Page 29 - PWM2023_April
P. 29


      Fujifilm launches new                                               Two  Sides undertook
                                                                          IN BRIEF

      thermal platesetters                                                research to find out the
                                                                          percentage of paper pulp
                                                                          that ends up as loo roll
                                                                          after hearing of misleading
                                                                          c l a i m s  b y  a  t i s s u e
        Fujifilm has launched a                   range of web and sheetfed   company. Serious Tissues
                                                                          was revealed on Radio 4’s
      new range of Luxel thermal                  presses, and are managed   More or Less programme to
      platesetters for offset plate               from a PC interface     be misleading consumers
      production, putting a total of              connected to the machine by   in an ad campaign that claimed 15% of global deforestation
      five new machines on the                    fibre-optic cable.      was caused by toilet rolls alone. The programme was
                                                                          unable to find statistics to back up the company’s claim.
      market.  The platesetters,                   The machines have also   Two Sides’ own research, using statistics from the
      divided into two high speed                 been designed to save   Confederation of European Paper Industries (CEPI),
      Luxel T-X models and three                  printers time on repairs.   estimated that toilet paper made up around 0.6-1.3% of
      standard speed T-S models,                  Fujifilm offers a remote   total global wood harvests, far below the 15% figure quoted
                                                                          in the advert. The claim’s exposition by More or Less, said
      are available for purchase                  maintenance service that   Two Sides, highlighted the problem of greenwashing in the
      now.                                        allows each machine to be   paper industry, and the importance of certification for
        Fujifilm said that while   Fujifilm’s new platesetters            wood pulp products.
      prices would vary with model   B1 plates per hour.  monitored from off-site,   DS Smith has ordered a
      and dealer channel, they had   Each model will be   giving printers guidance on   second EFI Nozomi single-
      been able to offer an   available  with  manual   maintenance requirements   pass inkjet –  with EFI
      “extremely competitive”   loading, single and multiple   or the replacement of   racking up its 50th Nozomi
      price to performance ratio.  cassette  options,  the  last   consumables.   sale in the process – and
                                                                          the new device will be
        The full range has been   allowing operators to work   Sean  Lane,  product   i nst alled at  its UK
      designed to fill out the   continuously when cycling   management and support   operation. EFI announced
      manufacturer’s offering with   cassettes through the   manager of Fujifilm’s offset   the deal at the CCE
      products that range from   machine. Both models come   product range, said the   International Corrugated and Carton Exhibition, which is
                                                                          taking place this week in Munich. Evandro Matteucci, EFI
      entry level to fully automated   with 8mm clamps, and the  manufacturer was delighted   vice president and general manager for its Packaging &
      machines, with the fastest  T-X models can be fitted with  to bring the enhanced range   Building Materials division, described the sale as “a big
      model, the T-X, producing 55   6mm clamps to suit a wider  of platesetters to market.  milestone”.  “They [DS Smith] are an example of an
                                                                          innovative customer that has leveraged Nozomi’s
      Fusion Digital Print expands                                        capabilities to move their business forward.” The single-
                                                                          pass C18000 Plus handles corrugated boards up to 1.8x3m in
                                                                          size and prints at up to 75 linear metres per minute.
        Fusion Digital Print (FDP)  for European businesses –   two cutting tables, has new   Koenig & Bauer has
      has  set up  a  new  fabric  including high-profile retail   sewing machines, and now   reorganised its UK senior
      department, which kicked  clients.           employs two experienced   management structure by
      off with the installation of an   The company said that   full-time seamstresses. The   combining the role of sales
                                                                          director and managing
      Agfa Avinci CX3200 dye-sub  while it has dabbled in fabric   business also took on another   director, with Chris Scully
      machine in January.   with UV, it decided to invest   unit to house the finishing   taking over the top spot.
        The Greater Manchester  around £400,000 to properly               Former managing director
      wide-format printer, which  set  up its  new fabric   equipment.    Andrew Pang, who joined
      has been trading for nearly  department. As well as the   “You can’t dip your toe in   the press manufacturer as
                                                                          director of consumables operations from customer Butler &
      20 years, serves customers  Agfa Avinci, it has taken on a   to fabric printing, you need   Tanner in 2007, is leaving the business. Pang became MD in
      globally, particularly  specialist calender unit,   to do it properly,” said FDP   the summer of 2013. Scully has worked at Koenig & Bauer
      completing exhibition work  purchased new tooling for its  director Darren Taylor.  for 19 years, and previously worked in pre-media with roles
                                                                          at Creo, Scitex and DuPont.  The new setup brings the UK
      Monotype inks deal with Canva                                       into line with the type of structure that’s in place at K&B’s
                                                                          other regional sales and service operations.  The change is
                                                                          effective immediately.

        Digital typesetter and font                growth since its foundation   Multi-discipline printer Positive+ has put up six wide-
      library Monotype has                         in 2012. Now employing over   format presses, two laminators and two cutters up for sale
      reached a deal with digital                  7,000, the Australian firm’s   after a series of HP Latex installations made them surplus to
      design platform Canva to                     template-based design   requirements. Up for grabs are three Roland Soljet
                                                                          machines, an Océ Arizona 6170 XTS UV flatbed, an HP
      make more than 1,100                         platform has become a staple   Designjet Z6200 1.5m inkjet and a Mimaki UJV55-320 3.2m
      curated fonts available to                   for many businesses.   printer. Positive+’s restructuring around Latex machines,
      Canva’s 110 million monthly                   The fonts, available for use   kicked off by installations of an R2000 and two R800s in
      users. Revealed earlier this                                        mid- and late 2022, had meant the firm was hardly using
      week, the partnership will   Monotype’s deal with Canva  now, will be followed later in   the older printers, according to chief commercial and
      allow Canva users to use                     the partnership by     sustainability officer, Tony Dennington. A number of staff
                                                                          from Positive+ will be attending the Fespa Global Print Expo
      established  types  such  as   such as Gotham and   educational content for users   in May, to scout out further potential investments for
      Sabon and Helvetica,   Recoleta.             on how to get the most out of   company.
      alongside new standards   Canva has seen rapid   different types.                                                                     April 2023 PrintWeek MENA  27
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