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      Roularta invests in Contiweb dryers

        Contiweb, a specialist                                           accelerate those plans,” says   that help reduce
      manufacturer of web-                                               Steven Renders, General   environmental impact,”
      handling equipment and                                             Manager, Roularta Printing.   says Rob Bosman, Sales
      provider of integrated                                             “At Roularta, we are   Director at Contiweb.
      technical solutions for web                                        certified for calculating   “Roularta is a huge name in
      offset printing, web inkjet                                        carbon footprints of printing   Benelux, and beyond, so it is
      printing and packaging                                             jobs in line with ISO   an important step for our
      production, announced                                              standards and based on this,   company to aid in its
      today that Roularta Printing,                                      we are able to show our   sustainable growth,
      part of Roularta Media                                             customers what the carbon   something that we ourselves
      Group, has invested in three                                       footprint of their printing   take pride in. As with all our
                                                                                               solutions, we continue to
      Contiweb dryers – two                                              job is and how it can be   identify ways in which to
      Contiweb Ecosets and one   Roularta invests in Contiweb dryers to achieve carbon-neutrality  improved. Contiweb’s   meet, and even succeed,
      Ecodry. All three systems                                          drying solutions should   today’s environmental
      will be installed later this   the second largest magazine  practice. As a result, the   prove to be a major help in   requirements. Future data
      year  and  are expected  to   publishing company in the   management team   achieving our overall goal, so   from Roularta will provide
      reduce the company’s   Netherlands. Following   identified Contiweb dryers   much so that we anticipate   invaluable feedback for us
      overall carbon footprint by   government  initiatives  in   to reduce gas consumption   the solutions will reduce our   moving forward.”
      14 percent.           2010 to improve        in accordance with the   overall carbon footprint by   Contiweb dryers are
        Created in 1954, Roularta   sustainability practices   company’s ISO 50001   fourteen percent.”   innovative, reliable and
      Media Group is firmly   within businesses, Roularta   certification.   “During the recent gas   long-lasting, based on a
      established within the   has been at the forefront of   “Our aim is to achieve   crisis  we  have  seen  an   high-air volume, low-
                                                                         increasing demand for our
      Belgian commercial    green and  environmental   carbon neutrality by 2040,   dryer products.  This,   temperature process that
      printing world as a market-  growth within the printing   10-years faster than the EU   alongside the ever-growing   optimises print quality and
      leading producer of   sector and has made it the  target and our strong   importance of sustainability,   productivity by minimising
      magazines in both French   company’s mission to find   financial position affords us   has led us to focus on   the negative effects of
      and Dutch, while also being   solutions that improve the   the opportunity to   products in our portfolio   heating the web.

      LEAP 2023: Saudi Xerox gets platform to showcase solutions

        The recently held LEAP                                                   visionary strategies that have  transformation. These are
      2023 offered a perfect                                             the potential “to build a city   essential tools for their
      platform for Saudi Xerox to                                        on the moon by 2070, have a   journey towards Saudi
      showcase its solutions for                                         human standing on Mars by   Vision 2030.”
      tomorrow’s work place and                                          2035, and create digital twin
      digital transformation. The                                        cities and entire virtual   Saudi Vision 2030 is a
      second edition of the                                              worlds.” Saudi Xerox is a   comprehensive and
      international technology                                           faithful supporter of Saudi  ambitious plan for the
      conference LEAP was held                                           Vision 2030 and is working   transformation of the
      in Riyadh on February 6-9,                                         closely with Saudi    Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. It
      2023 under the theme “Into                                         government to implement   was introduced in 2016 by
      New Worlds.” Saudi Xerox                                           this vision.
      participated  in  this  event   LEAP 2023: Saudi Xerox is a faithful supporter of Saudi Vision 2030  Mehmet Sezer, General   Crown Prince Mohammed
      with full force.                                                   Manager of Saudi Xerox   bin Salman as a roadmap for
        “Xerox has a rich and   excited to be a major   which were highlighted   says:” Saudi Xerox’s core   the country’s development
      Profound legacy in    contributor to LEAP 2023    during  the event  include   competency  is  to  provide   over the next decade. The
      innovation, particularly in   and showcase our state-of-  Xerox® DocuShare®, XMPie   best solutions for enterprises   vision aims to diversify the
      the areas of document   the-art  technologies  in   and CareAR.    and institutions to   economy, reduce the
      technology and computing.   action.” Enthuses Joe Bailis   LEAP 2023 has been   streamline their day-to-day
      The company continues to   Head  of  Digital  envisioned as a four-day   workflow while offering top   country’s dependence on oil,
      be a major player in the tech   Transformation  at Saudi   event that explored cutting-  of the class technology and a   and promote social and
      industry today. We are very   Xerox. The host of solutions   edge technologies and   roadmap to digital   economic progress.

      24 PrintWeek MENA April 2023                                                      
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