Page 35 - PWM2023_April
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      Star product
      Serif Affinity Version 2

      A fully featured yet very low-cost challenger to Adobe’s Creative Suite, says Simon Eccles

                                                                                     X-ray view (to help selections in complex
                                                                                     images). As before there’s a decent range
                                                                                     of export formats and Illustrator EPS can
                                                                                     be imported.
                                                                                       New features in Photo 2 include non-
                                                                                     destructive Raw processing (allowing
                                                                                     initial settings to be changed while
                                                                                     keeping subsequent adjustments);
                                                                                     compound masks (to combine separate
                                                                                     masks into new ones); live masks; hue or
                                                                                     luminosity based masks; live mesh warp
                                                                                     (non-destructive distortions); normal
                                                                                     adjustment (lighting effects); saved mask
                                                                                     states (groups of different visibility can
                                                                                     be saved); and new JPEG XL export (with
                                                                                     lossy or lossless compression and other
                                                                                     new features).
                                                                                     What is the USP of the product?
                                                                                       According to Serif, it’s a combination
      What does it do?                 Specifications  the price is suitable for more casual users   of the professional level features at very
        Serif’s Affinity Version 2 is a suite of      too. According to Serif’s PR manager   low cost, perpetual licences, StudioLink
      three very low cost but professionally   Serif Affinity   John Atkin: “Affinity apps are used by   editing in Publisher, full-featured iPad
      featured graphics programs. They can be   Version 2  some of the world’s biggest names in   apps and real-time rendering and viewing
      purchased separately, but will share   Apps:  Designer,   sectors like automotive, publishing,   of edits.
                                                      architecture and movie production.”In
      editing tools if used together.   Photo, Publisher  the Printweek Best of British profile of   What training and support is there?
        They cover the main functions needed                                           Serif offers downloadable and online
      for design for print. Affinity Photo is a   Platforms:  Windows   Serif in 2018, Atkin  said that the   manuals and YouTube training videos.
                                                      expectation is that most users will
      bitmap image editor/painter, Designer is   10 2020 or later,   already  use  at  least  one  of  the  main
      for vector design, and Publisher is for   MacOS Catalina 10.15   alternatives, with Adobe Creative Cloud   There are demo and training facilities at
      layouts. They are analogous to Adobe’s   or later, iPadOS 15 or   dominating the market.  its Nottingham HQ. A user forum on the
      Photoshop, Illustrator and InDesign. If                                        website has self-help discussions and
      you have all three, the StudioLink feature   Price: £59.99   How does it work?  some user-created tutorials.
      lets users edit placed graphics by   (Windows or MacOS),   Assuming you’re familiar with Adobe
      accessing the Photo and Designer tools   £19.99 (iPad),   Creative Cloud apps, there are few   What is the price?
      from within Publisher.           £144.99 (all three)  surprises in Affinity. It’s not a feature-  Version 2 application perpetual
        Serif introduced the original Affinity        for-feature match, but there’s not much   licenses cost £59.99 each for Windows or
      Photo in 2014 and Designer in 2015, then   Contact Serif Software   you can’t do in Affinity just as well, one   MacOS, or £17.99 each for the iPadOS
      Publisher in 2019. There have been   0115 914 2000 affinity.  way or another. There are several Affinity  versions. The new Universal licence gives
      updates since, but the new Version 2 is a       features not available from Adobe.   you all three on all platforms (Windows,
      major  upgrade  for  all  three  and             Third-party add-ons are sold via the   MacOS, iPad) and costs £144.99.
      introduces an iPad version for Publisher        Affinity website. These include sets of
      for the first time.                             templates, brushes, palettes and the like,   Volume licenses are available for
                                                      with most sets priced at £30 or less.  business and education users. Version 1
      When was it launched and what                    Designer 2’s new features include:   users get a discount on the Universal
      markets is it aimed at?                         vector warp; a shape builder tool; knife   License, paying £108.74.
        Serif announced and shipped Affinity          tool (to split up objects); distance and   This also includes a free bundle of fonts
      Version 2 in October 2022. Target               area measure tools; DXF and DWG file   and add-ons that would cost £223.98
      markets are professional designers, but         import (maintaining properties); and  separately.
                            “Volume licenses are available for business and education users.”                                                                      April 2023 PrintWeek MENA 33
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