Page 17 - PWM2023_December EBook
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      Duplo unveils new DBM-700                                                                Oppboga Bruk
                                                                                               to invest more
      bookletmaker                                                                             Oppboga Bruk is targeting
                                                                                                Swedish board mill
                                                                                               growth in the luxury and
                                                                                               premium packaging, plastic-
        Duplo has unveiled the                                           their capabilities, while   replacement packaging and
      successor to its popular                                           achieving exceptional   sign and display segments
      DBM-600 bookletmaker,                                              results.”             with a multimillion-euro
      the DBM-700. Launched on                                            While the bookletmaker   spend on a new production
      21 November and available                                          can be configured with a   line.
      immediately, the DBM-700                                           DBM-700S square spine   The multiply paperboard
      presents a completely new                                          unit or DBM-700T trim-  speciality mill, which has
      core to Duplo’s modular sys-                                       ming unit, for now, it will   sales of around €23m
      tem, capable of producing                                          continue using the same   (£20m), is investing
                                                                         ancillary equipment – col-
      up to 2,000 square-spined   The successor to Duplo’s DBM-600 bookletmaker, the DBM-700  lating towers and digital   between  €5m-€6m in a
      booklets per hour. It’s avail-                                     feeders – as the DBM-600.   state-of-the-art laminating
                                                                                               line that it believes will dou-
      able with two or four stitch-  tions, with a top one-up   innovation and meeting the   Duplo said the new booklet-  ble its production capacity.
      i ng   he ad s.  Th e  speed of 4,600 A5 booklets   evolving needs of the print   maker will cost around 20%   Ground works have already
      square-spined booklets,   of up to 10 sheets, or 5,200   industry,” said Martyn   more than the DBM-600, of   begun, with CEO Andrew
      which give a “perfect-bound   of 105x200mm booklets of   Train, managing director of   which a few remain in stock,   Robinson hoping the line
      look and feel”, according to   up to five sheets per hour.  Duplo UK.  and is aimed at users looking   will be in production during
      Duplo, are significantly eas-  Two-up speeds can reach   “The system represents a   for a step-up in automation.  September 2024. The
      ier to produce at speed.  as fast as 9,000 booklets per   significant leap forward for   Sales launch immediately   bespoke lamination
        This higher pace of pro-  hour, trimmer dependent.   offering our customers the  through Duplo channels,   machine is being built by a
      duction is carried over into   “The DBM-700 exemplifies   means to achieve much   along with a handful of   consortium of European
      the machine’s other func-  Duplo’s commitment to   more, and faster: expanding   authorised distributors.  partners.
      Ricoh premieres 2024 flagship  Fedrigoni updates

      high-speed inkjet                                                  Imitlin range

        Ricoh has unveiled a new                                          Fedrigoni Group has
      flagship high-speed inkjet                                         refreshed and expanded its
      line that it said offered a 50%                                    range of embossed Imitlin
      productivity boost on its pre-                                     papers as part of a wider
      decessor. The Ricoh Pro                                            strategy to position the prod-
      VC80000 is targeted at appli-                                      ucts for elegant packaging
      cations including direct mail,                                     applications.The new tactile
      publishing and commercial                                          and textured Imitlin range –
        The duplexing press is,   It sets a new standard in automation and data first intelligence  a portmanteau of Imitation   Made from FSC-certified fibres
      according to Ricoh, the                                            and Linen – “combines ele-
      smallest machine in its class   nificantly boost output and   rollers to halve the start-up  gance with strength”,   six new shades that follow
      coming in at under 10 metres   simultaneously bring down   times of typical dryers.  according to Fedrigoni,   the latest market trends in
      in length in standard twin-  total cost of ownership.  It also comes with auto-  offering anti-fingerprint   line with the WGSN Global
      engined  configuration. It   “It sets a new standard in   mated quality control  treatment, light-fast colours,   Colour Forecast: Vibrant
      runs CMYK on 585mm reels   automation and data first   through Pro Scanner, for  and a high folding endur-  Ochre, Teal Green, Jade
      and is capable of 1,200dpi   intelligence to increase pro-  inline colour to colour and   ance that suits creative   Green, Grey Stone (compat-
      and a top speed of 150m/min.   ductivity and usable output   front to back consistency. Pro   applications including   ible with Sirio Pietra), Pink
      While the flat-out speed is   with consistency across oper-  Scanner, first introduced as   boxes, shopping bags, cases,   Sand (compatible with Sirio
      the same as the VC70000 it   ators and shifts,” said Eef de   an option on the VC70000,   covers, and notebooks.  Nude), and Ginger Brown.
      will replace, when it begins   Ridder, VP Graphic                   The range is made from
      shipping in early 2024,   Communications Group,   can be linked with   FSC-certified virgin fibres   In addition to the new
      according to Ricoh the new   Ricoh Europe.   Supervisor for shop-floor   and is completely biodegrad-  shades, the latest range also
      generation platform uses a   One of the new features is   data collection delivered   able and recyclable.The new   includes a new embossing
      “unique family of software   Ricoh’s ‘firefly’ dryer technol-  through web-based dash-  line of embossed papers   called E/R00 Diana, which
      and hardware tools” that sig-  ogy, which uses small, heated   boards.  includes the introduction of   mimics the texture of leather.                                                                  December 2023 PrintWeek MENA 15
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