Page 12 - PWM2023_April
P. 12


      Canon honours printing                                                                   Oman’s SEZs to
                                                                                               Go Paperless

      services customers in Qatar                                                                Oman’s Public Authority

                                                                                               for Special Economic Zones
                                                                                               and Free Zones (OPAZ) has
        Canon Middle  East has                                           customers and their loyalty,   set 30 June, 2023, as the last
      honoured its top 120                                               and this event marks the   day for receiving and sending
      Managed Printing Services                                          beginning of a continued   paper transactions. This
      (MPS) customers at a special                                       successful partnership. The   comes as part of its plan
      event at the Waldorf Lusail                                        event is an opportunity to   towards  digital
      Doha on 15th March 2023.                                           celebrate and thank our   transformation in line with
      This exclusive gathering                                           clients in a memorable way.   the government’s efforts to
      under the banner of                                                                      boost e-governance. It
      “Celebrating You”                                                  Our large Managed Printing   further reflects the sustained
      appreciated customers from                                         Services (MPS) customers   environmentally friendly
      different industries such as                                       are aware of the advantages   efforts and  initiatives,
      Education, Hospitality,                                            of our advanced technologies   including the authority’s
      Government, Banking &                                              and understand that we are   recently launched paperless
      Finance, and Construction.   Canon honours top managed printing services customers in Qatar   t h ei r  p ar t n er s  i n   campaign to reduce the use
      It also provided an  UAE and KSA and will    discussion, a motivational   digitalization. We appreciate   of paper and converting
      opportunity to build stronger  involve  over  600  large   speech by Dave Crane, a gala   our customers’ current
      relationships with leading  Managed Printing Services   dinner with  exclusive   digital maturity and can help   workplaces  into
      government, semi-     (MPS) customers across the   entertainment, a game show   them identify and implement   environmentally friendly
      government, and private  three countries. The   with prizes, and an awards   improvement opportunities.   sites.
      sector entities.      objective of these events is to   ceremony for top-performing   In  the  next  phase  of  our   The move will help to
        The “Celebrating You”  enhance  Canon’s    customers and Canon                         accelerate the pace of digital
      event in Qatar is the first of a   relationship with its   employees.   relationship, we will work   transformation. All
      series of events in the region  customers and provide them   Shadi Bakhour, Business   together to create   transactions and services
      that will focus on building  with valuable networking   Unit Director at Canon   customized digital   provided by OPAZ and its
      stronger partnerships with  opportunities.   Middle East, said: “Canon is   transformation journeys that   affiliated zones to investors
      its customers. It will  be   The “Celebrating You”   excited to demonstrate its   align with their specific   will be fully automated,
      replicated at later dates in the  event featured a panel   appreciation  for  its   business needs.”  eliminating paper.
      Agfa to showcase latest inkjet                                     Heidelberg Versafire

      innovations at FESPA Munich                                        EP at MPP Dubai

                                                                          Modern Printing Press has
        On a booth themed                                                invested in a new Heidelberg
      ‘ S t r a t e gi c  gr o w th .                                    Versafire EP. Roger
      Sustainable success’, inkjet                                       NicodemeRoger Nicodeme,
      printing solutions provider                                        General Manager at
      Agfa will highlight its latest                                     Heidelberg Gulf Est., said in a
      innovations at FESPA in                                            LinkedIn post that, “ the
      Munich (23-26 May).
      According to Arnaud                                                Versafire EP delivers an
      Calleja, Vice President of                                         extremely stable production   Heidelberg Versafire EP at MPP
      Digital Printing Solutions at                                      at a constantly high speed.
      Agfa, “Of course, we are                                           The Versafire EP produces   Materials  ( POS ) like
      thrilled to showcase our   Agfa’s industrial inkjet specialists will also be present at FESPA   115 A4 pages a minute, and   Posters, Danglers,
      latest printing innovations                                        can process papers up to 470   Promotional items and high
      at FESPA. However, trade   growth trajectories and  based inks for industrial   g/m².”   end packaging materials with
      fairs also serve as an   contribute to sustainable  inkjet presses w ith                 proficiency and expertise in
      excellent way to stay tuned   success.”      comprehensive industrial   Established in 1966,   hand made designs.
      with the industry. Our team   Agfa’s industrial inkjet   inkjet  printing  systems.   Modern Printing Press is one
      takes pride in being a true   specialists will also be at   These include InterioJet   of the pioneers and widely   On their official website,
      partner to print service   FESPA to discuss how the   water-based press for   acknowledged printing   Heidelberg’ says that
      providers by scrutinizing   integration of inkjet   printing on décor paper for   companies in Dubai, with a   Versafire EP is a four-color-
      their requirements and   printing in industrial                    proven track record in   digital printing system
      delving into how our   production environments   laminate production and the   producing high quality print   designed as a high-
      comprehensive array of   can lead to enhanced cost-  A lussa  solution for   works with originality within   performance machine for
      inkjet printers, inks,   efficiency and versatility.  producing stunning and   a wide range of print
      software, training, and   Agfa provides high-  lasting designs on genuine   materials from Office   high volumes in the
      services can best suit their   performance UV and water-  leather.  Stationeries, Point of Sale   commercial sector.
      10 PrintWeek MENA April 2023                                                      
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