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      Star product

      Ricoh Pro C9500

      Pro C9500 boasts a CMYK dry toner print engine with 2,400dpi resolution, says Simon Eccles

                                                                                     for longer stocks up to 960mm. Even longer
                                                                                     banner lengths can be handled up to 1.2m if
                                                                                     the optional Plockmatic feeder is pur-
                                                                                     chased. These maximum lengths can be
                                                                                     duplex printed, then handled at the output
                                                                                     end by the optional Plockmatic create-
                                                                                     trimmer. Another finishing option is the
                                                                                     GBC Streampunch. New fuser technology
                                                                                     improves image quality across the full range
                                                                                     of media. The gloss level of the toner can be
                                                                                     adjusted to match the media, from high
                                                                                     gloss through to matt for uncoated litho
                                                                                     grades. Some of the paper transfer hard-
                                                                                     ware has been changed, such as a larger and
                                                                                     harder nip drum and larger and softer
                                                                                     transfer rollers. There is better front-to-
                                                                                     back registration that takes different cover-
      What does it do?                                Pro C7500 announcement followed in   age (and so potentially uneven distortion)
      This is a new flagship dry toner digital        September. Heidelberg announced its ver-  into account.
      press in the Ricoh Pro C9xxx series,            sions in late September.       The digital front-end is still Fiery based, but
      replacing the C9200 first seen in 2018. It      Target markets for the Pro C9500 are much   on a more powerful platform. There are
      is a long-SRA3 format CMYK printer   Specifications  the same as for previous models: commer-  two options, for mid-range production and
      built for high volumes and duty cycles,   Colours CMYK  cial printers that need a solid reliable per-  VDP requirements. Workflows supported
      available in either 115ppm or 135ppm            former for high monthly volumes. Tim   include Ricoh’s own TotalFlow, but also
      configurations; for the first time from   Resolution VCSEL   Carter, commercial print director at Ricoh,   third parties such as Prinect and Prinergy
      Ricoh you can field upgrade from the   2,400x4,80dpi  says that the ROI will be “more aggressive”
      slower configuration to the faster. It has a    than the C9200. “Ricoh is going after litho   can be seamlessly integrated. A new C9500
      new print engine and significant   Speed 115 or 135ppm  markets with this new machine and wants   option is Auto Color Diagnosis, on-the-fly
      improvements to quality, speed, automa-  Monthly duty cycle   to make it attractive to printers considering   colour management that reads the charac-
      tion and media range. Ricoh followed up   up to 1m A4 pages  migrating into digital. The more cost effec-  teristics of each sheet and compares it to
      with the announcement of the Pro                tive it is, the quicker the migration will be.”  the original ripped file. If there is a differ-
      C7500, replacing the Pro C7200. This is   Max media size   The C7500 is likely to appeal to commercial   ence it automatically adjusts it for each
      slower than the C9500 at 75 or 95ppm,   330x960mm with   or inplant printers with lower volume   sheet. This is particularly relevant to brands
      while having the same quality character-  option for up to   needs, or those that would like to add value   that want to avoid varying appearances.
      istics, but with the option of a fifth unit   1.2m length  through the fifth unit’s choice of extra col-  A further option involves the new Auto
      for extra colours or embellishments.            ours and embellishments. Current toner   Color Adjuster, an ICC profile-based sys-
      Heidelberg will rebadge these presses as   Media weights   options are white, silver, gold, fluorescents   tem which can match appearance between
      the Versafire LP and LV, replacing its          or clear gloss.                different printers, even different processes
      2018 EP and EV models. Note too that   Footprint 2.5x1m                        such as digital-to-litho, or toner-to-inkjet.
      Ricoh is currently counting down to the         How does it work?
      European introduction of its B2 format          Carter says that improvements to the   What’s the USP?
      sheetfed inkjet press, the Pro Z75,             C9500 are a mix of technical progress
      towards the end of this year.                   together with responses to requirements   It’s a combination of the improved features,
                                                      identified in user feedback on earlier   automation and media handling together
      When was it announced and what                  machines, plus ideas about where markets   with support, according to Carter. “We are
      markets is it aimed at?                         are headed.  The core is a CMYK dry toner   number one in the high volume sector. We
      The Pro C9500 was announced at the              print engine with 2,400dpi resolution.   take a consultative approach with custom-
      beginning of August, with a UK introduc-        Image quality is improved and the media   ers, we have best-in-class service and post-
      tion at Ricoh’s Print Evolution Live event in   handling is beefed-up for a wider range of   sales support – it’s all about partnerships
      Telford at the beginning of October. The        stocks – 40-470gsm – as well as provision  with our customers.”
                          “The Pro C9500 was announced at the beginning of August 2023.”

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