Page 22 - PWM2023_April
P. 22


      MPS unveils VirtualCoach real-                                                           European Label
                                                                                               Forum 2023
      time operating tool                                                                      association for the label
                                                                                                Finat, the  European

                                                                                               industry, has revealed the
                                                                                               program for its European
        MPS, a Dutch-based                                               connectivity.         Label Forum 2023, to be
      developer and supplier of                                           ‘It’s connectivity and   held from Wednesday May
      printing technologies for                                          performance services   31 till Friday June 2 at the
      labels and flexible                                                unleash the full potential of   Hilton Park Vienna (A) and
      packaging has unveiled,                                            IoT MPS machines      to invite all label industry
      VirtualCoach, a real-time                                          throughout the world and is   players to the event.
      operating tool, available on                                       a powerful tool for owners   Each year, the Finat
      all new MPS presses.                                               and operators to maximize   European Label Forum
        Using AI, the platform                                           press efficiency.     welcomes the label
      constantly monitors  and                                            ‘In 2022, MPS customers   community to connect in
      responds to processes, this                                        that participated in our   person and to use this
      could be related to register                                       connectivity    and   occasion to meet, learn, and
      settings, machine speed,   Platform uses data-driven AI to enhance operator efficiency  performance program   engage in discussions and
      pressure settings, job   The AI VirtualCoach   guidance.           achieved 35% less waste,   dialog about a range  of
      preparation, job memory,   analyzes and offers   ‘VirtualCoach is an   30% lower changeover   industry matters.
      web tension, service   solutions and warnings,   innovative module that   times, 35% lower setup   This year the event will
      feedback and many more.  providing on-the-job  brings printing press   times, and 15% higher   focus on the socio-
        The input from printing   training and guidance based   functionality and efficiency  speeds.   economic, geopolitical and
      press functions is combined   on detected operator skills.   into the world of AI for   ‘We are confident that the   packaging landscape, new
      with actual operator   This allows new and   today’s  operators,’  said   data-driven AI VirtualCoach   t e c h n o l o g i e s ,
      behavior, which is updated   experienced operators to  Kelvin van den Bunt, MPS   will improve that   sustainability, and supply
      every 5 seconds.      develop skills based with AI  p r o d u c t  m a n a g e r  performance year over year.’   chain management.
      Scanvaegt Labels installs second  Megnajet invests in

      Nilpeter FB-Line                                                   production facility

        Scanvaegt Labels of                                               Fluid management
      Odense, Denmark, has                                               systems specialist, Megnajet,
      installed its second Nilpeter                                      has doubled its Kettering
      FB-Line, adding to its lineup                                      production facility and made
      several older Nilpeter                                             several key promotions.
      FA-Lines.                                                           Several key internal
        Scanvaegt Labels, a part of                                      promotions have been made
      Scanvaegt Systems, supplies                                        to strengthen Megnajet’s
                                                                         operations and sales teams.
      labels to food, retail, and                                        Amongst the changes, Adam   Megnajet doubles the facility
      pharmaceuticals industries                                         Eaton has been promoted to
      and the new FB-350 will   FB-350 press will ensure added capacity and shortened lead times  the role of engineering   and shortening delivery lead
      ensure added capacity and   labels, labels for thermo- and  maximum web speed of 750   manager, and Andy Jinks to   times for customers.
      shortened lead times.   thermo-transfer print, labels   feet per minute.    site manager. Both will work   Megnajet provides fluid
                                                                                               management systems  to
        With close cooperation   with backside-print, bottle   Klaus Kokholm Pedersen,   alongside Megnajet’s general   support OEMs, from
      with the parent company,   labels, RFID-labels, tickets,   director retail and label   manager, Mike Seal, in   laboratory testing and initial
      Scanvaegt Systems, suppliers   tags and neutral/white labels.   production, Scanvaegt   driving the overall business   application through to full
      of labeling equipment,   The FB-Line, scheduled   Systems, said: ‘Since 1965,   forward.    production. Demand for its
                                                                          The company is also
      Scanvaegt Labels is able to   for installation at Scanvaegt   Scanvaegt Labels has used   implementing a new ERP   products across a wide range
      deliver high-quality labels.   in early 2023, is based on   Nilpeter flexo printing   system to give a seamless   of inkjet and fluid
      The converter prints up to   modular flexo technology for   presses. For many years the   production process from   applications continues to
      8-colors at a time, including   easy configuration and   production was based on the   q u o t a t io n  an d  grow.  With more than 10
      cold foil, silver/gold, and can   includes screen and hot foil   FA-200 and B-200 models,   manufacturing to shipment   years’ experience, Megnajet
      deliver multi-colored, self-  Drop-In features. The   but later the FB-Line in a   and invoicing, as  well  as   focuses on providing a ‘one
      adhesive labels, linerless   FB-Line comes with a   wider version.   improving inventory control   stop’ resource for OEMs.
      20 PrintWeek MENA April 2023                                                      
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