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NEWS        UAE

      FESPA Middle East 2024 - Preview

        In less than two months,                                          Hosted by ColorBase and   (FLEX) on 30 January 2024
      we’ll be opening the doors to                                      its founder and CEO, Marco  at FESPA Middle East. The
      the inaugural FESPA Middle                                         Roos, we’re running free,   first FLEX we hosted in
      East 2024 at the Dubai                                             interactive Colour    Dubai in March 2023 was a
      Exhibition Centre, UAE (29                                         Confidence workshops on   huge success so we’re
      - 31 January 2024), writes                                         colour management on 29   pleased to be back with this
      Bazil Cassim, FESPA                                                January. The first session   format. Our very own
      Regional Manager, Middle                                           (10:30 – 12:30) will be   FESPA Board Members
      East and Africa.                                                   aimed at print operators and   Christophe Aussenac,
        “Many global suppliers                                           will cover insights and prac-  Christian Duyckaerts,
      and regional distributors are                                      tical guidance on colour   Alberto Masserdotti and
                                                                                               FESPA CEO Neil Felton will
      already confirmed for the                                          management with the view   facilitate a knowledge
      event and, as of November   Inaugural FESPA Middle East 2024 will be held in January in UAE  to  enhance  consistency,   exchange to share their spe-
      2023, over 130 brands are                                          diagnose issues, and imple-  cialist expertise and global
      already being represented.   media and consumables.  Philips Digital Signage,   ment effective colour man-  market insights.
      Delegates will see print and   Confirmed  distributors   Pongs, Rhino, SwissQprint,   agement solutions. The   “The sessions are free to
      signage solutions from event   include Flex Europa, Blue   Valiani and many more.  second session (14:30 –   attend for visitors and will
      sponsors Signtrade, Epson   Rhine, ADS, Strings   “Supporting our commu-  16:30) will address sales pro-  cover sustainability, new
      and CMYK and hardware   International, Quantum   nity with educational and   fessionals  and  offer   technologies in AI, person-
      from leading exhibiting   Digital, Al Shabak, Desert  inspirational guidance to aid   actionable advice on effec-  alisation, automation and
      brands including Brother,   Sign, Helios Business  their business growth is at   tively communicating with   market trends highlighted
      IECHO, Mimaki, Roland   Systems, Magic Trading Co.,   the heart of what we do at   and navigating customer   in the recent FESPA Print
      DG and Vanklaser. Aerolam,   and Wellcare Advertising,   FESPA, so we’re pleased to   expectations around colour   Census.”
      Avery Dennison, BestSub,   representing global brands,   offer our visitors a range of   quality and repeatability.   For more information and
      Boyang, MacTac and    including HP, 3M,      educational features, as well  We’re also hosting the sec-  to  register,  visit  https://
      Mecolour are among the   Metamark, Graphtec,  as networking opportunities  ond edition of our FESPA
      companies presenting   Mutoh, Onyx, Orafol,   with global industry experts.   Leadership  Exchange   and use code FMEM412.

      Epson research reveals climate change as a critical global issue

        This year’s Epson’s Climate                                              Change” (57% in the UAE,   and far above the global aver-
      Reality Barometer captures                                         43% in Saudi Arabia, and   age of 47%.
      the views of over 30,000 peo-                                      62% in Egypt) among the top   =“With their youthful,
      ple in 39 markets to better                                        three pressing global issues,   technology-centric popula-
      understand global responses                                        alongside “Rising Prices”   tions and government focus
      to climate change. Results                                         (50% in the UAE, 60% in   on increasing sustainability
      reveal that respondents in                                         Saudi Arabia, and 62% in   and adopting alternative
      the UAE, Saudi Arabia, and                                         Egypt), and “Poverty” (42%   energy sources, it’s refresh-
      Egypt are among the world’s                                        in the UAE, 41% in KSA, and   ing to see the UAE, Saudi
      Top 10 most optimistic that                                        39% in Egypt).        Arabia and Egypt among the
      climate change can be solved.                                       =Optimism about whether   Top 10 most optimistic coun-
        =More people in the GCC   UAE is one of the countries optimistic on averting climate disaster  a climate disaster can be   tries about averting climate
      and North Africa now cite cli-                                     averted in our lifetime is seen   disaster,” said Neil
      mate change as a major global   Barometer is published as   across the world.  at the highest global levels in   Colquhoun, President,
      issue than any other – and   evidence grows of cata-  =The increased focus on   the GCC and MENA region,   Epson EME.  “With COP28
      that technology is seen as a   strophic climate change:   the environment due to   with 79% of people surveyed   in the UAE just days away,
      key enabler in solving the cri-  with record high sea temper-  events such as COP28 taking   in KSA reporting as optimis-  the focus must be on corpo-
      sis.                  atures; record low levels of   place in UAE  this year is   tic – the highest rate of cli-  rate and personal accounta-
        =Now in its third year,   Arctic and Antarctic sea ice;   likely to explain many partici-  mate optimism across all 39   bility to combat climate
      Epson’s Climate Reality   and extreme climate events   pants citing “Climate   markets surveyed by Epson   change.”

      22 PrintWeek MENA December 2023                                                   
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