Page 24 - PWM2023_April
P. 24


      Amcor, Nfinite collaborate in                                                            New CFO for

      Nanotechnology Project                                                                   announced that Greg Weitzel
                                                                                                  Mativ Holdings,  Inc.
                                                                                               will succeed Andrew
                                                                                               Wamser as global chief
        Amcor today announced a                                          research project agreement   financial officer. Weitzel will
      joint research project                                             is an important step, and   assume the leadership of the
      agreement with Nfinite                                             showcases Amcor’s solution-  company’s global financial
      Nanotechnology Inc. to                                             based commitment to   capabilities and services on
      validate the use of Nfinite’s                                      s u s t a in a b i li t y  a n d   April 2, 2023 from Wamser,
      nanocoating technology to                                          innovation. Collaborating   who will depart the company
      enhance both recyclable and                                                              on April 1, 2023.
      compostable packaging. In                                          with innovative start-ups   Weitzel has  served as
      the proof-of-concept phase                                         like Nfinite, particularly in   Mativ’s VP of Financial
      of the project, Nfinite’s                                          the early stage of this   Planning & Analysis since the
      coating technology will be   This will be a project for Recyclable and Compostable Packaging  exciting new technology, is   creation of the company in
      applied to Amcor’s existing                                        one more way we are   July 2022 from the merger of
      recyclable and compostable   substrates like bio-based   st a r t-ups h ave t he   working to advance our   Neenah, Inc. and SWM
      packaging material. The   materials to create more   opportunity to work with   shared sustainability goals.”
      objective is to deliver an   sustainable applications.  Amcor’s Research &   C h e e H a u Te o h ,   International. Since 2013,
      oxygen barrier to improve   This project marks an   Development team to create   co-founder and CEO at   Weitzel has held progressive
      performance for recyclable   important milestone in the   new applications that can   Nfinite Nanotechnology,   senior finance roles with
      and compostable packaging.   partnership between Amcor   advance both companies’   said, “We’re very pleased to   Neenah, Inc. and prior to
      Once validated, the next   and Nfinite that began in   efforts toward driving            that with Georgia-Pacific
      stage of development will   2022 when Nfinite was   circularity.   have Amcor’s support in   Corporation,  including
      seek to ensure the products   selected as an Amcor Lift-  Amcor Vice President of   advancing our ambitions to   leading the company’s FP&A
      are optimized to Amcor’s   Off winner. In addition to   Corporate  Venturing  and   deliver this nanocoating   organization and holding
      manufacturing processes   receiving $250,000 in seed   Open Innovation, Frank   technology in packaging   business unit finance supply
      and analyze additional   funding, Amcor Lift-Off   Lehmann, said, “This joint   applications.”  chain leadership roles.
      UPM plans further capacity                                         ABB opens R&D center

      reductions of uncoated paper                                       in Ireland

          UPM announced plans to                                          ABB on Feb. 27 officially
      adapt its uncoated                                                 opened a global research
      publication paper capacity to                                      and development (R&D)
      a long-term profitable                                             center for the pulp and
      customer demand. The                                               paper industry in Dundalk,
      capacity reductions are                                            Ireland. The new multi-
      planned to take place in                                           million-dollar ABB Dundalk
      Germany and Austria:                                               R&D Centre is at the heart
        UPM Communication                                                of ABB’s automation and   New ABB Dundalk R&D Centre
      Papers plans to permanently                                        digital  offering  for  the
      close paper machine 6 at                                           sector and will be home to   makes its way through the
      UPM Schongau, Germany,                                             the ongoing evolution of the   paper machine to form the
      reducing the annual capacity                                       ABB Quality Control   end-products, including
      of uncoated publication   UPM plans to permanently close paper machine 6 at UPM Schongau  System (QCS).   paper and board.
      papers by 165,000 tonnes by   place already by the end of   capacity of 1,800,000 tonnes.   New ideas and products   ABB’s vision for the center
      the end of Q2 2023. UPM   Q2 2023.           The planned actions are   will be piloted and managed   is to develop solutions that
                                                                                               respond to global trends and
      Communication Papers    Production on the cost-  estimated to result in annual   into the suite of applications   can meet the sustainability
      accelerates the earlier   competitive paper machines   fixed cost savings of EUR 13   for improved quality in the   goals of the rapidly evolving
      a nnounced stop of    7 and 9 in Schongau as well   million.       c o mp le x  w o r ld  o f   industry. This project is
      p r o d u c t i o n  a t  i t s   as on the four other uncoated   At the same time, UPM   papermaking. This will   supported by the Irish
      Steyrermühl mill by six   publication paper machines  has decided to stop the   include solutions for   Government through IDA
      months. The exit of a total   of UPM in Germany and   newsprint production at its   measuring, adjusting,   Ireland. Dundalk is one of
      annual capacity of 320,000   Finland is planned to   Steyrermühl newsprint mill   optimizing and controlling   ABB’s four main Pulp and
      tonnes of newsprint will take   continue with a total annual   by the end of Q2 2023.  quality as the paper web   Paper R&D centers.
      22 PrintWeek MENA April 2023                                                      
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