Page 25 - PWM2024_JUNE EBOOK
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                                                              them on their journey. Such help can   live animals. We got the opportunity
                                                              be invaluable as can introduce a new   to quote for their packs, and to be
                                                              set of network contacts who can fast   honest haven’t looked back since.
                                                              track an individual much more effec-  Sometimes you just need a little bit of
                                                              tively than if they were doing it alone.   luck, and that was ours.”
                                                              Seek and ye shall find or as this proud   Growing together
                                                              Yorkshireman puts it, “if tha dunt
                                                              ask, tha dunt get”.          The company now works for chari-
                                                                                         ties in the UK, Netherlands,
                                                              Liz Shackleton             Germany, Switzerland, France – and
                                                              Managing director, Jamm Print   Australia, which is another story.
                                                              and Production             Jamm has grown as its clients have
                                                               Jamm Print and Production was   grown and developed, adding new
                                                              established in 1995 and so will be 30   clients and new services to meet their
                                                              years old next year. It was set up by   needs, which gave Shackleton
                                                              Liz Shackleton who wanted to   greater control of schedules and
                                                              develop a service particularly aimed   quality. Jamm now runs litho and
                                                              at the not-for-profit sector. “I didn’t   digital printing kit, it has basic finish-
                                                              find anywhere doing that as I wanted   ing capabilities – guillotine, folders,
                                                              – so I set up Jamm, together with a   stitching line – in-house, along with
                                                              friend who was an accountant and   laser and inkjet printers, card print-
                                                              had a whole raft of experience in the   ers and significant data processing
                                                              community and charity fields,” she   options.
                                                              says.                        Turn challenge into opportunity
                                                                                           By the time Brexit came along, a
                                                              Developing the right experience  lot of Jamm’s revenue was coming
                                                               She had previously worked as pro-  from Europe. “Those customers
                                                              duction manager at Caledonian Press   made up a significant amount of our
                                                              in London during which time she   work and we were determined that
                                                              was involved in setting up direct mail   the hard work we had put in to
                                                              fundraising for the African National   develop relationships with them was
                                                              Congress – this was while Nelson   not going to go to waste. So at that
                                                              Mandela was still in prison. “This   point we set up Jamm Print &
                                                              fundraising initiative was led by the   Production Europe, based in
      team”. At this point he comments that it will be interesting to see how Elon   amazing Lyndall Stein who taught   Prague.” Although production man-
                                                                                         agement and data processing is often
      Musk does in the long-term as he fears “his people skills will ultimately lead   me such a lot about what matters to   handled by the company’s UK staff,
                                                              non-profit organisations when they
      to not a very happy life for him or those around him, which ultimately is   fundraise through the mail.”  production is based in the EU. “We’re
      what winning is about – enhancing people’s lives”.                                 growing there, with locally recruited
                                                              Shared values              clients joining long-standing ones in
      Avoid ‘yesmen’                                           “In 1995 People for the Ethical   the UK.”
       Another tip for Biltcliffe is to listen: “We’ve all been in organisations   Treatment of Animals (PETA)   Adapt and overcome
      where you get group think, and this is a very destructive and dangerous posi-  started to fundraise in the UK,
                                                                                           When one client set up in
      tion to be in.” He’s of the view that diversity of opinion is essential for long-  Germany and the Netherlands, and   Australia, it asked Jamm to provide
      term success and realising that it is the “strength of the team, not the   sent a leading US fundraiser to the   services for it there. “We developed a
                                                              UK to set up the campaign, who con-
      strength of the individual that will lead to long-term business achievement”.   tacted me, on the recommendation   slightly different model in Australia,
      By the same token, Biltcliffe says to avoid the sense of invincibility. Harvey   of Lyndall. I’d never heard of PETA,   emphasising donor services handled
      Weinstein (Miramax), Adam Neumann (WeWork), Dennis Muilenburg   but we arranged a meeting.    by a brilliant team who have a great
      (Boeing) are typical of those that have fallen from grace for this reason.   “I was late. I had that morning   reputation for the work they do.”
      Interestingly, Biltcliffe contends that “the vast majority of those who have   been on a protest against the live   And this has been followed by an
      an over-inflated ego which leads to a path of destruction are men”. He reiter-  export of sheep and lambs, and the   expansion into the US market: “We
      ates that “having a diverse and empowered team at the very top around you   traffic back from the Kent coast was   have just started Jamm Print and
      is essential to mitigating this”.                       heavier than anticipated. I apolo-  Production in the US. Again, this was
                                                              gised profusely and explained why I   client-led, as we have two charities
      To end                                                  was late – and not exactly dressed for   we work for in the UK who required
                                                              a business meeting – and learned   our service to grow their support in
       Biltcliffe’s parting advice is clear. Through LinkedIn, contact those that   very quickly who PETA were and   the US. That is very much in its
      are admired within the industry who are at the very top. He says that it’s sur-  what they stand for, which of course   infancy, but hopefully will start
      prising how much time successful people give to young talent to support   included opposition to the export of   growing soon.”                                                                     June 2024  PrintWeek MENA 25
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