Page 25 - PWM2023_April
P. 25


      Roland DG launches new UV                                                                Fusion Digital
      flatbed printer EU-1000MF                                                                has  set up  a  new  fabric
                                                                                                Fusion Digital Print (FDP)

                                                                                               department, which kicked
                                                                                               off with the installation of an
        Roland DG has launched a                                         printer also boasts a range of   Agfa Avinci CX3200 dye-sub
      new large-format UV flatbed                                        advanced features that   machine in January.
      printer,  the EU-1000MF.                                           optimise performance, speed   The Greater Manchester
      Capable of printing “vibrant                                       up workflow, and ensure safe   wide-format printer, which
      and detailed graphics”                                             operation, while users can   has been trading for nearly
      directly onto a wide variety                                       choose between six or four   20 years, serves customers
      of rigid and flexible                                              printheads, in a two-row   globally, particularly
      substrates up to 2.4x1.2m                                          staggered configuration.  completing exhibition work
      and with a maximum height                                           The machine’s maximum   for European businesses –
      of 95mm, the EU-1000MF is                                          print speed is 27.6sqm/hr. It   including high-profile retail
      suitable for applications                                          can print up to nine 2.4x1.2m   clients.
                                                                                                The company said that
      including signs, exhibitions,   EU-1000MF “offers customers what they have been asking for’  while it has dabbled in fabric
      interior  decoration,  and                                         boards per hour in CMYK or   with UV, it decided to invest
      special products.     DG’s specially formulated   The machine’s maximum   four 2.4x1.2m boards per   around £400,000 to properly
        The machine is      Greenguard Gold-certified   resolution is 720x1,200dpi.   hour in CMYK plus white in   set  up its  new fabric
      commercially available   E-US UV inks, which have   Coming in a choice of ink   standard mode.   department. The machine
      across EMEA as of this week   been specifically developed   configurations, including   Pricing   for   the   produces “vibrant high-
      and Roland DG billed it as   for this printer and are said   high opacity white and gloss,   EU-1000MF starts from   quality prints” on polyester-
      having the “best price-to-  to deliver “stunning graphic  the EU-1000MF can   £56,999. Roland DG said it   based fabrics up to
      performance  ratio” in its   results” at a lower cost than   incorporate textured and   intends to show the device at   3.2m-wide including soft
      category.             other large-format UV   dimensional effects into   Fespa Global Print Expo in   signage  for  inside  and
        The device uses Roland   printer inks.     prints. Roland DG said the   Munich from 23 to 26 May.  outdoors.
      Epson adds new models to                                           PrintIQ rolls out new

      SureColor SC-T range                                               product features

                                                                          PrintIQ has released
        Epson has extended its                                           Version 46 of its cloud-based
      SureColor SC-T range of                                            MIS, which includes over 30
      technical and poster single-                                       new features or updates. The
      function printers. In                                              company said highlights of
      addition to upgrading the                                          the new release include the
      44-inch (1.12m) SC-T7700D                                          new Sign Off app, which
      model, Epson has also
      introduced 24-inch (0.61m)                                         allows iPhone or Android
      and 36-inch (0.91m)                                                phone  users to  upload  all
      models, all based on a                                             information directly to a job
      compact and fully integrated                                       bag, and review, check and
      design, as well as offering   The SureColor SC-T range can be used in a range of industries  sign off wide-format and   New features are added
      features  unique  to  the                                          signage jobs anywhere,
      market, such as high   original 44-inch SC-T7700D   a new red ink that widens   anytime. The company said it   functionality in IQ Link
      security and an enhanced   (dual roll), a new 44-inch   the colour gamut of the   is easy to use for both internal   allows customers to
      colour gamut.         SC-T7700DL (dual roll with   printers and makes them   and external team members.  collaborate with fellow IQ
        Designed to meet the   1.6-litre ink pouches), the   suitable for applications   Advanced functionality in   users to offer products not
      technical drawing needs of   36-inch SC-T5700D (dual   such as marking up CAD   the new Outsource Portal   currently manufactured
      the architectural,    roll), and three 24-inch   drawings and precisely   feature, meanwhile, allows   i n - h o u s e .  D y n a m i c
      engineering,     and  models – SC-T3700E (single   replicating corporate logos.  greater control, connectivity,   synchronisation of purchase
      construction industries, the   roll, no Adobe PostScript),   The machines also offer
      machines are also able to   SC-T3700DE (dual roll, no   several enhanced IT and   and automation when   orders, job tracking, and
      produce quality advertising   Adobe PostScript), and               ordering  from  suppliers,   progress in production
      posters for retail and public  SC-T3700D (dual roll).   security features. The   delivering both artwork and   removes the need for calls
      sector users.         Epson’s SC-Tx700 printers   machines are said to have   purchase order details   and emails. There  is also
        With the new additions,  use  Epson’s  six-colour   “an  extremely compact   straight into the supplier’s   further functionality with
      the SureColor SC-Tx700  UltraChrome XD3  all-  footprint” and can print at   portal.     Infigo, delivering live pricing
      Series now consists of the  pigment inks. These include  speeds of up to 150sqm/hr.  Additionally, advanced   and stock control.                                                                      April 2023 PrintWeek MENA 23
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