Page 18 - PWM2023_December EBook
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      Fiery releases new Digital                                                               JWEI partners
                                                                                               with Esko

      Factory version                                                                            This official collaboration

                                                                                               creates a production eco-sys-
                                                                                               tem that brings together
                                                                         software RIP combines col-  Esko’s software solutions,
        Digital front-end technol-
      ogy provider Fiery has                                             our accuracy with device   including tools for packaging
      released the latest version of                                     support like Digital   design, pre-press, colour
      its Digital Factory RIP soft-                                      Factory,” said John Henze,   management, workflow
      ware, aimed at making it                                           vice president of sales and   automation, and digital cut-
                                                                                               ting, and JWEI’s digital cut-
      easier to create personal-                                         marketing at Fiery.   ting and finishing
      ised, customised, and other                                         “Collaborating with our   equipment.
      speciality production prod-                                        extensive customer base, we   Wang Tao, president of
      ucts with “perfect colour                                          developed a next-generation   Ningbo  Jingwei
      accuracy”.                                                         interface with the user in   Systemtechnik said: ‘Esko
        Digital Factory v11.1 will                                       mind. With this latest update   and JWEI have made great
      drive “virtually all” direct-to-  Fiery released latest version of its Digital Factory RIP software  to Digital Factory, businesses   efforts to achieve this strate-
      film (DTF), direct-to-gar-  single icon click with drag   rial usage.  of all sizes can quickly find   gic cooperation. We can cre-
      ment (DTG), sublimation,   and drop features, allowing   Finally, new icons, set-  the right tools and dial in the   ate efficient, convenient, and
      UV, toner  transfer, and   both queues or group tabs to   tings menu, and image scal-  perfect settings to achieve   practical integrated solutions
      wide-format print and cut   be quickly reordered for   ing are said to make it easier   efficient, high-volume pro-  for our customers through
      devices. Fiery said new capa-  improved organisation and   for operators to quickly see   duction with the highest pos-  this collaboration, to achieve
      bilities include improved  layout.           production feedback and   sible quality.”   a clear win-win situation for
      usability, organisation and   Digital Factory also now   what has been processed.  Fiery became an independ-  both sides.’
      layout, with a new interface  provides true shape nesting,   “Customers expect qual-  ent business earlier this year   Earlier this year, CMYUK
      that offers clear navigation  allowing for more efficient   ity, accuracy, and speed   after separating from EFI,   announced its distributor-
      and user-friendly controls.  use of spaces or gaps when   when it comes to direct-to-  while remaining owned by   ship of the JWEI JCUT digital
      Queue Groups, for example,  nesting print and cut   film and specialty print   EFI’s owner Siris Capital   cutting tables in the UK and
      can now be created with a  designs, and reducing mate-  applications, and no other   Group.  Ireland.
      Intec hails features of new                                        Abbott Label installs

      B1+ flatbed digital cutter                                         HP Indigo 6K press

                                                                          Abbott Label has acquired
        Intec has expanded its                                           the  HP Indigo 6K digital
      range of digital cutters with                                      press for its facility in Dallas
      a new  manual-feed B1+                                             with plans to create a full
      device developed for a broad                                       end-to-end experience and
      range of packaging and POS
      prototyping and short-run                                          to expand its production
      pr o d u c t i on . T h e                                          capabilities. As a wholesale
      UK-headquartered cutting                                           custom printing company    HP Indigo 6K digital press
      kit manufacturer officially                                        with facilities across the US
      unveiled the ColorCut                                              that stretch from coast to
      FB1180-T tangential flatbed                                        coast, Abott Label offers a   has been providing service-
      digital cutter on sister firm   Cutter features four tools, two of which can be active at once  wide variety of products,   oriented label. In fact,
      Morgana’s stand at The                                             including blank and printed   Abbott Label is able to offer
      Print Show in September.  within the packaging and  tour/drag cut and crease   stock labels, spot and 4-color   more options and customi-
        According to Intec mar-  carton-making industries,  tools plus active tangential   process custom, and flexo-  zations in this space and has
      keting manager  Terri   the FB1180-T can cut a   tools, a deep cutting tangen-  form combinations.  had near 70 percent growth
      Winstanley, it has already   range of corrugated sub-  tial  blade and  tangential   The company’s deep focus   since the end of FY2020.
      secured a number of sales   strates including E/N and F   crease wheel.  on customer service to pro-  With the installation,
      into a range of production   fluted boards.   “The great thing about it   mote loyalty, combined with   Abbott Label looks forward
      and prototyping environ-  It features a four-tool                  a digital transformation
      ments.                 head, capable of cutting and   is that it has four tools, two   strategy, allows it to meet   to enhancing efficiencies,
        Designed for packaging   creasing media up to 3mm   active at use, and these can   the evolving needs of its cus-  modernizing print offerings
      and POS prototyping and   thick. The quad tool head  be selected for the job in   tomers. Since its establish-  and uplevelling print experi-
      light production work   includes two passive con-  hand,” said Winstanley.  ment in 2000, Abbott Label   ence.
      16 PrintWeek MENA December 2023                                                   
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