Page 19 - PWM2023_December EBook
P. 19
Valmet & Metsä Group to Sappi Europe
to hike prices
develop sustainability model ongoing cost inflation, Sappi
In an effort to address
Europe will increase prices
for its Fine Paper grades by
Valmet and Metsä Group S u s t a i na b i li t y a n d 7-10% from January 2024. In
are jointly developing a com- Corporate Relations. a press release, Sappi Europe
prehensive operating model “As part of its strategic said, “This increase is neces-
to ensure sustainability in 2030 sustainability targets, sary to maintain viability of
technology and mainte- Metsä Group is committed Sappi’s business, the actual
nance investments. to ensuring that its supply amount will depend on the
The model will address network operates sustaina- product and market circum-
various aspects of sustaina- bly. Valmet is a large tech- stances. Sappi Europe
bility related to the environ- nology and service provider remains fully committed to
ment, social responsibility in the forest industry’s value serving the printing business
and governance (ESG). It Valmet and Metsä Group to develop joint sustainability model chain, and its operations and will work closely with
will be used to verify the our customers to ensure the
sustainability of the process “Valmet has consistently Group in developing a sus- and procurement cover an best possible outcome
technology projects deliv- been developing its sustain- tainability model for invest- extensive geographical area. throughout the print media
ered by Valmet to Metsä ability based on its compre- ments contributes to both “By jointly scrutinising value chain.”
Group and the related sup- hensive sustainability companies’ strong sustaina- the chain’s sustainability in Headquartered in Brussels
ply chains. agenda. The company has bility work and establishes ever greater detail, we Belgium, Sappi Europe is the
Valmet and Metsä Group been included in the Dow tangible indicators for sus- ensure that the forest indus- leading European producer
have set up a joint working Jones Sustainability Index as tainability at different stages try’s positive impacts spread of coated graphic paper as
group to develop and deploy one of the 300 global sus- of investment,” says Anu beyond the wood-processing well as packaging and speci-
the sustainability model. tainability leaders for nine Salonsaari-Posti, Valmet’s value chain,” says Jari ality papers with ten mills, 12
The goal is to adopt the consecutive years. Our S V P, M a r k e t i n g , Voutilainen, Metsä Group’s sales offices and 5,500
model by 2027. cooperation with Metsä C o m m u n ic a t io n s , SVP, Sourcing and Logistics. employees.
MM Group reduces DS Smith to invest
investments at mill in Poland EUR 90 million
MM Group has decided to DS Smith has announced
significantly reduce the a major investment for its
planned multi-year strategic Rouen paper mill in
investment project at its pulp Normandy, France, that
and paper mill in Poland, includes replacing the coal-
MM Kwidzyn. The project fired boiler with a new bio-
will now focus investments mass boiler that will reduce
on renewable energy, further the site’s emissions by
pulp integration and product 99,000 tonnes of CO2 per Investment for a biomass boiler
portfolio. MM Group said year.
the decision is due to Valmet will supply the 56 ate the boiler, which will
“uncompetitive wood prices MW high-tech boiler that allow for the possibility for
the future installation of a
from the Polish State will generate at least 80% of steam turbine capable of
Forestry Monopoly and sig- The company refocuses investments at Kwidzyn Mill in Poland the site’s heat demand and producing around 10 MW of
nificantly reduced market will be fully operational by electricity with a maximum
demand for paper and card- ing, which could lead to a pulp dryer; and the conver- the first quarter of 2025. It steam supply of 65 t/h. The
board products.” reduction in the workforce of sion of paper machine 1 will be fueled by 94,000 project was granted approval
In addition, MM Group around 110 employees. (PM1) from the production tonnes of biofuel, 30% of by the Regional Biomass
In April 2023, MM Group
has started discussions with announced that it would of copy paper to sack kraft which will come from plant Scheme in 2022 and is sup-
employee representatives invest EUR 660 million at The PM 1 and PM 2 paper by-products (pulper waste) ported by local authorities
about a possible closure of MM Kwidzyn, which machines will continue to and 70% from waste wood including a EUR 15 million
the small paper machine included a new recovery produce up to 360,000 sources such as furniture subsidy from the French
(PM 3) for packaging kraft boiler and a new steam tur- tonnes per year of uncoated and demolition waste. Agency for Ecological
paper and about restructur- bine; a second pulp line and a fine paper. Engie Solutions will oper- Transition (ADEME). December 2023 PrintWeek MENA 17