Page 23 - PWM2023_April
P. 23


      Fujifilm teams up with                                                                   Bobst Mexico
                                                                                               gets new SD
      Hybrid Software                                                                          Carlos Eduardo Rodríguez
                                                                                                Bobst has appointed

                                                                                               Ramírez as sales director
                                                                                               for narrow mid-web
        Fujifilm has teamed up                                           technologies. The press can   printing and  converting
      with Hybrid Software to                                            reproduce more than 90   solutions for the Latin
      develop  a  Smart  Digital                                         percent of the Pantone color   America North region.
      Front End (DFE) workflow                                           gamut, offers two dedicated   Rodríguez will cover all
      for its digital inkjet water-                                      white inkjet channels for   range of label solutions by
      based Jet Press FP790                                              high white opacity print and   Bobst, including All-in-One
      flexible packaging                                                 delivers high-quality 1200 x   presses.
      technology. The web-based,                                         1200    dpi   image    With a degree in Graphic
      open architecture                                                   Mike Agness, executive   Communications and a
      production workflow offers                                         vice president, Americas at   Diploma in Manufacturing
      fully automated prepress                                           Hybrid Software said: ‘It has   Administration, Rodríguez
                                                                                               also has 25 years’
      functionality to ensure the                                        been extremely rewarding to   experience in flexographic
      Jet Press FP790 press offers   The collaboration is made on Smart Digital Front End workflow  combine the USPs of our   printing and label
      fast turnaround times,                                             two companies and their   production processes.
      maximum productivity and   partnership between   packaging applications   complimentary offerings to   Throughout his career, he
      reduced operating costs. In   Fujifilm’s research and   while adhering to the   help Fujifilm bring such an   has held a range of roles in
      addition, its modular   development team and   regulatory requirements of   exciting new print solution   design management, pre-
                                                   the sector, the Jet Press
      configuration allows for   Hybrid’s specialist software   FP790 digital inkjet press   to market.’  press and production.
      greater workflows and full   developers.     features         an    Technology collaboration   During the last 10 years, he
      customization.          Created to deliver the   environmentally-friendly   will help deliver high-quality   has been particularly
        This new Smart DFE is a   highest quality output for a   design incorporating water-  output for flexible packaging   focused on the commercial
      result of a close working   wide range of flexible   based  inkjet  print   applications  side of the industry.
      DPR & UV Ray         New Unilux vision                   buys

      deal                 system’s features                            Durst Tau RSC E

        Labeling equipment
      manufacturer DPR has   Unilux a leading designer         ,  a  full-
      partnered with UV Ray, a   and manufacturer of                    service label and packaging
      producer of UV, dichroic   stroboscopic inspection                converter, has purchased a
      mirror technology curing   solutions, has developed the           Durst Tau RSC E for its newly
      systems, to develop a UV   UniPrint inspection system.            acquired site in Pflugerville,
      varnish module for its   The print monitoring                     Texas. The Durst Tau RSC E
      Taurus TRS35PL label   system is designed to inspect              offers maximum print speeds
      finishing system, a roll to
      roll system with digital   standard and UV-visible inks           of 170 ft/min (upgradeable to
      laser cutting and    and coatings with a single                   262 ft/min), 1200 dpi native   Durst Tau RSC E
      laminating.          system. Existing entry-level                 resolution, and is available
        The integration of the   print monitoring systems   UniPrint inspection system  with up to eight color options   Alan Etheridge, senior vice
      in-line UV varnish module   typically sit idle on presses   complemented web   plus highly opaque white.  president of,
      offers an alternative to   due to lack of training or   monitoring systems by   All Durst printers are   said: ‘I needed quality,
      cold lamination, giving   system component failure.   offering a macro view of   equipped with workflow and
      superior label finishing. It   Re-training of operators and   print quality,’ said Mike   analytics software and come   flexibility and speed, but most
      is available as a    repair of older systems was                  with around the clock service   importantly, I needed a UV
      flexographic unit with an   cost- and time-prohibitive.   Simonis, president.   and support.  inkjet asset, and a support
      anilox cylinder capable of   To address these challenges,   ‘We are excited to expand   Steve Lynn, director of   structure for that technology,
      depositing 3.5 grams of   Unilux provides regional   our inspection offering by   labels and packaging – sales at   that I could rely on in order to
      varnish per square meter   service and support,   also providing the more   Durst said: ‘The Tau RSC line   continue to deliver superior
      and a UV Ray lamp that   replacement parts in stock   detailed micro view, with all   is a perfect fit for what
      cures it on the material.   for fast delivery, as well as   of the features you would is   service to our new and
      The power of the UV Ray   easy to access online                   envisioning for their future.   existing clients.
      lamp is automatically   training.           expect to reduce waste,   We look forward to their   ‘ The support, and service
      adjusted according to the   ‘For  decades Unilux   backed by the service and   continued success, and our   team from Durst has exceeded
      laser cutting speed.  inspection strobes have   support Unilux can provide.’  growing partnership.’  our expectations.’                                                                      April 2023 PrintWeek MENA 21
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