Page 31 - PWM2023_April
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                                                              that “this may provide the supplier   principles.
                                                              with an additional layer of protection   In summary, the law states that if a
                                                              against any additional, unforeseen   trader makes an agreement to supply
                                                              increases to raw material prices.”  certain goods or services for an
                                                               The last is a change in law clause   agreed price, then they are obliged to
                                                              which is particularly relevant in light   provide those goods for the price
                                                              of Brexit and the pandemic. With   agreed; that if a trader fails to
                                                              what has been presented by clients to   perform their side of the agreement,
                                                              Maguire, it’s his view that “suppliers   then they are in breach of contract,
                                                              should consider including a   and the other party can seek to
                                                              provision giving them an opportunity   recover any loss they suffer because
                                                              to increase prices – or at least be able   of the breach; and if both sides of the
                                                              to propose an increase – to   deal are contracting as businesses,
                                                              accommodate changes in law, or new   the law will not interfere to any great
                                                              government procedures, etc”.   extent in the agreements – the law
                                                              Almost akin to an Act of God, he feels   will not prevent either side from
                                                              that no firm should be left without   making a bad bargain. Langley notes
                                                              options that result from macro-level   that the majority of print supplied in
                                                              events.                    the UK is likely to be based on
                                                               But if the position between the   individual orders for jobs. Therefore,
                                                              sides is intractable, a firm may want   she thinks that “the contract for the
                                                              to seek a termination of the contract.   supply of the work is going to use
                                                              But this would be the nuclear option   either the print company’s standard
                                                              in Maguire’s view as “termination   terms and conditions of sale or the
                                                              can be minefield depending on   customer’s standard terms and
                                                              provisions such as timescales and   conditions of purchase”.
                                                              methods for serving notice; both
                                                              parties need to be wary of any move   Decisions to make
                                                              that might put them in breach”.
                                                              Whatever they do, he emphasises   Ultimately, if a printer finds that
                                                              that they should certainly try to avoid   they are locked into a contract which
                                                              anything that might escalate into a   is now loss-making, Langley says that
                                                              dispute.                   “they will have to assess the likely
                                                                                         outcome of failing to supply and
                                                               Own supply chains         being in breach of contract”.
                                                                                           She continues: “This means
                                                               One last piece of advice from   assessing what loss the customer will
      be inserted into all new contracts and especially if the print supplier is   Maguire – that printers should think   suffer as a result of the failure to
      unable to insert a favourable pricing review clause.”   about their own supply chains and   supply and the amount of that loss
                                                              not just the contracts put in place
       Again, whether a customer will accept such a provision is a matter for   with their customers. It’s a case of   that can be recovered from the
      conjecture and negotiation and Maguire says that printers may find that a   ‘poacher turned gamekeeper’ where   printer under the liability clause in
      customer insists on a reciprocal clause.                a print supplier looks at their   the contract.” Simple mathematics
                                                              contracts through the eyes of a buyer   may well drive the decision.
       More to consider                                       and looks to negotiate strong   If in any doubt about the effect of
       Other contractual elements that Maguire thinks firms should consider   purchase contracts with its own raw   the liability clause, Langley says that
      are the insertion of a change control procedure, a material adverse change   material suppliers.   there is no alternative but “to get
      clause, and a change in law clause. The first of these is a multi-step change   But this will not always yield   some legal advice before you decide
      control procedure that encapsulates a formal arrangement for requesting a   results in which case Maguire says   to stop supply to the customer”. The
      variation to the contract, and any timescales for doing so. Maguire explains   that “suppliers should explore if they   risk of ending up in court or in
      that the procedure can be tailored to include discussions relating to pricing   can source from elsewhere if the cost   tarnishing a reputation become very
      and it could also include any issues relating to the supply and cost of such   implications are favourable   real and very quickly too.
      raw materials. He says that “it should also oblige both parties to act   assuming, of course, that quality
      reasonably to negotiate such changes. It would require that neither party   remains unchanged”.  Summary
      could unreasonably withhold or delay agreement to a proposed variation”.  Nicola Langley, head of legal at the   There’s no doubt that print is
       Although this procedure does not guarantee any variation, Maguire feels   BPIF    navigating a very difficult
      that “it allows either side to understand why the other is requesting a            marketplace. Those that stay the
      variation to the contract and as such should encourage cooperation”.  Basic principles laid out  course will have taken good advice
       Of the material adverse change clause, Maguire says that this allows   Nicola Langley knows that   and planned ahead. But those that
      either side of an agreement to renegotiate the contract if an unforeseen   contract law may appear   find themselves in stormy seas may
      situation arises which causes a severe disparity between the parties on   complicated, however she says that it   well be doing so after acting in haste
      performance of the contract. Known as ‘material adverse change’, he says   is based on three very simple   only to repent at leisure.                                                                      April 2023 PrintWeek MENA 29
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