Page 23 - PWM2023_December EBook
P. 23
Antalis revamps its offering Arrow Systems
expands team
for wide-format applications of digital printing and finish-
Arrow Systems, a provider
ing products for the label and
flexible packaging markets,
Antalis has revamped its Papers at Antalis, said: has expanded its sales team
offering for wide-format “Keaykolour has been a with the addition of Ron
applications with a number hugely popular choice for Brown as executive account
of new and enhanced prod- designers and creatives for manager. Arrow System,
ucts and reintroduced the all kinds of print projects for which specializes in single-
popular Keaykolour portfo- many years now. pass water-based pigment
lio of coloured products. “We’re delighted to offer inkjet technology and digital
Keaykolour was one of the continuity of the prestigious finishing, is growing rapidly
brands bought by Antalis fol- brand with an impressive as the industry is shifting
lowing the demise of array of colours, lovely tac- towards more eco-friendly
Arjowiggins in 2022. The tile feel and improved colour digital products. The latest
£1.5m deal also included consistency and technical appointment will help facili-
Conqueror, Olin, Pop’Set Keaykolour was one of the brands bought by Antalis capacity.” tate growth.
and Rives. manufactured with virgin value-added processes such The group has also Working previously at
The merchanting group pulp by an undisclosed mill, as embossing and letter- expanded its portfolio of Colordyne and QuadTech,
has worked with experts for- consists of nine “colour fam- press, with some products wide-format media. It has Brown has a long history in
merly involved in the manu- ilies”, ranging from pastels also approved for dry toner launched Xanita aspect, a inkjet technologies, working
and HP Indigo print.
facture of the Keaykolour to brights and halftones to Bespoke makings are also new rigid media for eco- with both water-based and
range, which now encom- intense. available for colour match- friendly, lower-cost signage UV technology for labels and
passes uncoated papers, It is available in weights ing. that uses the closed-cell core packaging. He has over 35
boards and matched enve- from 120-450gsmm, with Vicky Weatherington, design of the premium years of experience in the
lopes.The range, which is the full range suitable for sales manager for Creative Xanita range. labels and packaging space.
Caldera releases latest version Rosas Maschinenbau
of CalderaRIP launches new machine
Rosas Maschinenbau, a
Caldera has released the
latest version of CalderaRIP German manufacturer of
for large-format digital customized rewinder and
printing and cutting. The inspection machines has
French developer said ver- introduced a new RFID label
sion 17 was available imme- converting and serialization
diately upgrade, and that line.
users should upgrade their The modular machine fea-
RIP to experience the full tures Rosas’ Gazelle bidirec-
range of new features and tional rewinder with
improvements. Highlights CalderaRIP 17: Bicubic resampling reduces pixelation issues serialization printing,
of v17 include official sup- of the latest version of changing industry.” Bumble Bee RFID inserter, The line has several features
port for Mac OS Sonoma, Adobe PDF Print Engine. The developer said v17 Rosas’ Leopard 300 rewinder ensures the visual and code
the integration of Adobe “This integration not with UHF RFID and NFC inside the RFID tag matches.
PDF Print Engine 6.2, more only ensures compatibility boasts an array of powerful serialization, Lake Image The camera with UHF
than 30 new drivers, and an colour management features. System’s Discovery RFID encoding can reach high
extended range of new fea- with Adobe Creative Suite’s Users can share their spot solution, and Infinity print speeds up to 40m/min
tures to improve colour evolution, but also guaran- colour libraries, a highly inspection system.
management performance tees precise rendering for requested feature that signifi- The machine can encode (depending to data) or 25000
and facilitate printing and all PDF files. As always, our cantly accelerates the setup UHF and HF tags based on tags per hour and up to 20m/
cutting tasks. users can rely on Caldera’s of new work stations. information from the data- min or 12500 tags per hour
Arnaud Fabre, head of stability and high perfor- Caldera continues to provide base or synchronize with with NFC encoding. UHF
product at Caldera, said: mance to deliver perfect official access to spot colour printed serialization codes decoding up to 50m/min or
“CalderaRIP remains at the results, streamline their libraries, simplifying the pro- read by the camera before 35000 tags per hour and NFC
forefront of PDF perfor- processes and meet the cess of achieving precise (barcode, QR code, data decoding up to 40m/min or
mance with the integration challenges of a rapidly brand colours. matrix, or OCR). This 25000 tags per hour. December 2023 PrintWeek MENA 21