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      Konica Minolta gets a new award

        The 54th annual                                                  presses. It simplifies preset   Automation of calibra-
      Innovative & Inventive                                             and adjustment functions   tion, density adjustment,
      Excellence Design Award                                            for different media types,   and profile creation, reduc-
      (IDEA) was held on July                                            enabling operation without   ing manual work and sup-
      31st, 2024 in Tokyo, cele-                                         the need for dedicated and   porting skill-less operation.
      brating awards for the                                             highly skilled operators.   Increased paper roll
      exceptionally excellent work                                        The IQ-520 significantly   diameter and large-capacity
      of   products    and                                               reduces work time, allowing   toner hoppers, extending
      AccurioLabel 400 received                                          for high-speed, high-produc-  continuous printing length
      the “Nippon Brand Award”,                                          tivity continuous printing   to 3000 meters.
                                                                                                High  resolution  (3600
      which is the second highest                                        up to 3000 meters. This   dpi x 2400 dpi) and fast
      award following the grand   Konica Minolta Accurio Label 400 wins  “Nippon Brand Award”  device greatly contributes to   printing speed (39.9 meters
      prize. The product’s com-                                          the label printing industry’s   per minute).
      pleteness and significance of   Chamber of Commerce and   Additionally, many of the   digital transformation (DX).
                            Industry and various indus-  award-winning products                 Enhanced usability with a
      existence were highly rated                                         Key features include:  touch panel for job manage-
      per the evaluation criteria.   trial organizations. The   advocate for being skill-less   White toner printing and   ment and print settings.
      The Innovative & Inventive   award aims to promote and  to address labor shortages,   automatic color correction   Improved maintenance
      Excellence Design Award is   develop the design of indus-  proving that our initiatives   to support digital transfor-  with easy toner replace-
      a prestigious award which   trial products. It compre-  contribute to solving   mation in the label printing   ment and troubleshooting
      was established in 1970 by   hensively evaluates and   broader social issues, not   industry.  via a touch panel naviga-
      the Nikkan Kogyo Shimbun   selects products based on   just within the printing   Intelligent Quality   tion.
      with the support of the   various criteria, including   industry. The product uti-  Optimizer IQ-520 for real-  Efficient design with
      Ministry of Economy, Trade   quality, safety, design, as  lizes the ‘Intelligent Quality   time feedback during con-  color-coded components
      and Industry, and the coop-  well as economic efficiency   Optimizer IQ-520’ for auto-  tinuous printing, ensuring   and streamlined access
      eration of the Japan   an d  mar ketab ili ty.   mated operations with R2R   stable print quality.  points.

      Konica Minolta President highlights commitment to ME region

        Konica Minolta, Inc.                                                     growth and outlining his   ment: the economic
      President and CEO,                                                 expectations for Konica   recovery in China and
      Toshimitsu Taiko, recently                                         Minolta’s participation in   Europe; cooling global infla-
      visited the company’s                                              the upcoming Gulf Print &   tion and interest rates that
      Middle East office in Dubai                                        Pack (GPP) 2025 in the   could stimulate capital
      as part of his global tour of
      Konica Minolta affiliates.                                         Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.  investment appetite and
      This visit underscores his                                          Taiko’s visit to Dubai reaf-  inflow  of  funds into  the
      commitment to direct com-                                          firms Konica Minolta’s   stock market; and potential
      munication with regional                                           strong commitment to the   impact on the economy and
      teams and highlights the                                           Middle East and its vision for   businesses depending on
      strategic importance of the                                        sustained growth and col-  whether or not the leader-
      Middle  East  market  in   Konica Minolta, Inc. President and CEO, Toshimitsu Taiko in Dubai  laboration in the region. He   ship changes in key coun-
      Konica Minolta’s global                                            departed Dubai on August   tries, among others. We
      operations. During his visit,   from the ground, which will   partnerships, production   28, 2024, to continue his   intend to further enhance
      he engaged directly with   inform his strategic deci-  shifts to “Made in Japan,”   tour of Konica Minolta’s   our sensitivity to business
      employees, reinforcing his   sions at the global level.  and broader business initia-
      management philosophy   The visit also provided an   tives. He  emphasized  the   operations in other coun-  opportunities and risks in
      that values open dialogue   opportunity for  Taiko to   importance of the Middle   tries within the region.  the global changes and work
      and the exchange of market   articulate Konica Minolta’s            “2024 will face significant   to improve our profitabil-
      insights. The aim was to   strategic direction in key   East market, expressing con-  changes in the global finan-  ity,” the CEO had said in his
      gather valuable feedback   areas, including business   fidence in its potential for   cial and business environ-  New Year Message.

       Editor: Venkat Raghavan +971 55 582 5030/ Associate Editor: Dhanya AK. Sales and Marketing Manager: Nidhish PM +971 55 532 2075/ and
       Dilip Kumar +971 56 893 4924/ © Content Media Group LLC. Sharjah Media City, Sharjah, UAE. Email: No part of this publication may be reproduced
       without the written permission of the publishers.                                                                  September 2024 PrintWeek MENA 03
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