Page 24 - PWM2024_JUNE EBOOK
P. 24


      The route to


      For any one of a myriad of reasons, certain people
      manage to rise above others. But what makes a
      great leader – someone who is successful in their
      chosen field, a person that is revered and admired,
      and an individual who is known as an achiever?, by
      Adam Bernstein
      T                           saw, what we would now recognise
              ake Robert (later Lord)
                                  as a Kindle. He says that it “blew my
              Gavron, who founded St
              Ives in 1964 with £5,000
                                  mind” and he went back to the group
              and went on to make a for-
                                  to talk about the device.
              tune for himself and many  Unfortunately, the company didn’t
              others in the industry as
      the company grew into the pre-emi-  share his vision, so he left to set up his
                                  own business, Webmart, in 1996.
      nent printer of the time. The group
      was floated on the stock market in  Rising to prominence
      1985, the same year it acquired Clays.   Biltcliffe is a firm believer in peo-
      He was made a Labour peer in 1999.   ple rising to prominence through a
      Or what about Felix Dennis, who, as a   mixture of innate talent, support
      child, lived in his grandparents’ tiny   from peers and family, tenacity, and
      terrace house with “no electricity, no   in some way, the desire to succeed.
      indoor lavatory or bathroom ... no   However, he also reckons that there
      electric light, but gas and candles”.   is an element of luck – “as the old
      And went of to found his eponymous   adage goes in sales, the harder you
      publishing business, and become a   work the luckier you get”. This is why   great store in “having a trusted network around you to test ideas and to give
      billionaire. In seeking an understand-  he thinks that “there has also to be   sound advice”.
      ing of what makes an outstanding   strong self-belief because there are   Prerequisites
      leader in the world of print Adam   many obstacles that have to be over-
      Bernstein sought the advice of five   come to be successful... it is never a   Biltcliffe holds that individuals need certain prerequisites to be success-
      people in the industry who have   linear journey. Resilience is key”.  ful. He lists these as intellect, interpersonal empathy, and being trustwor-
      achieved.                     It’s logical that he sees success   thy. He also believes in a mixture of nature and nurture along with “people
                                  allied to risk. In particular, Biltcliffe   believing in you early on in your career… we are all riven with self-doubt at
      Simon Biltcliffe            recognises that there is always risk in   certain times.”
      Founder and executive chair-  business. For this reason he believes   He also emphasises the importance of building a network that can be
      man, Webmart                it is important “to be tolerant of   called upon during good times – and bad – for an alternative perspective.
        Biltcliffe’s journey into the print   uncertainty as innovation, by its very   He knows that building such a network takes time but says that “if you
      industry was, he says, “an easy one”   characteristic, is often counter-intui-  think of business as a game of snakes and ladders, your network helps you
      in that he applied for a job in a news-  tive and risky. There has to be a high   find the ladders and avoid the snakes. It’s a much more efficient way of get-
      paper which happened to be with a   degree of failure otherwise it   ting where you need to be”.
      printer, one of Robert Maxwell’s   wouldn’t be innovative.”
      companies as it happens. He notes   But what makes a notable leader in   Problem solving and managing people
      that at the time, “it was a very pro-  Biltcliffe’s eyes? He cites a combina-  So, are successful business leaders innately good at problem solving and
      gressive organisation and Kathy   tion of people skills, drive determina-
      Woodward, who later became the   tion and luck.           managing people, or are they just bloody-minded people who refuse to take
      chief executive of the BPIF, obviously   On top of that Biltcliffe suggests a   ‘no’ for answer?
      spotted something in me and put me   knack for good timing; an idea   From Biltcliffe’s perspective, being able to work as a team and put the
      on a directorship course for the   brought to market too early won’t be   effort in are essential. As he highlights, “you need to bring everybody along
      group.” Sometime later, Biltcliffe   adopted so reading the market is   with you wherever possible; I wouldn’t say successful leaders are bloody
      was sent to Japan where in 1993, he   another key skill. Here he places   minded because this only lasts for a time and quite quickly you can lose the

      24 PrintWeek MENA June 2024                                                       
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