-  digital signage, gift and pro-  where the world’s leading   The 2024 edition will
      gies that are shaping the   sionals. This year’s edition is   motional companies, media   minds converge to redefine   highlight the Middle East
      future of the industry.   poised to attract a high-  agencies, and real estate   the future. We are proud to
      Recognized as the premier   caliber audience, including   developers.                    and Africa’s growing influ-
      trade exhibition in the   Owners, CEOs, and Tier 1   “SGI Dubai 2024 stands as   lead this charge, ensuring   ence in the global market,
      Middle East, SGI Dubai con-  influencers from a diverse   a beacon of innovation and   that SGI Dubai remains the   showcasing emerging trends
      tinues to elevate its status as   array of sectors, such as sign-  leadership  in the  global   ultimate destination for   that are propelling the
      the ultimate convergence   making, print production,   printing and imaging indus-  those who are serious about   industry into the future.

      06  PrintWeek MENA September 2024                                                  
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