Page 21 - PWM2024_September Ebook
P. 21


      Siegwerk India launches                                                                  Liebman joins
                                                                                               Konica Minolta
      cleanliness initiative                                                                   Solutions U.S.A., Inc.
                                                                                                Konica Minolta Business

                                                                                               (Konica Minolta) has
                                                                                               appointed Jordan Liebman
        Siegwerk  India  has                                             nue for more projects in the   as senior vice president of
      launched a waste manage-                                           future.’              marketing and communica-
      ment drive with an aim to                                           The project, starting from   tions.
      transform the environment                                          September 2024, will entail   With more than two dec-
      in Bhiwadi, India, and its                                         clean-up of abut 20-25 k.m.   ades of leadership, Liebman
      surrounding areas. This                                            surrounding the Siegwerk   brings a wealth of experi-
      corporate social responsi-                                         India factory in Bhiwadi. In   ence in building world-class
      bility initiative, titled                                          the first phase, the com-  brands, leveraging his
      ‘Clean Bhiwadi Green                                               pany will concentrate on   expertise in global brand
      Bhiwadi’, is a part of its                                         removing garbage along the   strategy, performance mar-
      commitment toward mak-                                             main roads and ensuring its   keting, product develop-
      ing a cleaner and healthier   Team includes  environmental experts and solid waste specialists  proper disposal in desig-  ment, demand generation
      community. The project                                             nated dump yards.     and corporate communica-
      team comprises environ-  ‘This cleanliness drive is not  aimed at creating aware-  To promote sustainable   tions. In his new role,
      mental experts and solid   just a project, but a commit-  ness around environmental   practices and reinforce the   Liebman will oversee
      waste specialists, with close   ment to improving the envi-  cleanliness,  especially  in   importance of maintaining   Konica Minolta’s marketing
      monitoring and support by   ronment and quality of life   industry-forward areas.   cleanliness, banners will be   and communications team.
      Siegwerk India’s CSR team.  in Bhiwadi. It’s a matter of   Siegwerk India’s CSR   placed along the cleaned   He will spearhead efforts to
        At the commencement of   honor for the company to   team would closely monitor   routes and Siegwerk   accelerate revenue growth,
      this initiative, Ashish   be able to work towards a   the progress of the project   employees will be present   enhance brand visibility,
      Pradhan, president,   healthier community. In   to meet the projected pur-  to engage with the local   strengthen the company’s
      Siegwerk Asia, commented:   addition, this project is   pose and help open an ave-  community.  industry reputation.
      Schades Group acquires Hamilton  UPM Raflatac earns

      Adhesive Labels                                                    APR certification

        One of the European mar-
      ket leaders in paper rolls and                                      UPM Raflatac has earned
      labelling materials Schades                                        APR Design for Recyclability
      Group, has acquired                                                Recognition for its clear and
      UK-based Hamilton                                                  white polypropylene (PP)
      Adhesive Labels to further                                         labels with hotmelt, UPM
      diversify its product offering                                     Raflatac SmartCircle wash-
      and strengthen its market                                          off adhesive and general-pur-
      position.                                                          pose acrylic adhesives.
        With multiple locations                                           The recognition from the
      across Europe, Schades                                             Association of Plastic   APR Certification for its labels
      Group’s core business is the   Schades further diversifies its product offering and market position  Recyclers (APR) validates   various adhesive formula-
      production, sales, marketing                                       that these labels meet or   tions for evaluation. These
      and distribution of plain and   automotive, personal and   position in the label manu-  exceed the recycling criteria   are suitable for HDPE pack-
      printed sustainable paper   household care markets with  facturing sector in the UK.  for polyethylene terephtha-  aging and perform well with
      rolls, self-adhesive labels and   its 45,000sqft manufacturing   Jack Hugill, managing   late (PET) and high-density   approved wash-off inks.
      food wrap. The company is   and warehousing facility cen-  director of Schades, said:   polyethylene (HDPE) bottles
      part of the Harbour   trally located in Bardon,   “We are delighted to wel-  in the North American recy-  Following  a  thorough
      Investment portfolio, which                  come Hamilton Adhesive   cling system. Notably, this   review, APR determined that
                                                                         accolade marks the first pres-
      a one of the leading investors   Leicestershire, UK.   Labels to the Schades family.   sure-sensitive  label  (PSL)   these products cleanly
      in the paper industry.  The acquisition is consist-  This acquisition is a signifi-  material certified by APR for   release from HDPE packag-
        Hamilton Adhesive Labels,   ent with Harbour   cant opportunity to   natural HDPE.     ing during the recycling pro-
      established in 1992, is one of   Investment’s long-term strat-  strengthen our position in   To attain this accredita-  cess and do not hinder the
      the leading converters of   egy to transform its business,   the label manufacturing mar-  tion, UPM Raflatac submit-  recycling of packaging into
      printed and plain labels for   diversify its product offering   ket and deliver greated value   ted to APR its clear and white   new containers and prod-
      the food, drink, industrial,   and strengthen its market   to our customers.’  PP labeling products with   ucts.                                                                  September 2024  PrintWeek MENA 19
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