Page 29 - PWM2023_December EBook
P. 29


      Flint Group’s Evolution                                             UPM Pulp, UPM Timber,
                                                                          IN BRIEF

      products now available                                              UPM Communication
                                                                          Papers, and UPM Biofuels
                                                                          are set to start change
                                                                          negotiations on around
                                                                          2,200 possible temporary
        Following its successful                   strate is broken down into   layoffs. A  statement
                                                                          released by the group on
      European launch during                       flakes. This ensures that   Wednesday (22 November)
      Labelexpo in Brussels, Flint                 more than 99% of the mate-  said the negotiations are
      Group’s award-winning                        rial can be recycled into   being conducted to prepare for possible temporary adjust-
      Evolution products are now                   something new. In contrast,   ment of production in the Finnish units, “should the
                                                                          uncertainty in the operating environment continue”. It
      available for narrow web                     Evolution Varnish ensures   stated: “The change negotiations on possible temporary
      printers worldwide. The lat-                 that inks remain on the label   layoffs concern all UPM pulp mills, sawmills, and graphic
      est innovation includes Food                 during the caustic wash used   paper mills in Finland, as well as the Lappeenranta biore-
      Contact Material (FCM)                       in the recycling process. The   finery. The possible temporary layoffs could take place from
                                                                          1 January until 30 June 2024 in UPM Pulp, UPM Timber, and
      compliant technologies that                  varnish application avoids   UPM Biofuels and from 1 March until 31 August 2024 in UPM
      enhance shrink sleeves and                   contamination of the wash-  Communication Papers.
      label recyclability.  The range is available now  ing solution while not
        Evolution products, aptly   ously unrecyclable products   impacting the floatability of   The in-house print division
                                                                          for Formula One team
      named because they enable   can be reprocessed, poten-  the label, and therefore, the   Mercedes AMG-Petronas
      packaging to be reused in   tially  boosting  reclaimed   resulting quality of the   has supported its growth
      ever-evolving forms, are   material yield by up to 10%.  reclaimed material is signifi-  by producing external print
      designed to increase the yield   Evolution Deinking   cantly improved. The pro-  jobs on its Epson kit. The
                                                                          print facility is based in
      of material reclaimed from   Primer is applied to the sub-  tected ink can then be   Brackley alongside the
      the recycling process by ena-  strate before the ink and pro-  skimmed off with the floating   team’s technology centre
                            vides strong ink adhesion
      bling label material to be   throughout the life of the   label and directed to an alter-  that facilitates the design,
      recycled at the same time as a   label.  The Primer then ena-  native waste stream.   development, manufacturing, assembly, and general oper-
                                                                          ation of Championship-winning Formula One cars. The in-
      PET bottle without risk of   bles the ink to be released   The Evolution product   house print team has been using an Epson SureColor
      contamination. Using   (de-inked) into the recycling   range was previously   SC-S80600 signage printer for several years to carry out
      Evolution products, previ-  caustic wash and the sub-  launched in North America  most of the company’s printing requirements. It also oper-
                                                                          ates Epson’s resin printer, the SureColor SC-R5000. In addi-
       Latcham-Ricoh partnership                                          tion to supporting day-to-day business requirements, over
                                                                          time the Epson printers have facilitated new business
                                                                          opportunities for the facility.
        Latcham is taking on three  nue streams. The new   printers.      Mimaki’s 3DUJ-553 allows
      new printers from Ricoh to  machines will replace two   Latcham managing direc-  digital 3D asset creator and
      boost its uptime by 10% and  Xerox Nuvera DP314 print-  tor Mike Hughes said: “Ricoh   metaverse consultant
                                                   has been a trusted partner to   Fansea to bring unique
      increase its productivity. The  ers and a Xerox Nuvera              collectibles to life from the
      business is set to install a Pro   DP144 MiCR printer.  Latcham for almost a decade.  virtual world. In 2020,
                                                    Ricoh unveiled the Pro
      C9500 colour printer, a Pro   The company already runs   C9500 in August. The   through a combined keen
      8310 MICR magnetic toner   a Ricoh IP5000 continuous   machine has headline speeds   interest in cryptocurrency,
                                                                          innovation and football,
      mono device, and a Pro 8320  feed inkjet printer, two   of 115ppm or 135ppm with a   Alexander Schlicher founded 3D asset creator and web3 and
      mono printer in December to  Canon VarioPrint i300 col-  field speed upgrade  and   metaverse consultancy company, Fansea. Operating almost
                                                                          entirely in the digital world, Fansea gives avid sports fans
      enhance its operational effi-  our inkjet printers, and two   1,260mm long-sheet capabil-  and gamers the chance to own a digital clone of an iconic
      ciency and expand its reve-  Canon imagePress C850   ities.         artifact, through scanning and digitalising real-world
                                                                          objects. The user can then either keep this as a collectible,
      Carbon Balanced Printer status                                      have their digital avatar wear it in virtual spaces or collect
                                                                          and trade it on NFT market.

                                                                          Ingogroup in Spain has achieved a remarkable 70% reduc-
        Micropress Printers has                     “We’ve identified that sus-  tion in energy consumption by transitioning to UV LED tech-
      added to its sustainability                  tainability is huge and it’s   nology, effectively managing expenses and simultaneously
      credentials by becoming a                    important to our clients and   advancing the company’s commitment to lower emissions.
      Carbon Balanced Printer via                  our clients’ clients,”   The Girona-based printer began using Flint Group’s
      the World Land Trust. The                    explained joint managing   EkoCure® Dual Cure four years ago to revolutionise its label
      firm already has a large solar                                      printing and invest in performance and sustainability.
      panel installation of 980                    director Rob Cross.Family-  Ingogroup selected EkoCure® Dual Cure because the range
      solar panels at its 6,500sqm                 owned Micropress offers   provided a “perfect match” for its ambition of reducing
      factory in Reydon, Suffolk,                  litho and digital printing for   energy costs and agilely transitioning from traditional UV to
      along with a biomass boiler.   Micropress Printers gains it  a range of products includ-  UV-LED-based printing. LED curing stations require only
        It has offered Carbon   and added the Carbon   ing magazines, books, bro-  half the installed power of incumbent UV mercury systems,
      Balanced Paper as an option   Balanced Printer accredita-  chures and leaflets and   enabling the business to realise energy savings of up to
      for customers for some time,   tion last week.   direct mail.       70%.                                                                  December 2023 PrintWeek MENA  27
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