Page 23 - PWM2024_JUNE EBOOK
P. 23


      Canon and The Drum                                                  Qcells, one of the world’s
                                                                          IN BRIEF

      collaborate                                                         leading clean energy com-
                                                                          panies, and Lumet, pro-
                                                                          ducer of ultrafine-line
                                                                          metallization systems,
        Canon has announced the                   so  marketing  efforts  have   today announced that
      next steps in its ‘Creative                 been focused on driving new   Qcells will become the
                                                                          world’s first PV solar com-
      Futures’ project in collabora-              subscriber acquisition.   pany to deploy Lumet’s
      tion with The Drum. The                      The business’ mission to   disruptive fine-line metallization technology for its PV solar
      project gives UK-based start-               reduce plastic waste through   cell lines. Qcells currently operates the largest solar module
      ups an opportunity to cata-                 reusable packaging, as well as   factory of its kind in the United States and has announced
      pult their marketing with                   its previous marketing cam-  the largest investment in U.S. solar history to build a com-
      individualised print and the                paigns and interest in cus-  plete and sustainable solar supply chain in America. The
      help of a team of industry                  tomer-centric, omnichannel   explosive adoption of solar power around the world has
                                                                          been driven by society’s need to replace its dependence on
      experts. Having won the                     marketing impressed  the   fossil fuels with clean renewable energy. Today, solar is the
                                                  judges. Nick Torday,
      pitch to participate, startup               Co-Founder and CEO, Bower   fastest growing power source on the planet, a result of the
      Bower Collective will experi-  ‘Creative Futures’ project  Collective, comments, “We   industry’s relentless quest to enhance solar cell efficiency
      ence the power of a dedi-  Partnership, Join the Dots,  were absolutely delighted to   and lower production costs.
      cated, customer-centric   Herdify, Jicmail, Latcham,  win the ‘Creative Futures’
      omnichannel campaign,   Royal Mail Marketreach and  prize. Not only do we get the   Mumbai-based trade shop,
      backed by a multi-stake-  Autlay.           opportunity  to  run a free   Numex Blocks, has become
                                                                          the first in Asia to invest in
      holder agency collaboration,   Bower Collective, a pro- prospecting campaign with a   SHINE LED Lamp Kits, inno-
      bridging print and digital   vider of natural household  fantastic multi-stakeholder   vated by Miraclon. Owner
      channels.             products in reusable packag- collaboration of agency and   Nitin Patel made the final
        The team of industry   ing won the pitch to partici- commercial partners, but we   decision to invest in SHINE
      experts supporting the cam-  pate after a face-to-face  are also learning loads as a   LED Lamps to retrofit to his
      paign are Canon, The Drum,  presentation to Canon and  startup expanding our own   two exposure units at drupa 2024, and says “the faster
      Nutshell Creative, The   The Drum. Its core business  marketing capabilities and   exposure times, better plate consistency, reduced waste
                                                                          and obvious cost benefit of not having to replace the two
      Strategic Mailing     is a refill subscription service,  expertise.”  exposure units with new ones, made it an easy decision.”
      Mimaki’s carton ink cartridges                                      The company has, over the years, continuously invested in
                                                                          new, leading-edge technologies to ensure it keeps its com-
                                                                          petitive advantage as a leading flexo-focused trade shop.
        Mimaki Engineering Co.  were initially introduced to   By transitioning from plas-  “We like to keep abreast of the latest technology to ensure
      Ltd. has announced the  the Japanese market in May  tic to paper, Mimaki has   we keep growing.”
      global launch of its carton ink  2023, and roll-out to the rest   achieved a remarkable 68%   Towards the end of last
      cartridges. This revolution-  of the world starts as of now.   reduction in plastic usage per   year, HP announced the
      ary move replaces traditional  Availability  in  the  EMEA   cartridge. This innovative   launch of its new HP
      plastic cartridges with an  market is expected this sum-  approach  is projected to   DesignJet T850 and T950
                                                                          plotter series, pledging to
      environmentally friendly  mer. Designed for use in   eliminate approximately 44   help architects improve
      paper alternative, marking a  Mimaki’s eco-solvent print-  tons of plastic and 65 tons of   the quality of their printed
      significant stride towards  ers, these cartridges retain  CO2 emissions annually   output and generally make
      sustainability in the printing  exceptional performance   underscoring Mimaki   life easier when it comes to
                                                                          printing plans and other technical pieces. Six months on,
      industry.             while significantly reducing   Engineering’s commitment   the series has proved a hit, with the HP DesignJet T950
        The carton ink cartridges  environmental impact.  to a greener future.  multifunction plotter one of the most popular machines in
                                                                          the new range, having already been purchased and put to
      HP’s customer for Indigo 120K                                       work by companies worldwide. There is also the ability to
                                                                          print in sizes ranging from A0 to A4, allowing those in the
                                                                          architectural sector to produce a far wider range of pieces.
        A publishing company has                   from Limego, said: “Our
      become the first beta cus-                   beta testing of the HP Indigo   At drupa 2024, as part of its campaign ‘The Power to Move’,
      tomer worldwide to install                   120K Digital Press has truly   Canon was showcasing the possibilities of elevated printing
      the HP Indigo 120K Digital                   transformed the way we   through the World Unseen exhibition, demonstrating its
                                                                          emotional impact and how imaging experiences and print,
      Press. Germany-based                         operate our business here at   can enrich lives and businesses.  From 5th to 7th April 2024,
      Limego is a fully digital pub-               Limego.                in partnership with the RNIB, Canon Europe invited blind,
      lishing house that doesn’t                    “We are now able to pro-  partially sighted and sighted people to its World Unseen
      run any offset presses. It pre-              duce everything in-house   exhibition. Held at Somerset House, the exhibition invited
                                                                          visitors to experience imagery by world-renowned photog-
      viously used to outsource its   First beta customer for the press  with a true offset conversion   raphers in an immersive and accessible way. Each image
      long runs to offset specialists              thanks to the speed and pro-  was accompanied by audio descriptions and experiential
      but will now be able to keep   Hall 17 during Drupa at  ductivity that this new and   soundscapes, as well as elevated prints of the photography
      all activity in-house.   Messe Düsseldorf, Dirk   innovative digital press   and braille descriptions, produced on the Arizona 2300
      Speaking at the HP booth in   Reinhardt, board member   offers.”    FLXflow using PRISMAelevate XL software.                                                                      June 2024 PrintWeek MENA 23
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