Page 19 - PWM2024_September Ebook
P. 19


      The B2 digital press market

        Is B2 digital killing B2 off-                                    the Pro Z75 ‘Dragon’, a B2   A4.
      set press sales? When the                                          inkjet press, as a step up   However, late last year
      first B2 format digital                                            from its SRA3 toner range.   Fujifilm also announced
      presses were announced at                                          “We internally discussed B1   what may turn out to be one
      Drupa 2008 and 2012, their                                         vs B2 vs B3 and decided B2   of the most interesting digi-
      makers predicted that they                                         was the best opportunity,”   tal newcomers at Drupa, the
      would be bought to comple-                                         says Busselot. First revealed   first sheetfed B2 toner press,
      ment B2 offset litho presses,                                      in 2019 but only officially   called Revoria GC12500.
      so that they shared use of                                         launched late last year, the   Although Xeikon introduced
      existing finishing lines.                                          Pro Z75 is a CMYK aqueous   500mm-plus B2-portrait
      That’s been true up to a                                           inkjet press with a top speed   web toner presses in 1997,
      point, although  B2 litho                                          of 4,500sph. Unlike the rival   only Fujifilm has managed a
      presses are no longer the big   Modular design can incorporate litho and flexo units inline in this  Fujifilm Jet Press 7xx series   750mm landscape configu-
      sellers  they  once  were,                                         it can automatically duplex
      squeezed from below by   new 970 will be announced  says: “Most B2 digital sales   and it has copier-style multi-  ration so far, with a 660mm
      SRA3 and now B2 digital,   at Drupa). Compared with   are seen as a vehicle to move   ple feed trays.  length for 6-up A4s. The
      while the pressmakers have   B1, he says, the RMGT SRA1  from offset to digital. It’s   Fujifilm, whose 2008   GC12500 will print
      compelling arguments to   is more compact and uses   now happening faster than   announcement of the Jet   2,500sph CMYK on normal
      move to larger formats for   less electricity. “We find   we expected”. On the other   Press 720 was the first B2   offset and copier stocks, with
      more efficiency. For   that 86% of B1 printers only  hand he says, a price war in   sheetfed inkjet, has been   none of the inkjet issues
      instance Murray Lock, joint   need SRA1,” he says. “We do  B1 offset sales has led to   steadily refining the design   about drying or special
      MD at RMGT importer M   still sell B2 too, but it’s a   overcapacity, which he   over the years. The 2018   papers.
      Partners, says that the   more difficult sell compared  thinks may explain the rela-  750S was faster (3,600sph)   Fujifilm Europe’s product
      RMGT 920, an SRA1-format   with SRA1.”       tive failure of B1 digital to   thanks to a new IR drier,   manager for digital press sys-
      litho press, has captured a   Erwin Busselot, business  capture much of a market so   while the 2022 750HS intro-  tems, Mark Stephenson,
      lot of what would previously  innovations and solutions   far.     duced a slightly larger sheet   points out that it has twin
      have been B2 litho sales (a   director at Ricoh Europe,   Ricoh has now introduced   size (750x662mm) for 6-up   feed trays online.

      Finishing equipment that goes above and beyond

        Konica Minolta, Inc.                                                 growth and outlining his   ment: the economic
      President and CEO,                                                 expectations for Konica   recovery in China and
      Toshimitsu Taiko, recently                                         Minolta’s participation in   Europe; cooling global infla-
      visited the company’s                                              the upcoming Gulf Print &   tion and interest rates that
      Middle East office in Dubai                                        Pack (GPP) 2025 in the   could stimulate capital
      as part of his global tour of
      Konica Minolta affiliates.                                         Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.  investment appetite and
      This visit underscores his                                          Taiko’s visit to Dubai reaf-  inflow  of  funds into  the
      commitment to direct com-                                          firms Konica Minolta’s   stock market; and potential
      munication with regional                                           strong commitment to the   impact on the economy and
      teams and highlights the                                           Middle East and its vision for   businesses depending on
      strategic importance of the                                        sustained growth and col-  whether or not the leader-
      Middle  East  market  in   Duplo has been an active supporter of B2 digital sheet finishing  laboration in the region. He   ship changes in key coun-
      Konica Minolta’s global                                            departed Dubai on August   tries, among others. We
      operations. During his visit,   from the ground, which will   partnerships, production   28, 2024, to continue his   intend to further enhance
      he engaged directly with   inform his strategic deci-  shifts to “Made in Japan,”   tour of Konica Minolta’s   our sensitivity to business
      employees, reinforcing his   sions at the global level.  and broader business initia-
      management philosophy   The visit also provided an   tives. He  emphasized  the   operations in other coun-  opportunities and risks in
      that values open dialogue   opportunity for  Taiko to   importance of the Middle   tries within the region.  the global changes and work
      and the exchange of market   articulate Konica Minolta’s            “2024 will face significant   to improve our profitabil-
      insights. The aim was to   strategic direction in key   East market, expressing con-  changes in the global finan-  ity,” the CEO had said in his
      gather valuable feedback   areas, including business   fidence in its potential for   cial and business environ-  New Year Message.

                                                                  September 2024 PrintWeek MENA 17
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