Page 28 - PWM2023_April
P. 28

NEWS          GLOBAL

       IN BRIEF                                    Digiprint Nettl’s new

       Smur fi t K app a  h a s
       completed the disposal of
       its Russian operations after
       a process that has taken                    sustainable range
       just under a year. On 1 April
       2022, five weeks after
       Russia’s invasion of
       Ukraine, the ¤12.8bn                         Digiprint Nettl has                        business to roll out its new
       (£11.2 6b n) t urnove r                     launched an environmentally                 range of products.
       pa ck ag i ng  g ia n t                     friendly range of products                   “Our most important
       announced that it planned to exit the Russian market in an   following the installation of
       orderly manner. Its businesses there – including a bag-in-                              requirement when investing
       box facility and two corrugated plants in St Petersburg, and   an HP Latex R1000 printer.   in the printer was the
       a corrugated plant in Moscow – have been sold to local   Established in 1987 as a litho
       management with the deal completed after the necessary   and copy shop in Bath and      environmentally friendly
       approvals by Russian authorities and all the related   Chippenham, Digiprint Nettl      Latex technology,” said Ben
       administrative separation tasks. Smurfit Kappa had                The Latex R1000 at new factory
       previously said that its Russian businesses did not represent   now offers all kinds of print,   Gregory, director of
       a separate major line of the business, and it did not split   and has two advanced design   Running alongside an HP   Digiprint Nettl.
       out its sales there. The disposal has resulted in a ¤128m   and digital print studios.  Latex 800W printer, which   Digiprint Nettl is a long-
       exceptional charge related to the impairment of its assets in   In January it opened a new   was installed a few months
       Russia.                                                                                 term HP customer, having
                                                   signs, display, and exhibition   earlier in October, the Latex   taken on its first HP printer
       Neil Sutton will retire at                  factory to further widen its   R1000 has changed the way
       the end of this month after                 offering to customers and   the company operates,   in the 1990s and regularly
       a near-30-year career at                    this led to the purchase of the   particularly the machine’s   upgrading its production
       Komori, and has received a
       Lifetime Achievement                        Latex R1000, which was   use of water-based HP Latex   setup with the manufacturer
       Award as part of his send-                  installed in the same month.  inks, which have enabled the  ever since.
       off.  Sutton joined the
       Jap ane s e  pr e ss
       manufacturer in 1996 as                     Fespa expands exhibitor line-up
       southern area sales manager.  His responsibilities steadily
       increased, including heading sheetfed sales for the UK,   Fespa has revealed that a   names include DP   Also exhibiting are event
       Ireland and South Africa. In 2004 he became UK managing   raft of new and returning  Solutions, Eurolaser, INX,
       director when previous incumbent Martin Rickards moved                                  sponsors Durst, Surfex,
       to a European role, and then when Rickards retired in 2018   exhibitors will participate at  Lüscher Technologies,   Brother, Mimaki, Hanglory,
       Sutton became COO of Komori’s European business. Sutton’s   its Global Print Expo in   Marabu, SPS TechnoScreen,   and HP, as well as hardware
       career has spanned a period of huge technological change   Munich in May. 490   Vastex International, and
       in print, as well as major world events and economic   companies are currently   Vivid Laminating   suppliers including Agfa,
       turbulence that have impacted the industry including the   confirmed to exhibit at the   Technologies.  Aeoon, Aleph, Canon,
       financial crisis and the pandemic. Komori praised Sutton   show and the co-located   The line-up also features   Epson, Fujifilm, Kongsberg,
       for his analytical, and pragmatic approach coupled with his   European Sign Expo and   78 new exhibitors, including   Liyu, MHM, Sakurai,
       sales and business management acumen.
                                                   Personalisation Experience,   Aerolam Decoratives,   SwissQprint, Ricoh, Roland
       APS Group has invested                      including 95 returning   CarbonQuota, Duveholm   DG, and Zünd. Fespa Global
       £5m into its 9,290sqm                       suppliers, many of which   Stallbacken, Magon,   Print Expo, European Sign
       secure inbound/outbound                     were unable to attend the   Newtown Packaging,
       Preston Brook facility near                 events held in Amsterdam   Ronchini Massimo,   Expo, and Personalisation
       Runcorn. he Stockport-                      and Berlin in the last two   Scandinavian Print Group,   Experience will take place at
       headquartered group,                        years due to travel   Toscana Systems, and   Messe Munich from 23 to 26
       which delivers secure                       restrictions. Returning   Xeikon.           May.
       c  u  s  t  o  m  e  r
       communications, said the
       and government sectors.APS said it had been steadily  Sirane launches world-first pouches
       investment had followed significant wins in the financial
       investing throughout the pandemic, building on the
       capabilities of the Preston Brook facility, which opened in   Packaging manufacturer    convenience is growing
       September 2020 and is capable of processing 500–600   Sirane has launched a range       rapidly and it is essential food
       million packs a year. The Preston Brook operation comprises   of oven-friendly films and   cooked in plastic packaging,
       an inbound and outbound centre for secure print and
       plastic card personalisation.               pouches printed with heat-                  a very popular way of
                                                   resistant water-based inks, in              cooking, is safe. It is great
       Bell & Bain is scoping out the potential for reel-fed colour   what the company has called   that we have been able to
       inkjet as part of its future investment options. The Glasgow
       book and journal printer’s chairman Stephen Docherty and   a world-first.  A range of oven-friendly films  reduce the environmental
       managing director Karen Baillie visited the recent Hunkeler   The firm, which already   impact of these products.”
       Innovation Days event in Switzerland to look at the latest   offers a wide range of   products in a significantly   Ralten added: “We believe
       technology being showcased there, and have also travelled   packaging suitable for ovens   more eco-friendly manner.  this is a world-first.”
       to Koenig & Bauer’s digital and web press facility in              Peter Ralten, commercial
       Würzburg, Germany, to see its RotaJet inkjet web press. Bell   and microwaves, said that its   Sirane has launched the
       & Bain is a longstanding Koenig & Bauer customer and   development of suitable   and business development   range in reel form, flat bags
       recent major investments include two Rapida 145 large-  water-based inks would   director, said: “Consumer   or pouches, and as stand-up
       format presses.
                                                   allow it to manufacture the   demand for ovenable   pouches.
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