Page 18 - PWM2023_April
P. 18


      DTM introduces EcoTec line for                                                           DIC India’s

                                                                                               new factory
      eco-friendly labels                                                                       Manufacturer of printing

                                                                                               inks, packaging and allied
                                                                                               material DIC India, part of
        DTM Print, international                                         mechanical properties and   DIC group, has inaugurated
      OEM provider for specialty                                         printing characteristics as its   its new toluene free plant
                                                                                               Optima for liquid ink
      printing systems, has                                              non-PCR counterpart DTM   manufacturing at Saykha in
      bundled its selection of eco-                                      Poly Clear Gloss. Using PCR   Bharuch district, Gujarat.
      friendly, recycled or natural                                      material also establishes   Spread across an area of
      labels under the new label                                         more recycling volume for   92,500sqm, the plant has the
      line DTM EcoTec. As of                                             the plastic production   capacity to manufacture over
      now, the following four                                            process and industry.    10,000 tons of TF, KF/NTNK
      inkjet materials are part of                                        In  addition,  the  water-  (Toluene Free/ Ketone Free)
      the EcoTec line; further                                           soluble adhesive of the   liquid inks in two shifts in
                                                                                               phase one. The plant will be
      substrates will follow.                                            aforementioned  labels  is   further augmented to
        DTM  EcoTec  Hemp   Company has launched its natural new label line -  DTM EcoTec  below 0.01 percent. That   produce value added and
      Paper: The label consists of  Paper: The natural grass   No 10/2011. DTM EcoTec   means, it also passes the   specialty products for
      100 percent hemp fiber.   fibers of the label gives the   Paper Matte Nature: This   recycling process.    domestic and export
      Hemp can be harvested up   paper material its natural   paper label is made from 100   Albion Bekolli, label   markets.
      to three times a year,   look and also reduce the   percent recycled backing   specialist at DTM Print,   Set  up with a total
      plantation trees only every   amount of process water   from used label rolls.   explained: ‘Every product   investment of INR 1100m
                                                    DTM EcoTec Poly Clear
      seven years. Its fibers are   needed in the production   Gloss R90: It is a glossy clear   leaves a footprint on our   (13.3m USD) for phase one
      five times longer than wood   process. The adhesive is an   poly label, which consists of   planet and using label   the new plant will employ
                                                                                               more than 100 associates
      pulp, the material is   acrylic dispersion,   90 percent post-consumer   material that is   with the aim to service the
      particularly tear-resistant  permanent, solvent free and   recycled (also known as   environmentally-friendly   growing demand of toluene
      and can be recycled very   can be in direct food contact   PCR) PET material. It   and sustainable helps to   free and ketone free based
      often. DTM EcoTec Grass   according to EU regulation   features the same clarity,   keep it as small as possible.’  inks in the country.
      Meyers launches new                                                Mark Andy launches

      Function47 division                                                ProWorx Label Suite

        The Meyers Printing                                               Mark     Andy,    a
      Company has launched a                                             manufacturer of narrow
      new division to serve the                                          and mid-web printing and
      life sciences, automotive,                                         finishing equipment, has
      and aerospace industries.                                          launched its imposition tool
      Function47 specializes in                                          called ProWorx Label Suite
                                                                         to streamline and automate
      printing with conductive                                           label production setup,
      inks, including silver,                                            including inline printing
      copper, and carbon inks.                                           an d em be ll is hm en t
        Meyers saw yearly   New division specializes in printing with conductive inks  processes.   ProWorx Label   ProWorx Label Suite
      increases at a level that will                                     Suite is an Adobe Creative
      result in the new division   sacrificing quality.    Chris Dillon, chief   Cloud extension tailored to   Mark Andy’s response to
      becoming the company’s   Matt Evers, senior vice   executive officer, said:   Mark  Andy’s hybrid  customer feedback on their
      biggest product line by the   pre sident , bu si ne s s   ‘Meyers is proud to continue   presses. It provides job   requirements and
                                                                         defining and imposition for
      end of 2023. Meyers’   development and quality,   growing this department as   printing and  post-  expectations. It is designed
      specialty lies within highly   Meyers, sa id:  ‘O u r   an example of the innovation   processing, including die-  to complement our top-
      technical and low tolerance   chemical and mechanical   still being uncovered within   cutting.   class hybrid technology and
      at high volumes. These   engineers and conductive   the printed electronics   Ben Richardson, senior   offers converters  an
      electronic components are   ink specialists have worked   industry.’  Michael Dillon,   DFE specialist, Mark Andy,  advanced software solution
                             hard to develop industry-
      typically made with flat-  lea d i ng propr iet a r y   chief revenue officer, said   said: ‘ProWorx Label Suite   that brings efficiency and
      bed screen printing using   processes. This work   that the company has   is another software solution   sustainability to the entire
                                                                         in our portfolio, following
      Meyers’ proprietary process   results from immense   assembled a team of leading   the recently launched   manufacturing process.’
      for producing the roll-to-  research and development   industry experts to build one   Smart Link – a real-time,   Prepress operators can
      roll method that allows for   efforts and partnership   of the most compelling   on-press data collection and   download and begin
      much higher volume and   with the industry’s leading   offerings within the printed   press monitoring system for   working with ProWorx
      much lower cost without   suppliers and end users.’   electronics industry.  narrow web devices. It is   immediately.
      16 PrintWeek MENA April 2023                                                      
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