Page 14 - PWM2024_September Ebook
P. 14


                                                                                               Taktiful and
      Agfa to highlight automation  Sharp contract
      offerings at Printing United                                                             embellishment software
                                                                                                AI-powered digital print
                                                                                               company Taktiful Software
                                                                                               Solutions has formed a stra-
        Agfa will highlight its lat-                                     Onset Grizzly X3 HS flatbed
      est automation offerings for                                       inkjet printer for the first   tegic partnership with Sharp
      inkjet print production at                                         time in Las Vegas.    Imaging and Information
      the Printing United show in                                         With a six-second cycle   Company of America
      Las Vegas next month. The                                          time, the autoloader can   (Sharp), a division of Sharp
      new Max Bots for the manu-                                         handle up to four sheets   Electronics Corporation.
      facturer’s Jeti Tauro H3300                                        simultaneously, with sub-  Taktiful said the collabora-
      UHS printer and the                                                strate thicknesses ranging   tion brings together its new
      autoloader for its Onset                                           from 0.1 to 50mm. When   software products with
      Grizzly X3 HS printer are   The Grizzly Autoloader can handle up to four sheets at a time  Sharp’s printing and embel-
      designed to boost efficiency,                                      paired with an unloading   lishment technology, “creat-
      reduce labour costs, and   ity and reducing labour   will be shown in a new   robot, this setup enables   ing a powerful synergy that
      ensure precision in high-  costs, according to Agfa. For  seven-colour configuration   24/7 operation, maximising   promises to supercharge the
      volume printing.      maximum flexibility in han-  (CMYKLmLcLk), which   production efficiency and   digital print embellishment
        The Tauro H3300 UHS   dling both rigid and roll sub-  Agfa said significantly   reducing labour costs.  industry”.
      integrates robotic automa-  strates, the dual-robot setup  enhances the smoothness of   Also at Printing United,   Taktiful’s AI-powered
      tion to further increase its   can be paired with the Max   light pastel colours and   Agfa will host North   software products will now
      productivity, with the Max   Flex RTR module. The back-  improves gradient transi-  American debuts of the Jeti   complement the pairing of
      Bots handling substrate   to-front camera on the Max   tions, while delivering   Condor RTR5200 roll-to-  Sharp’s  BP-1200S  digital
      loading  and/or  unloading   Flex RTR is said to guarantee  “superior print quality”.   roll inkjet printer, and the   press and the DDC-810
      with up to 150 cycles per   accurate double-sided print-  Meanwhile, Agfa will show   Jeti Bronco high-end   Duplo inkjet digital embel-
      hour, enhancing productiv-  ing. The Tauro H3300 UHS   the new Autoloader for the   UV-LED inkjet printer.  lishment press.
      Kodak launches Green Leaf                                          CyanX takes on Harris

      program for Sonora plates                                          & Bruno range

        Kodak has launched a new                                          CyanX has added another
      Green Leaf program to help                                         significant partnership to its
      Sonora plate users educate                                         roster after being appointed
      their existing and potential                                       official UK distributor for
      customers about the sustain-                                       US firm Harris & Bruno.
      ability benefits enabled by                                         Harris & Bruno makes a
      the process free plates.                                           range of coating and digital
        Sonora  plates  eliminate                                        embellishment equipment.
      processing equipment,                                              Its coaters are used by a
      chemistry, and the consump-  Sonora plates remove processing equipment, chemistry & energy  number of press manufac-  New ZRX model was launched
      tion of water and energy                                           turers including Koenig &
      from platemaking.     Green Leaf Award.      that they are doing their part   Bauer, Komori, RMGT and   CyanX managing director
        The new materials, which   “Our new Green Leaf pro-  to help the environment,   Landa and it has a substan-  Richard Mawson said the
      include a new Green Leaf   gram supports Sonora plate   printers using Sonora plates   tial installed base in the UK.   fresh partnership was
      marketing handbook,   users in clearly demonstrat-  also improve their chances of   Its web coating devices   formed after Harris & Bruno
      updated collateral, anima-  ing to print buyers and the   gaining more business.”  are used by a number of digi-  president Nick Bruno
      tions, and a Green Leaf cer-  market as a whole that their   The Green Leaf program   tal manufacturers including   approached him during
      tificate, are exclusively   commitment to the environ-  will be rolled out in the   Fujifilm, Canon, Konica   Drupa.
      available to Sonora plate cus-  ment and sustainability   EAMER region from the last  Minolta and HP.  Mawson told Printweek:
      tomers. They will have access   begins with Kodak Sonora   week of September. It is      “We worked with Harris &
      to these materials after regis-                                     At Drupa the manufac-
      tering on a dedicated web   process free plates,” said   already available in the US  turer took the wraps off its   Bruno almost 20 years ago
      portal.               Laura Cole, VP product man-  and Canada and will be rolled  new A3 to B1 format embel-  for a previous agent. When
        The launch comes more   agement at Kodak.  out from the last week of  lisher, the ExcelCoat ZRX,   Nick Bruno reached out to
      than ten years after Kodak   “By using the Green Leaf   August in the Asia-Pacific  which combines analogue   us at Drupa we were excited
      first introduced the Sonora   program to communicate   region.     and inkjet technology.   to work with them again.
      12  PrintWeek MENA September 2024                                                  
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