Page 25 - PWM2023_December EBook
P. 25


      Coca‑Cola imagines year 3000                                                             Xsys announces
                                                                                               new CEO
      with AI‑powered QR codes                                                                 Oliver Dohn as the new
                                                                                                Xsys has appointed

                                                                                               chief executive officer
                                                                                               (CEO) of Xsys. Departing
        Coca‑Cola has released                                           featuring violet, magenta   CEO Dagmar Schmidt has
      Y3000 Zero Sugar co‑cre‑                                           and cyan against a silver   played a leading role in the
      ated with human and artifi‑                                        base gives a futuristic feel.   company for over 25 years,
      cial intelligence by                                               The Spencerian Script fea‑  holding multiple executive
      understanding how con‑                                             tures a connected matrix   positions, including as the
                                                                         with fluid dot clusters that
      sumers envision the future                                         merge  to  represent  the   group‑wide chief transfor‑
      through emotions, aspira‑                                          human connections of the   mation officer, chief oper‑
      tions, colors and flavors.                                         future planet.        ating officer, and since
      The on‑pack AI powered                                              Consumers can scan an
      QR code offers consumers                                           on‑pack QR code to access   February 2022 as the CEO.
      an immersive experience to                                         the Coca‑Cola Creations   During her tenure she suc‑
      imagine what the future   The  QR code offers consumers an immersive futuristic experience  Hub, where they can filter   cessfully led the carve‑out
      tastes and feels like and pur‑                                     photos through the custom   of the company from Flint
      chase fashion brand     The zero‑sugar offering   equally futuristic—and   Y3000 AI Cam to envision   Group and transformed the
                                                                         what their current reality
      Ambush merchandise.   will be available for a lim‑  optimistic—visual identity.   could look like in the future.   business into a global leader
      Consumers’ perspectives   ited time in select markets.   Co‑created with artificial   And the futuristic fun will   in the flexographic printed
      from around the world,   Consumers in the United   intelligence, the design   continue in real life through   packaging industry.
                                                   showcases liquid in a mor‑
      combined with insights   States and Canada can also   phing, evolving state, com‑  the Y3000 capsule collec‑  Dohn succeeds Schmidt
      gathered from artificial   reach for an original taste   municated through form   tion,  co‑created with the   as CEO of Xsys and joins the
      intelligence, helped inspire   version of Coca‑Cola   and color changes that   fashion  brand Ambush   Board of Directors. Dohn
      Coca‑Cola to create the   Y3000.   Coca‑Cola Y3000   emphasize a positive future.   founded by designer Yoon   most recently was the CEO
      unique taste of Y3000.    Zero  Sugar sports an   A light‑toned color palette   Ahn.     of Felss Group.
      Reproflex adds second Esko CDI                                     Fedrigoni’s premium

      Crystal XPS line                                                   self‑adhesives

        Reproflex Scandinavia                                             Fedrigoni Self‑Adhesives
      (Reproflex) has boosted its                                        has improved its range of pre‑
      production capacity by add‑                                        mium self‑adhesives materi‑
      ing a second Esko CDI                                              a l s  w i t h  n e w
      Crystal 5080 XPS to its                                            high‑performance adhesive,
      platemaking  facility  in                                          designed to create high‑per‑
      Denmark just three years                                           formance neck labels for the
      after first acquiring the tech‑                                    wine and spirits sector.
      nology.                                                            Using a high‑performance
                                                                         adhesive means it is no
        T h o m a s  B o r g e                                           longer necessary to reduce   high-performance adhesive
      Christensen, CEO of                                                the grammage of the faces‑
      Reproflex, said: ‘Since 2020,   Company boosts capacity with a second Esko CDI Crystal 5080 XPS  tock, therefore ensuring opti‑  Maintaining the features of
                                                                                               the facestock means added
      we have used the combina‑                                          mum adhesion and that all
      tion of integrated Esko soft‑  our print house partners and   ing brand owners, Reproflex   the special features of the   value to the combinations of
      ware and hardware to deliver   their clients have enjoyed the   uses the combination of the   materials are preserved like   the neck label and the main
      plates that surpass all our cus‑  exceptional quality and relia‑  Esko CDI 5080 Crystal plate   embossing or special tex‑  label, which is a key factor for
      tomers’ expectations. We are   bility delivered by this tech‑  imager, the XPS 5080 Crystal   tures.   designing high‑quality coor‑
      delighted to now announce   nology. This new investment  exposure unit and Print   This means that  the   dinated packaging and giving
      this significant milestone,   enhances our backup capa‑  Control Wizard software to   appearance and structure of   each bottle a premium
      making a strategic invest‑  bilities and delivery reliabil‑  optimize the quality of its   the facestocks remain per‑  image. The synergy with
                                                                         fectly intact and textured
      ment in our commitment to   ity while extending the   plate production. The invest‑  papers such as ‘Cotone’ and   Fedrigoni Paper allows for
      delivering excellence to our   opportunity for our clients to  ment enables Reproflex to   ‘Constellation Jade Raster’   the use of all kinds of quality
      customers by acquiring our   transition to Crystal.’   streamline its flexo   can stand out in the design of   papers, resulting in a combi‑
      second Crystal/XPS line from   Supplying flexo plates to  platemaking with an efficient   sophisticated neck labels,   nation of select papers and
      Esko.                 more than 16 countries for a   workflow, while also produc‑  conveying their original vis‑  innovative self‑adhesive
        ‘Over the past three years,   range of customers, includ‑  ing plates of high quality.    ual strength to the full.     materials.                                                                  December 2023 PrintWeek MENA 23
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