Page 15 - PWM2023_April
P. 15

PRE MEDIA           NEWS

      HP rolls out PageWide                                                                    Scully gets top
                                                                                               job at K&B UK
      Advantage enhancements                                                                   reorganised its UK senior
                                                                                                Koenig & Bauer has

                                                                                               management structure by
        HP is using Hunkeler                                             two-dryer configuration that   combining the role of sales
      Innovationdays to unveil a                                         HP said is energy-conscious   director and managing
      raft of enhancements to its                                        and highly efficient.  director, with Chris Scully
      PageWide Advantage 2200                                             It uses up to an estimated   taking over the top spot.
      press, which it is showing                                         20% less energy than the   Former managing director
      for the first time in Europe                                       three-dryer configuration at   Andrew Pang, who joined
      at the Swiss specialist trade                                      maximum power, while   the press manufacturer as
      show this week. The                                                printing a wide variety of   director of consumables
      machine, which was                                                 unique samples.       operations from customer
                                                                                               Butler & Tanner in 2007, is
      launched around six months   The PageWide Advantage 2200 now has several new features  This includes a range of   leaving the business. Pang
      ago, now prints in quality   Europe. HP continues to be   PageWide.In fact, many   Burgo, UPM, CVG, Mondi,   became MD in the summer
      mode at full 152m/min   committed to delivering   customers around the world   Sappi, Navigator, and Arctic   of 2013.
      speed, HP said, providing its   high-quality, high-colour,   have already introduced the   stocks, both coated and   Scully has worked at
      customers with additional   high-value  print  for the   new PageWide Advantage   uncoated, standard offset and   Koenig & Bauer for 19 years
      capacity to deliver high-value  commercial market, helping   press into their workflows   new ColorPro treated coated   and previously worked in
      jobs and produce      printers to win new business   and have seen its true quality  stocks. HP is also offering a   pre-media roles.  The new
      “exceptional output” in less   while maximising the   and speed.”  new Production Kick-Start   setup brings the UK into line
      time.                 production capacity of their   The demonstration of the   service to help customers go   with the type of structure
        “We are excited to show  print shop,” said Annette   PageWide Advantage that is   into production quickly and   that’s in place at K&B’s other
      the HP PageWide Advantage  Friskopp, global head and   being shown at Hunkeler   efficiently with minimal staff   regional sales and service
      2200 for the first time in   general manager at HP   Innovationdays includes a   support.  operations.
      New partnership for KM UK                                          Tech expert proposes

      and Solimar                                                        inkjet drying solution

        Konica Minolta has                                                A physicist who’s also an
      expanded its collaboration                                         inkjet expert has proposed a
      with Solimar Systems to                                            potential  energy-saving
      include the UK. The fresh                                          alternative method for
      partnership is between                                             drying water-based inkjet.
      Konica Business Solutions                                          Dr Peter Brown is director of
      (UK)     and     the                                               industrial        at
      US-headquartered workflow                                          Cambridgeshire-based
      specialist. Solimar and                                            product development and
      Konica Minolta have worked   US partnership will now be replicated in the UK  innovation consultancy 42   Dr Peter Brown
      together in  the US  since                                         Technology. Brown said that
      2015, “delivering robust,   spans print production and   Solimar’s solutions to our   while he was looking into   manufacturing. “If you apply
      industrial workflow   management tools including   portfolio will enable us to   the pros and cons of a variety   an electric field at the right
                            Solitrack job tracking and its
      solutions”.           Chemistry automation   increase visibility across a   of different drying methods   frequency the water
        Jamie Walsh, Solimar   platform. Chemistry is a   customers’ operations and  he had unearthed a potential   molecules will react strongly
      Systems sales manager for   modular Customer   provide end-to-end workflow  alternative  –  dielectric   – that’s how microwave
      EMEA and APAC, said: “We   Communications    management,” he said.   heating.            ovens  work.  You can get
      will replicate this partnership  Management (CCM) system   “Solimar’s advanced   Dielectric heating is an   microwave ovens that are
      in the UK, combining   that comprises a variety of   workflow automation   umbrella term covering both   tens of feet long and that are
      Solimar workflow solutions   workflow tools including job   processes provide customers   RF (radio frequency) and   used for drying or cooking
      for existing and potential   batching and load balancing.  with the tools they need to   microwave  heating   baked goods. That’s too big
                              Jon  Hiscock, head of
      customers  of  the  Accurio   production and industrial            technologies. Both    for the printing process, but
      range of output devices,   print at KM UK, said   take better control of the   approaches are widely used   the principle is established.
      whether that be toner-based   Solimar’s systems offered a   business, improve   in industrial processes such   You can use dielectric to
      or inkjet cutsheet.”  range of benefits to the firm’s   production efficiencies and   as curing glues in plywood   deliver heat and it’s quite
        Solimar’s product range   customers.  “The addition of   boost ROI.”  manufacturing, and in food   efficient,” Brown explained.                                                                      April 2023 PrintWeek MENA 13
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