Page 23 - PWM2024_September Ebook
P. 23


      Mactac to showcase ‘next-                                                                Flint Group gets
                                                                                               new CEO
      level’ labels at Labelexpo                                                               firmed the appointment of
                                                                                                Flint Group has con-

        Mactac, a  Lintec                                                feature improved barrier   Pepijn Dinandt as chief
                                                                                               executive officer (CEO),
      Company, has confirmed it                                          resistance to moisture and   beginning September 1,
      will showcase its latest                                           oil migration to prevent   2024. Dinandt comes with
      products and innovations at                                        staining. This high-end   30 years of experience lead-
      Labelexpo Americas 2024,                                           metallic appearance differ-  ing organizations  across
      including improved Vivid                                           entiates brands without the   industries.
      Chrome Film labels, Simply                                                                 In his previous roles, he
      DT, a new portfolio of                                             additional costs associated   has driven growth and
      direct thermal products                                            with foil stamping or metal-  delivered outstanding
      with no added bisphenols                                           lic printing inks. The Vivid   results for shareholders.
      and Rainbow Holographic                                            Chrome Film Labels are   Furthermore, he also has a
      Polypropylene product just                                         suitable for food and bever-  track record in guiding
      to list a few. ‘The integra-  The company will showcase new technologies with chrome shine  age labeling, health and   companies through finan-
      tion of our brands has cre-                                        beauty, home and auto care.   cial restructuring.
      ated a powerhouse of   the near future, you can  of the Mactas booth are the   The company also high-   Commenting on his new
      capabilities at Mactac,” says   expect  an  even  broader   new and improved Vivid   lights Simply DT, a new port-  role as Flint Group’s CEO,
      Kim Hensley, senior mar-  array of solutions that rede-  Chrome Film labels. These   folio of direct thermal   Dinandt said: ‘I am thrilled
      keting manager at Mactac   fine not only durability,   polypropylene labels offer        to lead such a well-estab-
      North America. ‘This allows   functionality and design,            products with no added bis-  lished and respected com-
      us to leverage diverse exper-  but also what value and reli-  enhanced printability, mak-  phenols, developed in   pany as Flint Group. It is an
      tise and technologies to   ability mean to our custom-  ing them suitable for flexog-  response to proposed legisla-  honor to have been chosen
      develop products that truly   ers.’          raphic, digital and thermal   tion banning bisphenols   to guide the organization
      stand out in the market. In   One of the key highlights  transfer printers. They also   from consumer products.   through its next chapter.
      GSE to unveil ink handling and                                     Karlville to showcase

      software innovations                                               flexpack expertise

        GSE has announced it will                                         Karlville Converting and
      showcase dispensing and                                            Karlville Swiss have part-
      software innovations  that                                         nered to showcase their post-
      automate and simplify ink-                                         print flexible packaging
      handling processes in the                                          machinery for pouch produc-
      label and package print work-                                      tion, lamination, and slitting,
      flow at the upcoming                                               in collaboration with HP
      Labelexpo Americas 2024.                                           Indigo. Karlville will present
      During the show, GSE will                                          its compact pouch machine,
      introduce the redesign of its                                      the KS-SUP-400-D, which is   Its pouch-making machine
      software program, GSE                                              engineered for ease of use   of the event.
      Advanced reporting. The   It will showcase the new GSE Advanced reporting software  even for those without exten-
      new version automatically   security and performance of   ‘Automating ink-related pro-  sive expertise. This machine   Karlville will also promote
      sends reports from the dis-  the latest Windows operating   cesses is vital for addressing   is ideal for short to medium   a range of machines and
      pensing machine, giving   system.            the needs for quality assur-  runs and is designed for digi-  comprehensive technologies,
      businesses deeper insights                   ance, sustainability, and   tal and conventional print-  including the Karlville
      into ink consumption.   With  Microsoft ending   adaptability in an increas-  ing.       Converting Compact
        In the fourth quarter of   support for Windows 10 in   ingly complex package print   It accommodates standard   Thermal Laminator,
      2024, GSE will introduce a   2025, this upgrade will pro-  supply chain. At Labelexpo   materials and mono-material   designed for surface print
      service to upgrade its global   tect GSE ink dispensing   Americas, we invite printers   structures while offering low   applications. It utilizes a
      installed base of Colorsat ink   equipment and software   to explore how our inte-  power consumption, mini-  Protect-all MET PET in con-
      dispensing systems and Ink   from emerging cybersecurity   grated software and dispens-  mal waste, reduced mainte-  junction with Nobelus Soft
      manager  software  to   threats, while optimizing sys-  ing systems can streamline   nance costs and quick setup.   Touch thermal laminate.
      Windows 11. The initiative   tem performance.  workflows and drive compet-  Demonstrations of this   Also on show will be the
      will ensure GSE’s customers   Maarten Hummelen, GSE   itiveness in today’s challeng-  machine will take place con-  Karlville Swiss Compact D
      benefit from the enhanced   marketing director,  said:   ing business environment.’  tinuously over the three days   Model pouch machine.                                                                  September 2024  PrintWeek MENA 21
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